Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cofnodion Mis Hydref 2022 October Minutes

Presennol: Cynghorwyr: Meurig Davies (Cadeirydd) Delyth Williams, Berwyn Evans, Trefor Roberts, Bethan Jones. Elwyn Jones, Tammi Owen
Aelodau o’r Cyhoedd: , Eifion M Jones, Emrys Williams, (Clerc)
1. Ymddiheuriadau: Cynghorydd Philip Wright.
2. Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad Llywodraeth Leol. Cynghorwyr: Delyth Williams, Cyllid, 7(3)
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion. Cyfarfod Y Cyngor gynhaliwyd 21/09/2022 PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod 21/09/2022 yn gofnod cywir. 4. Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion. 4.1
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sir: Derbyniwyd manylion am grantiau trwy ‘Conwy Cynhaliol’
Penderfynwyd: Cyfarfod ar nos Fercher 19eg o Hydref i drafod syniadu.
Gohirio’r Rheolau Sefydlog. 6. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor. Atgoffwyd y Cyngor gan Eifion M Jones fod nifer o etholwyr hynaf y gymuned yn holi am Swper Flynyddol Y Pensiynwyr a gynhaliwyd ddiwethaf yn 2019.
Pederfynwyd: Fod Is-bwyllgor trefnu’r swper yn cyfarfod.
Adfer y Rheolau Sefydlog.
7. Cyllid. 30/09/2022. Cyfrif y Dreth £9,823.11 Cyfrif H G Owen £13.966.00
Cyfanswm £23,789.11
7(1) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts) to 19/08/22 £11.00
7(2) Costau Banc (Cyfrif H G Owen) to 19/08/22 £8.00
7(3) SO. T T & B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost £238.33
7(4) Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned 200593 £2,751.90
7(5) HMRC. Cyfnod diweddu / 05/07/22, 200592 £149.20
7(6) HMRC, Dirwy 200594 £200.00
7(7) Debyd Uniongyrchol / D D. British Gas Business, Trydan £85.50
Taliadau a Gymeradwywyd
7(8) CBS Conwy CBC. Rhaglen Chwaraeon Haf (Gorff-Medi 2022) £800.00
7(9) Parish Online £54.00
7(10) HMRC. Cyfnod diweddu 05/10/22 £149.20 7(11) Emrys Williams, Cyflog Clerc.01/07/22 - 30/09/22. £480.80 + £480.60 x 2 £1,442.00
7(12) Emrys Williams Costau’r Clerc.01/07/22 – 30/09/22 £23.80
7(13) Arfon Wynne. Fynwent £162.00 Llwybrau £678.96 .£840.96
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo fod y ffigyrau uchod yn gywir, cymeradwywyd talu oll o’r taliadau.
7(14) 12/09/22 Gadlas, Rhent Swyddfa Post. (01/04/22 – 30/06/22) £180.00
7(15) 13/09/22 AL Shamas, Rhent Swyddfa Post Llansannan (01/04/21 – 30/09/2021) £420.00
Taliadau 01/04/22 – 30/09/22 £17,185.10
Derbyniadau 01/04/22- 30/09/22 £15,799.52
Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno 200587 £500.00 200588 £60.00
Swm Priodol o dan Adran 137.(721+318=1039=£9,163.98)
8. Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio. Ni dderbyniwyd ceisiadau hyd at ddyddiad y cyfrfod.
9. Gohebiaeth.
9.1 Adroddiad Clwb Gweithgareddau Gwledig Haf 2022. Derbyniwyd adroddiad gan Tim Ballam CBS Conwy.
Penderfynwyd: Fod y Cyngor Cymuned yn cefnogi’r Clwb Gweithgareddau Gwledig Haf 2023
10. Ceisiadau am grant. Ni dderbyniwyd ceisiadau.
11. Unrhyw fater arall.
11.1 Cynllunio cytundeb i’r clerc ac adolygu cyflog. Penderfynwyd: I’w gynnwys ar agenda cyfarfod mis Tachwedd.
11.2 Adolygu cyflog y clerc: Penderfynwyd: I’w gynnwys ar agenda cyfarfod mis Tachwedd
11.3 G Parry, CBS Conwy. Diweddara ar atgyweirio Pont Bryn Rhyd yr Arian. The feasibility report for the works is due shortly (a couple of weeks hopefully) which will then determine the financial requirements. We have completed an ecology survey, a topographical survey and structural inspection. As you will be aware the bridge is Grade 2 listed and discussions with heritage colleagues has commenced but I’m waiting on the feasibility to determine the full extent of the works – if we can do a ‘repair’ then I’m confident that heritage matters will be easily dealt with – if we need to do significant interventions then it is likely that we will need to submit obtain Listed Building Consent. If all goes to plan, and finance is available, then construction will be in the window May – Oct 2023 which is outside the fish spawning season.
12. Unrhyw fater ddygwyd i sylw’r clerc.
12.1 Allwedd y ‘Safe’ yn y Swyddfa Post. Penderfynwyd: Eifion M Jones I drefnu gyda’r ‘Locksmith’
12.2 Scipiau Cymunedol. PENDERFYNWYD: I archebu scips ar gyfer y 4 safle arferol.
12.3 Arhosfa bws groesffordd Taldrach Groes. Derbyniwyd pris o £2,370.00 (wedi ei adolygu) gan R I Edwards. PENDERFYNWYD: Dileu penderfyniad hyd fydd cadarnhad am alwad a’r defnydd fyddai arhosfa newydd yn ei gael.Y clerc i ofyn i Nan Williams hysbysebu ar Gyfryngau Cymdeithasol ardal Y Groes i gael ymateb.
13. Materion yr Archwilydd Mewnol ac Allanol.
14 Materion C B S Conwy.
9.22/14 (1) Sedd wag Ward Bylchau. PENDERFYNWYD: Y Clerc i gysylltu gyda Ffion Edwards.
15. Materion Llywodraeth Cymru a San Steffan.
16. Cadarnhau dyddiad Cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor Cymuned. Tachwedd 9fed 2022

