Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cyngor / Council

Gwybodaeth am y Cyngor, eich Cynghorwyr, dyddiau cyfarfodydd, Agendas, Cofnodion a Pholisiau'r y Cyngor. lnformation about the Council, the Councillor, dates of meetings, Agendas, Minutes and the Council's policies.

Eich Cyngor, beth maen ei wneud yn lleol / Your Council, what it's doing locally website link Hysbysiad archwilio Hysbysiad o benodi'r dyddiad ar gyfer arfer hawliau etholwyr CYNGOR CYMDEITHAS LLANSANNAN. Y flwyddyn ariannol sy'n dod i ben 31 Mawrth 2024 1. Dyddiad cyhoeddi 16eg Mehefin 2024 2. Bob blwyddyn mae'r cyfrifon blynyddol yn cael eu harchwilio gan Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru. Cyn y dyddiad hwn, caiff unrhyw berson â buddiant gyfle i archwilio a gwneud copïau o'r cyfrifon a'r holl lyfrau, gweithredoedd, contractau, biliau, talebau a derbynebau ac ati sy'n ymwneud â hwy am 20 diwrnod gwaith ar rybudd rhesymol. Ar gyfer y flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben ar 31 Mawrth 2024, bydd y dogfennau hyn ar gael ar rybudd rhesymol wrth wneud cais i: Emrys Williams, Clerc, Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan e-bost > Click to email Ffon symudol 07876266339 rhwng oriau 9.00 y bore a 5.00 y prynhawn. o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener yn dechrau ar 01 Gorffennaf 2024 ac yn gorffen ar 26 Gorffennaf 2024 3. O 12 Medi 2024, hyd nes y bydd yr archwiliad wedi'i gwblhau, mae gan Etholwyr Llywodraeth Leol a'u cynrychiolwyr hefyd: • yr hawl i holi'r Archwilydd Cyffredinol am y cyfrifon. • yr hawl i fod yn bresennol gerbron yr Archwilydd Cyffredinol a gwneud gwrthwynebiadau i'r cyfrifon neu unrhyw eitem ynddynt. Yn gyntaf, rhaid rhoi rhybudd ysgrifenedig o wrthwynebiad i'r Archwilydd Cyffredinol. Rhaid rhoi copi o'r hysbysiad ysgrifenedig i'r cyngor hefyd. Gellir cysylltu â'r Archwilydd Cyffredinol drwy: Archwiliadau Cyngor Cymunedol, Archwilio Cymru, 1 Prifddinas-Chwarter, Stryd Tyndall, Caerdydd, CF10 4BZ neu drwy e-bost yn Click to email 1. Mae'r archwiliad yn cael ei gynnal o dan ddarpariaethau Deddf Archwilio Cyhoeddus (Cymru) 2004, Rheoliadau Cyfrifon ac Archwilio (Cymru) 2014 a Chod Ymarfer Archwilio Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru. Audit notice Notice of appointment of the date for the exercise of electors' rights LLANSANNAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL. Financial year ending 31 March 2024 1. Date of announcement, 16th June 2024. 2. Each year the annual accounts are audited by the Auditor General for Wales. Prior to this date, any interested person has the opportunity to inspect and make copies of the accounts and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts etc relating to them for 20 working days on reasonable notice. For the year ended 31 March 2024, these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to: Emrys Williams, Clerk, Llansannan Community Council. e-mail > Click to email mobile number, 07876266339 between the hours of 9.00 am and 5.00 pm on Monday to Friday commencing on 01 July 2024 and ending on 26 July 2024 3. From 12 September 2024, until the audit has been completed, Local Government Electors and their representatives also have: • the right to question the Auditor General about the accounts. • the right to attend before the Auditor General and make objections to the accounts or any item in them. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the Auditor General. A copy of the written notice must also be given to the council. The Auditor General can be contacted via: Community Council Audits, Audit Wales, 1 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZ or by email at Click to email 4. The audit is being conducted under the provisions of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004, the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 and the Auditor General for Wales' Code of Audit Practice.


Clerc/Clerk, Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan, Dinbych.
Symudol/mobile 07876266339 e-bost, Click to email
website link / website link


Elwyn Jones, Nant yr Hengoed, Groes 01745 550324 (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
David Morris, (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Ffion Clwyd Edwards, (Cyfethol / Co-opted)


Berwyn Evans, Gelli, Llwyn y Gibwst, Llansannan 01745870653 (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Trefor Roberts, Prysor, Llansannan. 01745 870683 (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Mr Meurig Davies, (Cadeirydd / Chairman) Bryn Celyn, Maes Aled, Llansannan 07799013106 (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Delyth Williams, Fron Deg, Ffordd Gogor, Llansannan 01745870513 (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Mrs Bethan Jones, Cysgod y Coed, Bryn Rhyd yr Arian, Llansannan LL16 5NR 01745870468 (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Miss Tammi Owen, Bron y Waun, Llanfairtalhaiarn, Abergele LL22 8YS. (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Mr Eifion M Jones, Y Gorlan 8 Maes Aled Llansannan LL16 5HT 07584413400 (Cyfethol / Co-opted)
Mrs Bethan L Evans, 1 Maes Grugor, Bylchau Dinbych. LL16 5NA (Cyfethol / Co-opted) 07917410944
Mr Trystan Lewis Y Rheithordy, Llanfairtalhaiarn, Abergele LL22 8ST e-bost / e-mail Click to email


