Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Agenda Mis Awst 2017 August Agenda



1.Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies. Cynghorydd Sir Sue Lloyd-Williams.
2. Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater isod / Declaration of interest on any item listed.
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion pwyllgor blaenorol Y Cyngor (12/07/17) / Confirm minutes of the previous Council meeting (12/07/17)
4. Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sir / County Councillor’s monthly report
Gohirio’r Rheolau Sefydlog / Suspend the Standing Orders
6. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor / Public’s opportunity to present statements.
Rheolau Sefydlog Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council. Standing Orders
21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd .
21.3 Rhoi’r ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud i roddi eu datganiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu derbyn gan y Clerc yn gynharach ( 48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod ) a gaiff eu trafod.
21.3 Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand (no less than 48 hours before the meeting ).
Adfer Rheolau Sefydlog / Reistate Standing Orders
7. Cyllid / Finance. Balans Banc / Statements of Bank Accounts. 31/07/2017
Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts £14035-09
Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts £18487-66 Cyfanswm / Total.£32’522-75
Taliadau / Payments
7.1 10/07/17 Hamilton Security Systems LTD, Routine Service of the CCTV system. £54.00
7.2 17/07/17 SO TT&B Williams Rhent Swyddfa Bost / Post Office Rent. £151-66
7.3 07/08/17 Cyfieithu Cymunedol / Community Translation.12/07/17 £91.96 Cyfanswm Taliadau / Payments Total £297.62
Derbyniadau / Receipts
7. 04/07/17 Ad-daliad British Telecom refund £49.28
7. 04/07/17HMB Enterprise Ltd,Swyddfa Bost Flint Post Office, Rhent Post Office Llansannan £210-00 Cyfanswm Derbyniadau / Receipts Total. £259.28.
Taliadau / Payments. 01/04/2017 - 31/07/2017 £10861.86
Derbyniadau / Receipts, 01/04/2017 - 31/07/2017 £ 7276.21
Adolygiad cyllideb ar gyfer,Awst / Medi / Hydref, Review of Budget for August / Sept / Oct
TT&B Williams £455, Arfon Wynne £3000, Hamilton Securities £54. BT £80.Brit Gas £80.
Cyfiethu /Translation £270.00 Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau £600.00 Cyflog + Costau clerc £1400.00
CBS Conwy Rhaglen Chwareuon Haf £600.00 Your Parish Community LTD £120 Cyfanswm / TotaL, £6660-00
Amcangyfrif Derbyniadau misoedd uchod / Estimated Receipts for above months,
Conwy CBC, Precept x 1 £6666. Ad-daliad llwybrau / Footpaths refund £2000 Cyfanswm /TotaL, £ 8666-00
8. Rhybudd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio /Notice of applications for Planning Permission
8.1 Cyfeirnod / Reference 0/44225.Ymgeisydd / Applicant: SP Manweb PLC.
Dwyrain / Easting 301185 Gogledd / Northing 365058.Cynllun: Adeiliadu llinell 11kv presennol uwch ben Bryn Stanley Bylchau Llansannan Conwy (Phase 1) Sylwadau/Representations 17/08/2017
8.2 Cyfeirnod / Reference 0/44228.Ymgeisydd / Applicant: SP Energy Networks. Dwyrain / Easting 301552 Gogledd / Northing 364682 Cynllun: Adeiliadu llinell 11kv presennol uwch ben Bryn Stanley Bylchau Llansannan Conwy. Sylwadau/Representations 17/08/2017
8.3 Cyfeirnod / Reference: 0/44252 Ymgeisydd / Applicant: Mr Dylan Roberts, Dwyrain / Easting 293891
Gogledd / Northing 365808 Cynllun:Codi estyniad i Adeilad Storfa Amaethyddol.Proposal: Erection of extension to Agricultural Storage Building. Safle / Location: Plas Aled, Llwyn y Gibwst,Llansannan LL16 5HE Sylwadau / Representations: 28/08/2017
8.4 Cyfeirnod / Reference: 0/44265. Ymgeisydd / Applicant: Mrs B Lloyd-Jones,
Dwyrain / Easting: 291283 Gogledd / Northing: 366183 Cynllun: Tystysgrif Gyfreithlondeb ar gyfer y defnydd arfaethedig fel annedd. Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed use as a dwelling. Safle: Tir gyferbyn a Cefn Groes Fawr, Llangernyw i Rhydeden Llansannan LL16 5L3 Location: Land Opposite Cefn Groes Fawr Llangernyw to Rhydeden Llansannan LL16 5LE,
Sylwadau / Representations 30/08/2017
9. Gohebiaeth / Correspondence
9.1 10/07/17 Nia Owen,Ysgrifennydd Pwyllgor Lles yr Henoed Plwyf Y Bylchau
9.2 30/06/17 Deborah Job,Rheolwr Prosiect/Project Manager, Lles Cymunedol/Community Wellbeing, Gwasanaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Addysg / Social Care and Education Services, CBS Conwy CBC.
9.3 12/07/17,Gwyn Ll Evans, Cadeirydd Clwb Pel-droed Llansannan / Chair to CPD Llansannan
9.4 20/07/17, AFFCH / ERF CBS Conwy CBC.
9.5 31/07/17 Janet Jenkins, Parthed/Re Defibrillator, Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau.
9.6 16/08/17 Bydd Y Cyngor yn ymdrechu i ymateb i pob gohebiaeth o fewn deg (10) diwrnod gwaith (Llun-Gwener) ag eithrio Gwyliau Banc / The Council will endeavour to respond to correspondence within ten (10) working days (Monday-Friday) except for Bank Holidays.
10. Unrhyw fater arall / Any other business
10.1 Cadarnhau a chymeradwyo y datganiadau cyfrifyddu a’r Datganiad Llywodraethu Blynyddol./Confirm and approve the accounting statements and the Annual Governance Statement.
10.2 Adolygiad o’r Rheolau Sefydlog Y Cyngor / Review of the Council’s Standing Orders.
10.3 Adolygiad o’r Rheoliadau Ariannol / Review of the Council’s Financial Regulations.
10.4 Sylwadau a gyflwynwyd i’r clerc gan Mrs Hafwen Davies ynglyn a diffyg taclusrwydd o amgylch pentrefan Y Clwt./ Observations presented to the clerk by Mrs Hafwen Davies regarding the general unsightliness around the hamlet of Clwt.
10.5 Yr angen i gyfethol aelod i lenwi’r un sedd wag ar Y Cyngor / The necessity to co-opt a member to fill the one remaining seat on the Council.
10.6 Unrhyw fater a ddygwyd i sylw’r Clerc cyn y cyfarfod / Any issue presented to the clerk prior to the meeting
11. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor / Confirm date and venue of next Council Meeting 13/09/2017

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Agenda Mis Awst 2017 August Agenda

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