Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled


Clerc, Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan, Dinbych LL16 5DA mob.07876266339
1.Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies
Hysbysiad o Gyfethol. I Enwebu Tammi Owen trwy gyfethol. Cynnig ag eilio’n briodol. / Notice of Co-option’ To Nominate Tammi Owen by co-option, to be duly proposed and second.
2. Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad Llywodraeth Leol/Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct.
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion pwyllgor Y Cyngor 15/06/2022 / Confirm minutes of 15/06/2022 Council meeting.
4. Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sirol / County Councillor’s monthly report.
Gohirio Rheolau Sefydlog / Suspend Standing Orders.
6. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor / Public’s opportunity to present statements.
Rheolau Sefydlog Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Standing Orders.
21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd. 21.3 Rhoi’r ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud I roddi eu datgaiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu gan y Clerc yn gynharach(48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod) a gaiff eu trafod./Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand (No less than 48hrs before the meeting) Adfer Rheolau Sefydlog / Reinstate Standing Orders.
7.Cyllid / Finance. Balans Banc/Statements of Bank Accounts, 31/08/2022 Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts £12,659.04
Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts £13,974.00 Cyfanswm / Total £ 26,633.04
Taliadau / Payments 9.22/7(1) Debyd Uniongyrchol / DD. British Gas Business, Trydan / Electricity Post Office £66.58 9.22/7(2) Yswiriant Zurich Municipal Insurance 200577 £912.30 9.22/7(3) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts) to 19/05/22 £15.00
9.22/7(4) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfri H G Owen Accounts) to 19/05/22 £8.00
9.22/7(5) Hamilton Security Systems Ltd. CCTV service 200576 £138.00
9.22/7(6) SO. T T & B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost / Post Office Rent £238.33
9.22/7(7) R I Edwards. Cysgodfa bws newydd / New Bus Shelter 2005 £1,482.00
9.22/7(8) Cyfieithu Cymunedol,Cyfarfod 13/04/22. 200578 £66.88 9.22/7(9) Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Bro Aled, Yswiriant / Insurance. 200586 £1,105.05
9.22/7(10) Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the community. 200583 £339.88
9.22/7(11) Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the community. 200585 £399.60
9.22/7(12) Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau
(Cymeradwywyd AGM (11/05/22) 200581 £2,500.00
9.22/7(13) Meinir H Jones, Blodau i Groes / Plants for Groes 200579 £104.24 9.22/7(14) Debyd Uniongyrchol / DD.British Gas Business, Trydan / Electricity Post Office £66.84 9.22/7(15) Aelwyd Llansannan (Siec 200565 void)£500.00
9.22/7(16) Iona Edwards, Archwiliad mewnol / Internal audit. 2021/22 £60.00
9.22/7(17) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts) to 19/06/22 £13.00
9.22/7(18) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfri HG Owen Accounts) to 19/06/22 £8.00
9.22/7(19) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfrif y Dreth/ Community Council Accounts) to 19/07/22 £17.00
9.22/7(20) Costau Bank Charges ( Cyfri HG Owen Accounts) to 19/05/22 £8.00
9.22/7(21) Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the community. Torri Fynwent £135.00 Camfa/stile.Tan yr Rhiw,Groes, Llwybrau / Footpaths £483.68 (+Vat £123.74) £742.42 9.22/7(22) Emrys Williams,Cyflog Clerc.01/04/22 - 30/06/22. £480.80 + £480.60 x 2 £1,442.00
9.22/7(23) HMRC. Cyfnod diweddu / Period ending 05/07/22 £149.20 9.22/7(24) Emrys Williams Costau’r Clerc.01/04/22 – 30/06/2 £ 87.14
Taliadau i’w Cymeradwyo / Payments to be confirmed.
9.22/7 (25)31/08 ArfonWynne. Fynwent / Cemetery. £578.74, Llwybrau/Footpaths. £1962.36, Arall / Other £210.80, Cyfanswm /Total £2,751.90
9.22/7(26) HMRC Cosb am beidio a chyflwyno Ffurfleni TWE mewn pryd / Penalty for not presenting Tax payment £200.00
Derbyniadau / Receipts:
9.22/7(27) 15/07 Y Gadlas, 01/01/22 – 31/31/03/22
9.22/7(28) 16/08 C B S Conwy C B C Precept £6,667.00
Taliadau / Payments,01/04/22 – 31/08/22….£13,739.17
Derbyniadau /Receipts, 01/04/22- 31/08/22…..£15,199.52
Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno / Unpresented cheques. 200587 £500.00, 200588 £60.00 Swm Priodol o dan Adran 137/Appropriate Sum under S137, 2022/23 - £8.82 per elector.
8. Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio / Notice of application for Planning Permission.
9.22/8(1) 31/08/22 Cyfeirnod / Reference: 0/49979,Ymgeisydd/Applicant:Mr Dan Brady Dwyrain / Easting: 299461 Gogledd / Northing: 365054 Cynllun: Ailadeiliadu ffermdy presennol a newid defnydd a throsi adeilad allanol amaethyddol presennol. Proposal: Reconstruction of an existing farmhouse and change of use and conversion of an existing agricultural outbuilding. Safle / Location: Ty Ucha, Groes.LL16 5SD Sylwadau / Representations:21/09/2022
9. Gohebiaeth / Correspondence. 10. Ceisiadau am Grantiau / Applications for Grants
11. Unrhyw fater arall / Any other matter. 9.22/11(1) Cadeirydd Meurig Davies. di’n bosib rhoi ar yr agenda ir cyfarfod nesa i ni drafod y posibilrwydd or cyngor dalu am cynnal a chadw y cae chware ar pafiliwn i sicrhau ei fod yn gallu parahau i redeg ag yr adnoddau fel clwb bowlio am ddim i drigolion y plwyf. Mi allwn adael i bawb wbod yn y plwyf fod y pafiliwn ar cae chware yn cael ei redeg gan y gwirfoddolwyr y plwyf ag ariannu gan y gymuned ar gyfer y gymuned. Mi fydd yn ddiddorol gweld be mae’r cynghorwyr eraill yn feddwl o hyn er bydd y gymuned ag os o blaid mi allwn roi lawr fel cost ar gyfer y precept flwyddyn nesa.
