CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANSANNAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL >Click to email< Clerc, Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan, Dinbych LL16 5DA mob.07876266339
1.Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies,
Rhybydd o gyfethol. I enwebu Bethan Louise Evans trwy gyfethol. I gynnig ag eilion briodol. Notice of Co-option, to nominate Bethan Louise Evans by co-option, to be duly proposed and second.
2. Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad: Llywodraeth Leol /Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct.
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion Pwyllgor, 13eg Mawrth, 2024/Confirm minutes of 13th of March 2024 Council meeting.
4. Materion yn codi or cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sirol / County Councillors monthly report.
6. Gohebiaeth Cyffredinol / General Correspondence. 6.1 20/03 Grwp Cynefin
Gohirio Rheolau Sefydlog / Suspend Standing Orders.
7. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor / Publics opportunity to present statements.Rheolau Sefydlog Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Standing Orders.21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd. 21.3 Rhoir ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud I roddi eu datgaiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu derbyn gan y Clerc yn gynharach (48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod) a gaiff eu trafod./Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand (No less than 48hrs before the meeting)
Adfer Rheolau Sefydlog / Reinstate Standing Orders.
8. Cyllid / Finance. Balans Banc cyfnod diweddu 28ain Mawrth, 2024 / Statements of Bank Accounts period ending 28th March,2024. Cyfrif y Dreth/Community Council Accounts,£5,712.13
Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts £14,158.00 Cyfanswm / Total £19,870.13
Cymeradwyo ag arwyddo balansiau banc cyfnod yn diweddu 28ain Mawrth 2024 / To approve and sign bank balance sheets for period ending 28st March 2024.
Taliadau / Payments
8.1 DD/DU, British Gas, Trydan Swyddfa Post Llansannan Post Office Electricity £57.46
8.2 DR, HSBC Costau Banc-Bank Charges (Cyfrif y Dreth/Community Council Accounts) hyd 19/02/24
8.3 SO / RhS,T T & B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost / Post Office Rent £238.33
8.4 E T Williams, Costau clerc / Clerk expenses, 01/12/23 29/02/2024 siec rhif 200659 £98.32
8.5 Eisteddfod Bro Aled, siec rhif 100014 Cyfrif account *****278 £500.00
Derbyniadau / Receipts:
8.6 7/03 CBS Conwy, Ad-dalidiadau llwybrau.2023-2024 £616.00+£1218.39+£418.00+£381.29 £2,633.68
8.7 14/03 CBS Conwy, Ad-dalidiadau llwybrau / Footpaths refund 2023-2024 £117.84
8.8 Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno / Unpresented cheques: 200660 Llansannan Childrens Football Club £500.00
Taliadau iw cymeradwyo / Payments to be confirm
8.9 Tal aelodaeth Un Llais Cymru, Ffurflen Aelodaeth 2024-2025.Mae Aelodaeth yn mynd o 1af Ebrill 2024 i 31ain Mawrth 2025 / One Voice Wales Membership runs from 1st April 2024to 31st March 2025 Tâl Aelodaeth: £240.00 Yn seiliedig ar 586 anheddau taladwy @ £0.41c fesul annedd (Maer ffigwr hwn yn seiliedig ar y Rhestr Brisio, nid ar y Gofrestr Etholiadol) Membership Fee: £240.00 Based on 586 chargeable dwellings @ £0.41p per dwelling (This figure is based on the Valuation List, not the Electoral Register)
8.10 Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned.
8.11 Cyflog Clerc, 01/01/2024 31/03/2024 £624.72 x 3
8.12 PAYE/Class1 National Insurance contributions.Payment period;Month12(06/03 2024 t0 05/04/2024)
8.13 Cysoniad Banc / Bank reconciliation. Taliadau /Payments, 01/04/23 - 28/03/24 Cyfrif Y Dreth £31,317.63 HGOwen account £540.00 Derbyniadau /Receipts, 01/04/23 - 31/03/24 Cyfrif Y Dreth - £27,190.50 HGOwen account 01/04/23- £780.00
Terfyn gwariant adran 137 ar gyfer 2024-25 ydi £10.81 Appropriate Sum under Section 137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972 - Section 137 Expenditure Limit for 2024-25 is £10.81
9. Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio /Notice of application for Planning Permission.
