Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled


Presennol. Cynghorwyr:Delyth Williams(Is-Gadeirydd) Trefor Roberts, Elwyn Jones, David Morris, Berwyn Evans, Tammi Owen, Eifion M Jones,
Aelodau o’r Cyhoedd, Cynghorydd Sirol Trystan Lewis, Lauren Johnson, William Ward, Andy Blackwell, Henry Ward, Emrys Williams, (Clerc)

1.Ymddiheuriadau, Cynghorwyr Meurig Davies, Bethan Jones,
2.Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad: Llywodraeth Leol. Cynghorydd Delyth Williams. 8. Cyllid,Taliadau, 8.4

3. Cadarnhau cofnodion. Cyfarfod Y Cyngor gynhaliwyd ar y 10fed o Ionawr 2024
Penderfynwyd, Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod 10fed o Ionawr 2024 yn gofnod cywir. 4. Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion.

5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sir: Derbyniwyd crynhodeb o gyfarfodydd a gweithgareddau a fynychwyd yn ystod y mis diwethaf.
Yn ogystal cyflwynodd y Cynghorydd yr ymateb dderbyniodd gan GBS Conwy ynghylch y cais gan y Cyngor Cymuned i gael llinellau melyn ar yr A544 gyferbyn a rhes dai Llain Hiraethog, Llansannan.’Roedd yr ymateb yn cyflwyno amlinelliad o’r broses gyfreithiol fydd yn ofynnol i’w ganlyn os bwriedir gyrru ymlaen gyda’r cais. Penderfynwyd: Gyrru’n mlaen gyda’r cais.

6. Gohebiaeth. 6.1 Pennaeth y Gyfraith a Llywodraethu CBS Conwy. Rhoddwyd eglurhad gan y clerc ar drafodaeth a fu rhyngddo a’r Pennaeth ynglyn a hysbsebu Cyfarfodydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn dilyn sylwadau gan aelod o’r etholaeth ar y mater.

7. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor.Cyflwynodd Mr Ward ei hyn fel perchenog newydd Tafarn Yr Heliwr. Diolchodd i’r Pwyllgor am y croeso a gafodd ef a’i deulu i’r cyfarfod ac hefyd i’r Cynghorydd E M Jones am gyfieithu ar y pryd iddynt.

8. Cyllid. Balans Banc cyfnod diweddu 31ain Ionawr,2024.Cyfrif y Dreth, £5,839.76. Cyfrif H G Owen Account £14,478.00
Cyfanswm £20,317.76

8.1 DD/DU, British Gas, Trydan Swyddfa Post Llansannan Post Office Electricity 8/11/-7/12/23 £148.16
8.2 DR, HSBC Costau Banc-(Cyfrif y Dreth hyd 19/12/23 £12.00
8.3 Cronfa Henoed Plwyf Y Bylchau. Siec rhif, 200652 £500.00
8.4 SO / RhS,T T & B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost £238.33
8.5 Hamilton Security Systems, Siec rhif, 200654 £132.00
8.6 HM Revenue & Customs, (Cyfnod taliad 03. 6 Oct 2023 i 5 Ionawr 2024) Siec rhif, 200656 £490.80
8.7 Archwilio Cymru, Ffioedd Archwilio. 2021/22, 200653 £265.00
8.8 DD/DU, British Gas, Trydan Swyddfa Post Llansannan 08/12-06/01/24 £134.84
Derbyniadau: 0.00
Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno: 200655 £1874.16

Taliadau a gymeradwywyd. 8.9 09/01/24. Hamilton Security Systems Ltd. Call out to fault on CCTV system. £100.00+£20.00 TAW.£120.00
8.10 Arfon Wynne, Llwybrau,£457.55 Mynwent £205.76, Gwrychoedd +Srimio+Gritio llwybrau yn y Llan £200.98 £864.29
Penderfynwyd: Cymeradwyo fod y ffigyrau uchod yn gywir. Cymeradwywyd talu oll o’r taliadau

Taliadau 01/04/23 – 31/01/24 £25,830.10 Derbyniadau 01/04/23- 31/01/24 £24,351.73 Terfyn gwariant adran 137 ar gyfer 2024-25 ydi £10.81
9.Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio
9.1 Cyfeirnod: 0/51398 Ymgeisydd: Mr & Mrs Eifion and Beth Jones Dwyrain: Gogledd: Cynllun: Trosi garej a storfa bresennol yn anecs i'r prif annedd Safle: Cysgod Y Coed Llansannan To Pengwern Bryn Rhyd Yr Arian Llansannan Conwy LL16 5NR Sylwadau 13/02/2024 Penderfynwyd: Cefnogi’r cais. E-bostiwyd cefnogaeth i’r cais i Click to email ar y 15/02/2024.

