B-B-Q a Twrnament Bowlio / Bowls Tournament and B-B-Q
Castell gwynt i'r rhai bach
Bouncy Castle for the little ones
Cyfle i gael tro ar y lawnt
An opportunity to have a go on the green
Alwen yn dangos sut i fowlio i rai di brofiad
Alwen showing the inexperienced how to bowl
Gyfle i gael tamaid o fwyd a sgwrs efo ffrindiau
An opportunity to have a bite to eat and a chat with friends
Gwagu'r gwynt o'r castell ar ddiwedd y p'nawn.
Emptying air from the castle at the end of the afternoon.
B-B-Q a Twrnament Bowlio / Bowls Tournament and B-B-Q Statistics: 0 click throughs, 567 views since start of 2025
B-B-Q a Twrnament Bowlio / Bowls Tournament and B-B-Q
Ennillwr y Twrnament bowlio Dydd Sadwrn yr 28ain o Fai 2011 oedd Rhoswen Williams. Curodd Emrys Owen o 15 i 11. Yn y llun (or dde i'r chwith) mae Dave Woodfinden, Emrys Owen, Rhioswen Williams a Robert D. Owen. 'Roedd nawdd o £150.00 wedi ei dderbyn fel nawdd gan Chwaraeon Conwy i gynnal y digwyddiad ac mae ein diolch yn fawr iddynt. Cafwyd p'nawn braf a hwyliog a da oedd gweld cynifer o bobl lleol yn ein cefnogi.
The winner of the Bowls Tournament held on Saturday the 28th May 2011 was Rhoswen Williams who beat Emrys Owen by 15 to 11. In the piccture (left to right) are Dave Woodfinden, Emrys Owen, Rhoswen Williams and Robert D. Owen. Sponsership of £150.00 had been obtained from Sports Conwy in support of the event and we thank them for their support. A fine and entertaining afternoon was had by all.. We thank you all for your support.