Agenda mis Mawrth 2021 March Agenda
Clerc, Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan Dinbych LL16 5DA mob.07876266339
1. Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies.
2. Datgan cysylltiad:Cod Ymddygiad Llywodraeth Leol/Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct.
3.Cadarnhau cofnodion pwyllgor Y Cyngor 25/02/21/ Confirm minutes of 25/02/21 Council meeting.
4. Materion yn codi or cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sir / County Councillors monthly report.
Gohirio Rheolau Sefydlog / Suspend Standing Orders.
6. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor / Publics opportunity to present statements.
Rheolau Sefydlog Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Standing Orders.
21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd. 21.3 Rhoir ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud I roddi eu datgaiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu derbyn gan y Clerc yn gynharach(48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod) a gaiff eu trafod./Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand (No less than 48hrs before the meeting)
Adfer Rheolau Sefydlog / Reinstate Standing Orders.
7. Cyllid/Finance. Balans Banc/Statements of Bank Accounts, 26/02/202
Cyfrif y Dreth/Community Council Accounts. £17,670.95 Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts £14,036.84 Cyfanswm / Total £31,707.79
7.1 13/01 Debyd Uniongyrchol British Gas Business,Trydan / Eletricity Post Office. 08/12/20-07/01/21 £71.77
7.2 08/02 Emrys Williams, Cyflog clerc / Clerks salary 01/10/20 31/12/20 Siec 200517 £1,438.80 7.3 12/02 Debyd Uniongyrchol British Gas Business, Trydan / Eletricity Post Office. 08/01/21-06/02/21 £76.75 7.4 15/02 Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau Siec 200519 £2,500.00
7.5 15/02 SO.TT&B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost / Post Office Rent £151.66
7.6 16/02 H M Revenue & Customs. 01/10/20 31/12/20 Siec 200518 £152.40 Cyfanswm / Total £4,391.38 Derbyniadau / Receipts
7.7 24/02 Y Gadlas, Rhent Swyddfa Bost, 01/03/20 30/09/20 £360.00 Cyfanswm / Total £360.00
Taliadau / Payments, 01/04/20 26/02/21 - £27,171.12. Derbyniadau / Receipts, 01/04/20 26/02/21 - £37,985.10
Swm Priodol o dan Adran 137 / Appropiate Sum under S137 2020/21 - £8.32 per elector.(721+318=1039)=£8,644.48
8.Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio / Notice of application for Planning Permission.
8.1 03/03/21. Cyfeirnod/Reference:0/48250 Ymgeisydd Mr Mark Williams Dwyrain/ Easting:296937 Gogledd/ Northing:361043 Cynllun: Newid Arfaethedig i Ddefnydd Llecyn o Dir Amaethyddol i Wasanaeth Llety Gwyliau a Gosod 1 Caban Gwyliau Symudol.
Proposal: Proposed Change of Use of Parcel of Agricultural Land to Serviced Holiday Accommodation and Siting of1no. Mobile Log Cabin
Safle / Location: Nant Lladron, Taldrach To Nant Y Lladron, Bylchau LlansannanLL16 5SN
Sylwadau / Representations 24/03/2021
9.Gohebiaeth / Correspondence.
9.1 02/03 Peiriannydd Strwythurol / Structural Engineer MIS / Technical Services AFfC - Amgylchedd, Ffyrdd a Chyfleusterau / ERF - Environment, Roads and Facilities. Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol CONWY County Borough Council
Bryn Rhyd Yr Arian contract has been let. The steel bridge is presently in fabrication stage at the steel fabricators workshop. Once this is complete you will start to see some movement on site.
As to the other bridge I will double check which bridge this is I think its Pont Pengwern. It was inspected a couple of weeks ago to ensure that it was safe for a large crane to come in for Rhyd yr Arian. which it is. We are aware of the masonry repairs required and this is on our never ending to do list!