10. Gohebiaeth Cyngor Bwrdeistref Conwy.

10.1 Gofynion Cynghorau Cymuned a Thref 2024/25 Town and Community Councils asks.

11 Ceisiadau am Grant.
11.1 Project name / What is the funding required for? Llansannan Childrens football. Rain Jackets (20) for the children and 2 Official Coach Jackets with Names on. Breakdown of costs: £25 + £59 + £618 Total costs (sum of the application) When will your project start? Today When will your project finish? N/A Description of the project we have set up a football training group of under 6 and under 7s, This provides a young children with extra health and fitness along with team working and team building. As we be training outside as much as possible the raincoats will enable this to happen. Latest financial statement (organisation) 0.00 fundraising in progress
Yn Dilyn trafodaeth, Penderfynwyd: Cymeradwyo grant o £500.00 i gronfa’r Clwb Pel-droed Plant yn Llansannan.
Nodwyd yr amodau canlynol i’r gymeradwyaeth o’r grant gan y Cyngor Cymuned.
1) Nid i roddi enwau personol y chwaraewyr ar y cotiau glaw. Roedd y Cynghorwyr o’r farn y byddai hyn yn galluogu i’r cotiau gael eu trosglwyddo’n mlaen i chwaraewyr newydd fydd yn ymuno a’r clwb yn y dyfodol.
2) I gael “Noddwyr: Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan” wedi ei argraffu ar y cotiau.
3) Nad oedd y Cyngor Cymuned yn gytun a thalu am siacedi i’r Hyfforddwyr.
11.2 Address : Waunarlwydd. Cockett. Swansea. SA2 0Zip/Postcode : SA2 0GB
Email : Click to email
Cyfeirwyd at bederfyniad mewn cyfarfod blaenorol ynglyn a chyfrannu i ceisiadau am grantiau gan fudiadau oddi allan i ddalgylch y plwyf. Penderfynwyd: Gadel y cais uchod ar y bwrddd.
11.3 Eisteddfod Bro Aled 2024; cais am gyfraniad ariannol ynghyd a thaflen banc yn diweddu 29ain Ioanawr 2024 a thaflen derbyniadau + taliadau eisteddfod 2023 Penderfynwyd: Grant o £500.00.

12 Materion ddygwyd i sylw’r clerc.
12.1 Ffens rhwng Mynwent y Plwyf a The Old School House.Derbyniwyd gwybodaeth fod difrod i’r ffens ar ol storm
Penderfynwyd ceisio am brisiau i atgyweirio.
13. Materion yr Archwilydd Allanol.

14. Materion CBS Conwy

14.1 Cyfethol ar gyfer seddi gwag yn Llansannan a Bylchau. Cynnigwyd Gemma O’Malley.

15. Materion Llywodraeth DU Cymru.

16. Materion a ystyriwyd.

17 Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad Cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor, 13eg Mawrth yn Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau.

Present:Cllrs Delyth Williams(Vice-Chair) Trefor Roberts, Elwyn Jones, David Morris, Berwyn Evans, Tammi Owen, Eifion M Jones,
Members of the public: County Cllr Trystan Lewis, Lauren Johnson, William Ward, Andy Blackwell, Henry Ward, Emrys Williams, (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Cllrs: Meurig Davies, Bethan Jones,

2. Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct: Cllr Delyth Williams. 8. Finance, Payments, 8.4

3. Confirm minutes of the Council’s 10th January 2024 meeting.
Resolved: Minutes of the meeting held on the 10th January 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.

4. Matters arising from the minutes.

5. County Councillor’s monthly report. County Cllr T Lewis presented a comprehensive report of meetings and also activities he’d attended during the past month. In addition he relayed to the committee the response he’d received from CBC Conwy regarding Llansannan C C’s request for double yellow lines on the A544 adjacent to Llain Hiraethog, Llansannan. The respond outlined the legal process necessary if the Community Council intended to proceed with the request. Resolved: To proceed with the request.