Ionawr 10ed / January 10th

Chwefror 14eg / February 14th

Mawrth 13eg / March 13th

Ebrill 10fed / April 10th

Mai 15fed (Cyfarfod Blynyddol Cyffredinol) / May 15th (Annual General Meeting)

Mehefin 12ed / June 12th

Gorffennaf 10fed / July 10th

Awst / August Dim Cyfarfod / No Meeting

Medi 11eg / September 11th

Hydref 9fed / October 9th

Tachwedd 13eg / November 13th

Rhagfyr 11eg / December 11th
Agendas a Chofnodion / Agendas and Minutes
website link

Cofrestr o ddatganiadau o ddiddorddebau Aelodau / Register of declarations of Members interests
website link pennu’r dyddiad ar gyfer arfer hawliau etholwyr

Blwyddyn ariannol yn dod i ben ar 31 March 2023
1. Dyddiad cyhoeddi __20fed Mehefin 2023
2. Bob blwyddyn, archwilir y cyfrifon blynyddol gan Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cymru. Cyn y dyddiad hwn, mae unrhyw berson â diddordeb yn cael cyfle i archwilio a gwneud copïau o’r cyfrifon a’r holl lyfrau, gweithredoedd, contractau, biliau, talebau a
derbynebau ac yn y blaen sy’n ymwneud â hwy am 20 diwrnod gwaith ar rybudd rhesymol. Ar gyfer y flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben 31 Mawrth 2023, bydd y dogfennau hyn ar gael ar rybudd rhesymol ar gais i: Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan, Dinbych LL16 5DA
Rhwng yr oriau o 10 y bore a 5 y prynhawn o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener. Yn dechrau ar 3 Gorffennaf 2023 Ac yn dod i ben ar 28 Gorffennaf 2023
3. O 11 Medi 2023, hyd nes y bydd yr archwiliad wedi ei gwblhau, mae gan Etholwyr
Llywodraeth Leol a’u cynrychiolwyr hefyd:
• yr hawl i holi’r Archwilydd Cyffredinol ynglŷn â’r cyfrifon.
• yr hawl i ddod gerbron yr Archwilydd Cyffredinol a mynegi gwrthwynebiad i’r
cyfrifon neu unrhyw eitem ynddynt. Rhaid rhoi rhybudd ysgrifenedig o
wrthwynebiad i’r Archwilydd Cyffredinol yn gyntaf. Rhaid rhoi copi o’r rhybudd
ysgrifenedig hefyd i’r Cyngor.

Gellir cysylltu â’r Archwilydd Cyffredinol drwy: Archwiliadau Cynghorau Cymuned, Archwilio
Cymru, 1 Cwr y Ddinas, Stryd Tyndall, Caerdydd, CF10 4BZ neu drwy e-bost yn
Click to email
4. Cynhelir yr archwiliad o dan ddarpariaethau Deddf Archwilio Cyhoeddus (Cymru) 2004,
Rheoliadau Cyfrifon ac Archwilio (Cymru) 2014 a Chod Ymarfer Archwilio Archwilydd
Cyffredinol Cymru.

Notice of appointment of the date for the exercise of electors’ rights
Financial year ending 31 March 2023
1. Date of announcement 20th JUNE 2023
2. Each year the annual accounts are audited by the Auditor General for Wales. Prior to this date, any interested person has the opportunity to inspect and make copies of the accounts and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts etc relating to them for 20 working days on reasonable notice. For the year ended 31 March 2023, these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to: Emrys Williams (Clerk) Groesffordd,Henllan, Denbigh LL16 5DA
between the hours of 10am and 5.00pm on Monday to Friday
commencing on 3 July 2023
and ending on 28 July 2023
3. From 11 September 2023, until the audit has been completed, Local Government Electors and their representatives also have:
• the right to question the Auditor General about the accounts.
• the right to attend before the Auditor General and make objections to the accounts or any item in them. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the Auditor General. A copy of the written notice must also be given to the council.
The Auditor General can be contacted via: Community Council Audits, Audit Wales, 1 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff, CF10 4BZ or by email at Click to email
4. The audit is being conducted under the provisions of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004, the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 and the Auditor General for Wales’ Code of Audit Practice.

Llinnell Ymateb llifogydd 24awr
24 hour flood response

Dogfennau (yn cynnwys cyfrifon a datganiadau a hysbysebion cyhoeuddus) / Documents (including accounts, statements and public notices) website link
website link

Materion Cynllunio / Planning Matters
website link

Rheolau Sefydlog / Standing Orders
website link

website link

Polisiau Cwynion / Complaints Policy website link

Adroddad yr Ombwdsmon / Ombudsman's Report
website link

Cwyno yn erbyn eich Cyngor
Manylion Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus i Gymru
Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus i Gymru,
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae,
CF35 5LJ

Rhif ffon galwadau am ddim 08456010987
website link

Complaining against your Council
Details of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae,
CF35 5LJ

Freephone 08456010987
website link

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 71 click throughs, 55667 views since start of 2024