Present: Cllrs: Meurig Davies (Chairman) Delyth Williams, Berwyn Evans, Trefor Roberts, Bethan Jones
Members of the Public: Eifion M Jones, Emrys Williams, (Clerk)
1. Apologies Councillor Philip Wright.
2. Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct: Cllrs: Delyth Williams, Finance, 7.3
3. Confirm minutes of 21/09/2022 Council meeting. RESOLVED: Minutes on the 21/09/2022 meeting be approved and signed as a correct record.
4. Matters arising from the minutes. 4.1
5. County Councillor’s monthly report: County Cllr presented information relating to available grants from ‘Conwy Cynhaliol’
6. Public’s opportunity to present statements. Eifion M Jones reminded the Council that a numer of the electorate have enquired about the ‘Llansannan Pensioner’s Annual Supper’ which was last held in 2019. Resolved: That the sub-committee meets to discuss the matter.
Reinstate Standing Orders.
7. Finance. Statements of Bank Accounts: 30/09/2022
Community Council Accounts, £9,823.11.
H G Owen Accounts, £13.966.00
Total, £23,789.11
Payments .
7(1) Bank Charges (Community Council Accounts) to 19/08/22 £11.00
7(2) Bank Charges (H G Owen Accounts) to 19/08/22£8.00
7(3) SO. T T B Williams, Post Office Rent £238.33
7(4) Arfon Wynne, Work in the community. 200593 £2,751.90
7(5) HMRC. Period ending 05/07/22, 200592 £149.20
7(6) HMRC, Penalty 200594 £200.00
7(7) D D. British Gas Business, Electricity Post Office £85.50
Payments approved.
7(8) CBS Conwy C B C. Summer Sports Programme (July-Sept 2022) £800.00
7(9) Parish Online £54.00
7(10) HMRC.Period ending 05/10/22 £149.20 7(11) Emrys Williams,Cyflog Clerc.01/07/22 - 30/09/22. £480.80 + £480.60 x 2 ….….……………..…………....£1,442.00 7(12) Emrys Williams Costau’r Clerc.01/07/22 – 30/09/22…………………………………………………...........................£23.80
7(13) ArfonWynne. Fynwent/Cemetery. £162.00 Llwybrau/Footpaths.£678.96 ………………………………..…...£840.96
RESOLVED: That all payments are correct and that all payments be paid.
7.27 15/07 Y Gadlas, 01/01/22 – 31/31/03/22………………………….£180.00
7.28) 16/08 Conwy C B C Precept……………………………..……………£6,667.00
Payments,01/04/22 – 30/09/22 £17,185.10 Receipts, 01/04/22- 30/09/22 £15,799.52
Unpresented cheques. 200587 £500.00 200588 £60.00
Appropriate Sum under S137, 2022/23 - £8.82 per elector.( 721+318=1039=£9,163.98)
8.Notice of application for Planning Permission. No applications received up to the date of the meeting.
9. Correspondence.
9.1 Rural Summer Activity Club 2022: Report received from Tim Ballam, Conwy CBC.
Resolved: That the Community Council supports the programme in 2023.
10. Applications for Grants. No applications received.
11 Any other matter.
11.1 Discussion on drawing out a contract for the clerk. Resolved: Include in November meeting’s agenda.
11.2 Review clerk’s salary. Resolved: Include in November meeting’s agenda.
11.3 G Parry, CBS Conwy. Update on Bryn Rhyd yr Arian Bridge repairs. The feasibility report for the works is due shortly (a couple of weeks hopefully) which will then determine the financial requirements. We have completed an ecology survey, a topographical survey and structural inspection. As you will be aware the bridge is Grade 2 listed and discussions with heritage colleagues has commenced but I’m waiting on the feasibility to determine the full extent of the works – if we can do a ‘repair’ then I’m confident that heritage matters will be easily dealt with – if we need to do significant interventions then it is likely that we will need to submit obtain Listed Building Consent. If all goes to plan, and finance is available, then construction will be in the window May – Oct 2023 which is outside the fish spawning season.
12. Any issues presented to the clerk.
12.1 Post Office safe key: Eifion M Jones to arrange with Locksmith.
12.2 Community Skips: Resolved: To procure skips for the 4 usual sites.
12.3 Taldrach, Groes Bus Shelter. Reviewed quote of £2,370.00 from R I Edwards. RESOLVED: To defer decision until confirmation of present usage and future necessity. Clerk to contact Nan Williams and request respond from Social Media groups in Groes regarding the issue.
13. Internal and External Audit Matters. 14. Conwy CBC Matters.
14.1 Vacant seat on Bylchau Ward.
RESOLVED: Clerk to correspond with Ffion Edwards.
15. Welsh Goverment and UK Parliament matters.
16. Confirm date of next Council: 09/11/2022


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Cofnodion Mis Hydref 2022 October Minutes

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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