6.1 Conwy CBC Monitoring Officer: The clerk relayed correspondence he had with the Monitoring Officer regarding the procedure that the Council follows when advertising Community Council meetings. This was following comments made to the Monitoring office by a member of the electorate. Suspend Standing Orders
7. Public’s opportunity to present statements. Mr William Ward introduced himself as the new owner of Tafarn Yr Heliwr. He thanked the committee for the welcome extended to himself and his family to the committee and also to Cllr E M Jones for providing simultaneous translation of the evening’s proceedings.
Reinstate Standing Orders.

8. Finance. Statements of Bank Accounts period ending 31st January,2024. Community Council Accounts, £5,839.76
H G Owen Accounts £14,478.00
Total £20,317.76

Payments 8.1 DD, British Gas, Llansannan Post Office Electricity 8/11/23 -7/12/23 £148.16 8.2 DR, HSBC-Bank Charges, Community Council Accounts) to 19/12/23 £12.00 8.3 Cronfa Henoed Plwyf Y Bylchau. Cheque no, 200652 £500.00
8.4 SO, TT&B Williams, Post Office Rent £238.33 8.5 Hamilton Security Systems, Cheque no, 200654 £132.00
8.6 HM Revenue & Customs, (Period 03, 6th Oct 2023 to 5th Jan 2024) Cheque no, 200656 £490.80
8.7 Audit Wales, Audit Fees 2021/22, 200653 £265.00
8.8 DD, British Gas, Llansannan Post Office Electricity 08/12-06/01/24 £134.84 Receipts: 0.00 Unpresented cheques: 200655 £1874.16 Payments confirmed. 8.9 09/01/24. Hamilton Security Systems Ltd. Call out to fault on CCTV system. £100.00+£20.00
VAT £120.00
8.10 Arfon Wynne, Footpaths, £457.55 Cemetery, £205.76, Hedges, Strimming, Gritting, £200.98 £864.29
RESOLVED: That all payments deemed correct and that all payments be paid.

9. Notice of application for Planning Permission 9.1 Reference: 0/51398 Applicant: Mr & Mrs Eifion
and Beth Jones Easting: Northing: Proposal: Conversion of existing garage and store to annexe to main dwelling Location: Cysgod Y Coed, Llansannan To Pengwern, Bryn Rhyd Yr Arian, Llansannan, Conwy, LL16 5NR Representations 13/02/2024 Resolved: To support the application. e-mailed support to the application to Click to email on the 15/02/2024.

10.Conwy CBC Correspondence,
10.1 2024/25 Town and Community Councils asks.

11. Grant Applications.
11.1 Project name / What is the funding required for? Llansannan Childrens football. Rain Jackets (20) for the children and 2 Official Coach Jackets with Names on. Breakdown of costs: £25 + £59 + £618 Total costs (sum of the application) When will your project start? Today When will your project finish? N/A Description of the project we have set up a football training group of under 6 and under 7s, This provides a young children with extra health and fitness along with team working and team building. As we be training outside as much as possible the raincoats will enable this to happen. Latest financial statement (organisation) 0.00 fundraising in progress.
Resolved: To grant £500.00 to “Clwb Pel-droed Plant Llansannan”
The following terms were noted on the recommendation of the grant from the Council.
1) Not to have the names of the players printed on the rain jackets. The councillors were of the opinion that the rain jackets could then be handed over to any new players that would join the club in the future.
2) To have “Noddwyr: Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan” printed on the jackets.
3) That the Community Council were unwilling to fund jackets for the Club’s Coaches.
11.2 Address : Waunarlwydd. Cockett. Swansea. SA2 0Zip/Postcode : SA2 0GB
Email : Click to email
Reference was made to comments made at a previous meeting with regards to supporting grant applications from organisations from outside the Llansannan Ward. Resolved: To leave the above application on the table.
11.3 Eisteddfod Bro Aled 2024; Application for a grant towards 2024 Eisteddfod, Included, a bank statement ending 29th January 2024, and a balance sheet for 2023’s event. Resolved: To grant £500.00.

12 Issues presented to the clerk.
12.1 Damage to Cemetery boundary fence adjacent to The Old School House. Resolved to procure estimates.
12.2 The Charity ‘Hen Blwyf Henllan’; Request for councillors from Bylchau Ward to be on the committee.

13. Internal and External Audit.

14. CBS Conwy CBC Matters.
14.1 Co-option for unfilled seats in Llansannan and Bylchau, Gemma O’Malley was named.

15. UK Goverment Wales.

16. To review following matters.

17. Confirm date and venue of next Council meeting, 13th March, at Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau.

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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