CYNGOR CYMDEITHAS LLANSANNAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL >Click to email< Clerc, Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan, Dinbych LL16 5DA mob.07876266339
1.Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies Arwyddor Gofrestr / Sign Register.
2. Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad: Llywodraeth Leol /Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct.
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion Pwyllgor,
4. Materion yn codi or cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sirol / County Councillors monthly report.
6. Gohebiaeth Cyffredinol / General Correspondence.
Gohirio Rheolau Sefydlog / Suspend Standing Orders. 7. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor / Publics opportunity to present statements.Rheolau Sefydlog Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Standing Orders.21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd. 21.3 Rhoir ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud I roddi eu datgaiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu derbyn gan y Clerc yn gynharach (48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod) a gaiff eu trafod./Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand (No less than 48hrs before the meeting) Adfer Rheolau Sefydlog / Reinstate Standing Orders. 8. Cyllid / Finance. Balans Banc cyfnod diweddu 31/10/2024
Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts,
£2,492.12 Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts, £8,589.20 Cyfanswm / Total £11,081.32
3 DR,HSBC Costau Banc-Bank Charges (Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts) hyd 19/10/24 £11.00
Cymeradwyo ag arwyddo balansiau banc cyfnod yn diweddu / To approve and sign bank balance sheets for period ending Taliadau / Payments 8.1 DD/DU, British Gas, Trydan Swyddfa Post Llansannan24/09 28/10 /24 £55.21
8.2 DR,HSBC Costau Banc- Cyfrif y Dreth hyd 19/08/24 £10.00
8.3 Cyfieithu Cymunedol Community Translation, 200679 £54.60
8.4 PAYE / Class1 National Insurance contributions. Payment period; Month 06 (06/09 05/10/2024) 200683 £418.60
8.5 SO / RhS, T T & B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa £238.33
8.6 CBS Conwy CBC Rhaglen Haf Gwledig Chwaraeon Ffit Conwy Rural Summer Sports Ffit Conwy 200681 £800.00
8.7 Cyflog Clerc, 01/07/2024 30/09/2024 £648.72 + £648.92 + £648.72 200682 £1,946.36
Derbyniadau / Receipts: 8.8 CBS Conwy, Ad-daliad llwybrau Community footpath maintenance refund £440.00
8.9 Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno / Unpresented cheques: 200677 £833.00
Taliadau iw cymeradwyo / Payments to be confirmed. 8.10 Archwilio Cymru-Audit Wales Ffioedd Archwilio 2022/23 Audit Fees £265.00 8.11 Y Lleng Brydeinig Frenhinol The Royal British Legion. The Poppy Appeal £25.00 8.12 Arfon Wynne,
8.13 Cysoniad Banc / Bank reconciliation. Cyfrif Y Dreth Council Account, 31/10/2024. Taliadau / Payments, £17,258.82 Derbyniadau / Receipts, £15,985.17 Cyfrif H G Owen Account, 31/10/2024 Taliadau / Payments, £5,068.80
9. Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio / Notice of application for Planning Permission.
9.1 18/10/2024. Cyfeirnod: 0/52055 Ymgeisydd: Mr Ian Davies Dwyrain: 296625 Gogledd: 363536 Cynllun: To dros y gladdfa silwair bresennol Safle: Wenallt Uchaf Wenallt Road Bylchau Llansannan LL16 5LU Sylwadau 08/11/2024 Reference: 0/52055 Applicant: Mr Ian Davies Easting: 296625 Northing: 363536 Proposal: Roof over existing silage clamp Location: Wenallt Uchaf, Wenallt Road, Bylchau, Llansannan, LL16 5LU Representations 08/11/2024 9.2 29/10/2024 Cyfeirnod: 0/52082 Ymgeisydd: Mr Brett Jones, Cynllun: Dymchwel yr estyniadau presennol ac adeiladu estyniad deulawr newydd, wal gynnal newydd ac adeiladu garej ar wahân ac addasiadau i'r fynedfa gerbydau. Safle: 2 Pen Y Banc, Tan Y Fron, Conwy LL16 5NP LL16 5NP Sylwadau 19/11/2024 Reference: 0/52082 Applicant: Mr Brett Jones, Proposal: Demolition of existing extensions and erection of replacement two storey extension, replacement retaining wall and erection of detached garage and alterations to vehicular access. Location: 2 Pen Y Banc, Tan Y Fron, Conwy LL16 5NP Representations, 19/11/2024
10. Gohebiaeth Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy / Conwy CBC Correspondence,
11. Ceisiadau am grant / Application for grants. 11.1 Eglwys Sannan Church. Project / Pwrpas y cais: Oel ir tanc. Cyfansymiaur Prosiect £500.00
12. Materion ddygwyd i sylwr clerc / Issues presented to the clerk. 12.1 Mae cytundeb gyda Nwy Prydain yn dod i ben dechrau Ionawr 2025.
Oes posib ei gynnwys ar Agenda Mis Tachwedd er cael barn y n Cynghorwyr ar ei adnewyddu. British Gas Contract expires January 2025
13. Materion yr Archwilydd Mewnol ac Allanol / Internal and External Audit.
14. Materion CBS Conwy CBC Issues. 14.2 Praesept Cynghorau Cymuned / Community Council Precepts,13/12/24
15. Materion Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government Issues.
15.1 Gwasanaeth bws Fflecsi. - Ken Skates MS to Llyr Huws Gruffydd MS - Thank you for your e-mail of 25 September regarding an extension of the operating zone of the service to Llansannan. I can confirm that Transport for Wales (TfW), who co-ordinate the development of fflecsi bus initiative across Wales, are currently reviewing the operating zone of the Denbigh scheme. Officials have forwarded your suggestion to TfW to consider as part of this work. The service is funded and contracted by Denbighshire County Council, so we would also need to seek their agreement to any changes to this service. Officials have asked TfW to keep you updated on any further changes to this service directly going forwards.
15.2 Swm priodol o dan adran 137(4)(a)o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 -terfyn gwariant adran 137 ar gyfer 2025-26
Dyma eich hysbysu mair swm priodol at ddibenion adran 137(4)(a) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 1972 (Deddf 1972) ar gyfer Cynghorau Cymuned a Thref yng Nghymru ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2025-26 yw £11.10. Appropriate Sum under Section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 - Section 137 Expenditure Limit for 2025-26 This is to notify you that the appropriate sum for the purposes of section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 (the 1972 Act) for Community and Town Councils in Wales for the financial year 2025-26 is £11.10
16. Ystyried y materion a ganlyn. / Review following issues. 16.1 Update on Post Office rent payments.
01/08/2024 Derbyn / Received, £420.00 A L Shamas(NW) Llansannan P/O Rent. Cyfnod 01/01/2023 i 30/06/2023
17. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad Cyfarfod Y Cyngor-11eg Rhagfyr 2024
Confirm date and venue of October Council meeting 11th December 2024
AGENDA MIS TACHWEDD 2024 NOVEMBER AGENDA Statistics: 0 click throughs, 56 views since start of 2025