Agenda Mis Mawrth 2019 March Agenda
CLERC / CLERK, Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan Dinbych LL16 5DA
Tel: 01745870744 e-bost. Click to email
1. Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies.
2 Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad Llywodraeth Leol / Declarations of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct.
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion pwyllgor blaenorol Y Cyngor, (13/02/19) / Confirm minutes of the previous Council meeting (13/02/19)
4. Materion yn codi or cofnodion, / Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sir, / County Councillors monthly report.
Gohirior Rheolau Sefydlog ,/ Suspend the Standing Orders.
6. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor / Publics opportunity to present statements.
Rheolau Sefydlog Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council.
21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd .
21.3 Rhoir ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud i roddi eu datganiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu derbyn gan y Clerc yn gynharach ( 48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod ) a gaiff eu trafod.
21.3 Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand (no less than 48 hours before the meeting)
Adfer Rheolau Sefydlog, / Reinstate Standing Orders.
7. Cyllid / Finance. Balans Banc / Statements of Bank Accounts. 01/03/2019
Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts, £14,772-96
Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts, £17,013-64 Cyfanswm / Total. £31,786-60
Taliadau / Payments.
7.1 15/02/19 Debyd Uniongyrchol,T T& B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Post Rent £151-66
7.2 31/02/19 Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the Community.
7.3 22/02/19 Cyfieithu Cymunedol, Cyfarfod 13/02/19 Meeting. £78-20
7.4 13/03/19 Cadarnhau taliad Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau,Groes (3ydd taliad 2018/19)
Confirm Payment to Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau,Groes.(3rd payment 2018/19) £650-00
7.5 11/03/19 18 Debyd Uniongyrcho l/ Standing Order, British Gas. Trydan / Electricity, Siop Canol
Llan, Llansannan , (13/11/18 18/02/19) £195.72
7.5 13/03/19 Un Llais Cymru/One Voice Wales.Tal aelodaeth / Membership 2019/20 £187-00
7.6 13/03/19 CATalyst Systems (North Wales) Laptop £620-40
Cyfanswm Taliadau / Payments Total £1,882-98
Derbyniadau / Receipts
7.7 06/02/19 Y Gadlas Rhent / Rent 01/10/18 31/12/18 £180-00
7.8 12/02/19 A L Shamas (NW)Ltd Rhent Swyddfa Post office rent 01/08/18 30/09/18 £140-00 Cyfanswm Derbyniadau/Total Receipts £320-00
Siecau heb eu Cyflwyno / Cheques not presented 200408 £91-96
Taliadau / Payments. 01/04/2018-06/02/2019: £26,819-44 ( Section 137 [£7.57} £1,950-00
Derbyniadau / Receipts, 01/04/2018-06/02/2019: £28,239-38
Taliadau: Adolygiad cyllideb ar gyfer Mawrth 2019 / Review of Budget for March 2019. T T& B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Post Rent £151.66. Cyfieithu / Translation £78-20. Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau, Groes £650. British Gas. £195.72 Cyfanswm / TotaL, £1,075-58
Amcangyfrif Derbyniadau misoedd uchod / Estimated Receipts for above month, £0-00
8. Rhybudd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio /Notice of applications for Planning Permission
Dim ceisiadau hyd at 7 fed Mawrth / No applications at 7th March.
9. Gohebiaeth / Correspondence
9.1 12/02/19 Elen Owen, Merched y Wawr Llansannan. Cawgiau blodau / Flower troughs.
9.2 23/02/19, Cyng Meurig Davies. Holi ydwi os ydych yn gwybod pryd mae y coed sydd o amgylch y cae chware yn Maes Aled yn cael eu torri hyd at y 5 neu 6 troedfedd? Ar hyn o bryd does dim byd wediw wneud oni bai an ychydig o ganghenau oedd yn dod dros y ffens
Maintenance issues at Childrens Playing Field Maes Aled Llansannan..
9.3 01/03/19 Conwy Local Action Group <Click to email>
10. Unrhyw fater arall, / Any other business.
10.1 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Rheoliadau Ariannol / Review and adopt the Councils Financial Regulations.
10.2 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Cod Ymddygiad Enghreiffitiol ar gyfer Aelodau ac Aelodau Cyfotholedig a hawliau pleideisiol./ Review and adopt the Model Code of Conduct for Members and Co-opted Members with voting rights.
10.3 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Cofrestr Asesiad Risc ,/ Review and adopt Risk Assesment Schedule
10.4 Scips Cymunedol / Community Skips ?
10.5 Cystadleuaeth Blodyn Haul Talaf are gyfer disglybion Ysgol Bro Aled Sunflower competition.
10.6 Adroddiad materion yn codi ar gyfer C C Llansannan diwedd Mawrth 2018; Derbyn a gweithredu ar y materion a godwyd . / Issues Arising Report for Llansannan C C Audit for the year ended 31st March 2018; To adopt and implement necessary action on the issues raised.
10.7 Eisteddfod yr Urdd Caerdydd a'r Fro 2019 / Urdd National Eisteddfod 2019
Sesiwn caeedig i drafod 10.8 10.9 a 10.10/ Closed meeting to discuss 10.8 10.9 and 10.10
10.8 Cynnigion torri glaswellt / Grass cutting Tenders.
10.9 Adolygu Cofresr Asedau / Review Asset Register.
10.10 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Rheolau Sefydlog / Review and adopt Standing Orders.
11. Unrhyw fater a ddygwyd i sylwr Clerc cyn y cyfarfod, /Any issues brought to the Clerks
attention prior to the meeting.
12. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor / Confirm date and venue of next Council.
Ebrill 10fed 2019/ 10th April 2019
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