9.22/11(2) Penodi 2 arwyddwr ychwanegol i gyfri banc y Cyngor / Appoint 2 additional signatories to the Council’s bank account.
9.22/11(3) Trafodaeth ar lunio Cytuneb i’r clerk / Discussion on drawing out a contract for the clerk (As audit report 10/03/22) Auditor General’s report Audit opinion Except for the matters reported below, on the basis of my review, in my opinion no matters have come to my attention giving cause for concern that in any material respect, the information reported in this Annual Return: • has not been prepared in accordance with proper practices; • that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met; • is not consistent with the Council’s/ Committee’s governance arrangements; and • that the Council /Committee does not have proper arrangements in place to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources. Basis of qualification The Annual Governance Statement asserts that the Council has complied with laws and regulations. However, S.1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA1996), requires the Council to provide its Clerk with a written contract or a written statement of the specified terms of employment under within two months of starting employment. As part of the audit, we sought evidence that the Council had complied with section 1 of ERA 1996. However, we are unable to establish if the Clerk has been provided with full terms of employment and whether or not the Council has in place proper arrangements for the approval of the Clerk’s salary. Other matters arising and recommendations I draw the Council’s attention to the following matters and recommendations which do not affect my audit opinion but should be addressed by the Council: • In order to ensure clarity of the terms and conditions of employment we recommend that the Council and the Clerk prepare and sign a contract of employment at the earliest opportunity. • Where a salary is not specified in the contract of employment, we recommend that the Council formally minutes its approval of the Clerk’s salary as soon as practicable and then whenever changes are made to the salary
9.22/11(4) Adolygu cyflog y clerc / Review clerk’s salary.
12. Unrhyw fater ddygwyd i sylw’r clerc/ Any issues presented to the clerk.
9.22/12 (1) Allwedd i’r ‘Safe’ yn y Swyddfa Post ar goll. / Post Office Safe key missing.
9.22/12(2) Cyng Berwyn Evans. Mae'n hen bryd newid y lluniau sydd wedi ymddangos o amgylch y Llan tros ddau fis Rhagfyr bellach, a meddwl oeddwn eu hadnewyddu gyda lluniau lliwgar, au gosod ar y byrddau crwn, gyda goleuadau Nadolig fel o'r blaen. Hefyd hoffwn gael criw o rai sydd yn ymwneud \ ymddiddori a phob-math o luniau, e.e. Lluniau adar Dys, lluniau rhyfeddol ei fab, ac mae merch Rhoswen yn arlunudd, ac eraill. Y syniad ydi trefnu cyfarfod gyda nhw i ddethol a dewis lluniau diddorol a rhai Nadoligaidd. Wedi dewis y lluniau, a'u paratoi yn rhai crwn, eu ebostio i Richard (brawd Sharon) ac mi wnaiff o eu hargraffu ar canfas blastig gwyn, maint 600 mm x 600 mm, eu lamineiddio am £12 yr un. Mae 24 o'r byrddau, a buasem yn eu gludo ar gefn yr hen luniau, fel nad oes angen byrddau newydd, gyda'r lluniau ar yr ochr allan. a'r addurniadau o amgylch yr ochr allan, fel o'r blaen.
9.22/12(3), Meinir Jones, Groes. Wedi cael gair gyda'r dyn oedd yn torri lawnt y Groes bore ma i ofyn os buasai gosod dau fwrdd picnic ar y gwyrdd yn achosi problem. Yn fy nghynghori i ofyn i'r Cyngor lleol neu sir am ganiatad gyntaf. Rwyf fi yn fodlon cysylltu gyda'r sir ond meddwl oeddwn tybed os oedd gennyt rif ffon neu gyfeiriad e-bost y buaswn yn fwy tebyg i gael ymateb cadarnhaol. Wedi cysylltu ers wythnosau ynglyn ag offer i'r cae chwarae ac yn dal i ddisgwyl. Mae'r ddau fwrdd wedi dod o Ysgol Rhydgaled a rwan mae'r blodau yn edrych mor neis meddwl fod y gwyrdd yn galw am fyrddau i gael picnic! Hwyrach y buasai raid inni roi rywbeth caled o danynt er mwyn hwyluso pethau i'r torwyr gwair. Fe roddwyd un o'n meinciau yn y cae unwaith ond fe aeth y cyngor a hi. Eisiau profi ein bod angen caniatad oeddent debyg. Diolch ymlaen llaw. Meinir
9.22/12(4) Scips Cymunedol / Community Skips.
9.22/12(5) Bus Shelter groesffordd Taldrach, Groes.
13. Materion yr Archwilydd Mewnol ac Allanol / Internal and External Auditor matters. 14 Materion CBS Conwy CBC Matters. 15. Materion Llywodraeth Cymru a San Steffan / Welsh Goverment and UK Parliament matters. 16, Cadarnhau dyddiad Cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor Cymuned, confirm date of next council meeting

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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