9.1 Cyfeirnod: 0/51579 Ymgeisydd: Mr Daniel Brady Dwyrain: 299461 Gogledd: 365054 Cynllun: Amrywio amod rhif 2 yng nghaniatâd cynllunio 0/49979 (Ailadeiladu ffermdy presennol a newid defnydd a throsi adeilad allanol amaethyddol presennol) i ganiatáu addasiadau i'r maint a'r dyluniad Safle: Ty Ucha Groes LL16 5SD Sylwadau 24/04/24. Reference: 0/51579 Applicant: Mr Daniel Brady Easting: 299461 Northing: 365054 Proposal: Variation of condition no 2 of planning consent 0/49979 (Reconstruction of an existing farmhouse and change of use and conversion of an existing agricultural outbuilding) to allow for amendments to size and design Location: Ty Ucha, Groes, LL16 5SD Representations 24/04/2024
9.2 Cyfeirnod: 0/51582 Ymgeisydd: Mr WILLIAMS Dwyrain: 299431 Gogledd: 366387 Cynllun: Dymchwel bwthyn gwag a chodi annedd newydd arfaethedig i weithwyr amaethyddol Safle: Fron Felen Fawr Waen Tywysog Road Henllan Llansannan LL16 5BU Sylwadau 25/04/2024 Reference: 0/51582 Applicant: Mr WILLIAMS Easting: 299431 Northing: 366387 Proposal: Demolition of derelict Cottage and proposed replacement agricultural workers dwelling Location: Fron Felen Fawr, Waen Tywysog Road, Henllan, Llansannan, LL16 5BU Representations 25/04/2024
10. Gohebiaeth Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy / Conwy CBC Correspondence,
10.1 Scipiau Cymunedol,Banciau Ailgylchu a Gwastraff Swmpus / Community Skips, Bring Banks and Bulky Waste.
10.2 Canol Y Llan Llansannan. Sub Post Office. Gwerth Trethiannol / Rateable Value. Cyfnod 01.04.2024 - 01.04.2025 Period Diwrnodau 365 Days Debyd Treth Annomestig Non Domestic Debit 1625 x 0.562 x ( 365 / 365 ) = 913.25 LLAI LESS Goddefiad i Fusnesau Bach -913.25 Small Business Rate Relief Debyd Net £0.00 Net Debit. SWM SY'N DALADWY * £0.00 * AMOUNT PAYABLE.
10.3 FW: GRANT finder: Community Ownership Fund Accepting Expressions of Interest for Final Round. Email 13/03/24
11 Ceisiadau am grant /Grant Applications.
12 Unrhyw fater ddygwyd i sylwr clerc/ Any issues presented to the clerk.
12.1 Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru / Wales Air Ambulance Charity.
12.2 Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal 2024.
13. Materion yr Archwilydd Mewnol ac Allanol / Internal and External Audit.
14 Materion CBS Conwy CBC Matters.
14.1 14.1 Cofrestr Etholwyr. Mae angen i bob roi cais unigol am gopi or gofrestr ar gyfer eu ward nhw yn unig.Gellir gwneud hyn drwy law yr adran etholiadol. Gwasanaeth Democrataidd-Pwyllgorau,Craffu,Etholiadau ag Aelodau Gyfraith a Llywodraethu.Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy. To obtain a copy of the Electoral Register Councilors need to personally request a copy for the ward they represent from: Democratic Support Officer (Members) Democratic Services - Committees, Scrutiny, Electoral & Members / Law and Governance Conwy County Borough Council.
14.2 Praesept Cynghorau Cymuned / Community Council Precepts, 19/04/24, 16/08/24, 13/12/24
15 Materion Llywodraeth DU Cymru.
15.1 Tal Cydnabyddiaeth y Cynghorwyr. Cyfnod 01/04/23 31/03/2024 Er gwybodaeth: Cyflwynwyd 9 ffurflen lwfans Cynghorydd yn ol ir clerc erbyn dyddiad Cyfarfod 13eg Mawrth 2024. Remuneration Payments for Councillors, Period 01/04/23 31/03/2024 For information: All 9 forms for councillors remuneration allowance handed to clerk by 13th March 2024 Council meeting.
16. Ystyried y materion a ganlyn. / To review following matters. 16.1 Estimate North Wales Fencing Co.
16.2 Rhestr asedau / asset register.
16.3 Cyfethol ar gyfer sedd wag yn Ward Bylchau / Co-opt for unfilled seat in Bylchau.
16.4 Diweddariad ar taliadau Rhent Swyddfa Post / Update on Post Office rent payments. 14/09/2023. Derbyn /Received,AL Shamas(NW) Llansannan P/O Ren. Cyfnod 01/10/2021 i 31/12/2021
Anfoneb / Invoice 01/01/2022 30/06/2022, wedi derbyn / received .
Anfoneb diweddaraf / Latest Invoice 01/07/2022 31/12/2022, Dyddiedig / Dated 29/02/2024.
17 Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad Cyfarfod Blynyddol Y Cyngor, 8fed Mai, 2024 Confirm date and venue of the Councils Annual Meeting, 8th May, 2024
Tud 3.
AGENDA MIS EBRILL 2024 APRIL AGENDA Statistics: 0 click throughs, 183 views since start of 2025