9.2 05/03 Carys Matthews Rheolwr Gweithrediadau / Operations Manager.YDCW / CPRW
Amgaeaf fanylion ar gyfer cystadleuaeth Gwobr Pentrefi Conwy 2021.Os oes angen rhagor o fanylion, yna cysylltwch â mi, os gwelwch yn dda.
I enclose details of the Conwy Village Award competition for 2021. If you require further details, then please do contact me.
10.Unrhyw fater arall / Any other business.
10.1 Archwiliad ar gyfer y Flwyddyn yn Diweddu ar 31 Mawrth 2020
Dylai'r ffurflen flynyddol amgaeedig gael ei chyflwyno i'r cyngor nawr bod ein barn archwilio wedi cael ei rhoi, a dylid gwneud cofnod i ddangos fod y ffurflen flynyddol wedi cael ei chymeradwyo a'i derbyn gan y cyngor. Dylai'r materion sy'n codi hefyd gael eu cyflwyno i'r cyngor a dylid cynhyrchu cynllun gweithredu, os oes angen, i nodi sut y bydd y materion sy'n codi yn cael eu trin. Dylai'r ffurflen flynyddol a'r hysbysiad diwedd yr archwiliad gael eu harddangos mewn man(nau) amlwg am 14 diwrnod cyn gynted â phosibl.
Maer materion canlynol wedi cael eu codi i dynnu sylw Cyngor Cymuned Llansannanat eitemau.
Daeth y materion hyn i sylw BDO LLP yn ystod archwiliad y ffurflen flynyddol ar gyfer y flwyddyn
ddaeth i ben 31 Mawrth 2020.
Efallai na fydd archwiliad y ffurflen flynyddol yn datgelu pob gwendid yn y systemau gan ei bod yn
bosibl na fydd pob mater wedi dod i sylwr archwilydd. Oherwydd hyn, efallai nad y materion a
godwyd ywr unig rai syn bodoli.
Maer materion a restrir isod yn cael eu hesbonion fanylach ar y dudalen/y tudalennau syn dilyn
Materion a godwyd
Cofnodion heb fod ar y wefan
Ymarfer Hawliau Etholwyr
Cofrestr Asedau
Nid yw'r ychwanegiadau yn y flwyddyn wedi eu cynnwys yn y Ffurflen Flynyddol
Pwerau gwariant - pŵer A137 yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n anghywir
Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020
The enclosed annual return should be presented to the council, now that our audit opinion has been given, and a minute should be made to show that the Annual Return has been approved and accepted by the council. The issues arising report should also be presented to the council and an action plan produced, if required, to indicate how the issues raised will be addressed. The annual return and notice of conclusion of audit should be displayed in a conspicuous place(s) for 14 days as soon as reasonably possible.
The following matters have been raised to draw items to the attention of Llansannan Community
Council. These matters came to the attention of BDO LLP during the audit of the annual return for
the year ended 31 March 2020.
The audit of the annual return may not disclose all shortcomings of the systems as some matters may
not have come to the attention of the auditor. For this reason, the matters raised may not be the
only ones that exist.
The matters listed below are explained in further detail on the page(s) that follow;
Issues Raised
Minutes not on website
Exercise of Elector's Rights
Asset Register
Additions in year not included in Annual Return
Expenditure powers - S137 power incorrectly used
10.1 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Rheoliadau Sefydlog/Review and adopt Standing Orders.
10.2 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Rheoliadau Ariannol/Review and adopt Financial Regulations.
10.3 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Cod Ymddygiad Enghreifftiol ar gyfer Aelodau ac Aelodau Cyfetholedig a hawliau pleidleisio/ Review and adopt the Model Code of Conduct for members and Co-opted Members with voting rights.
10.4 Adolygu a mabwysiadu Cofrestr Asesiad Risc/Review and adopt Risk Assessment Schedule
10.5 Adolygu Cofrestr Asedau.
10.6 Cyfarfod Blynyddol. ??
11.Unrhyw fater ddygwyd i sylwr clerc/ Any issues presented to the clerk.
12 Cadarnhau dyddiad cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor/Confirm date of next Council meeting
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