Agenda Mis Tachwedd 2022 November Agenda
Clerc, Emrys Williams, Groesffordd, Henllan, Dinbych LL16 5DA mob.07876266339
1.Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies
Hysbysiad o Gyfethol. I Enwebu Eifion Morris Jones trwy gyfethol. Cynnig ag eilion briodol. / Notice of Co-option To Nominate Eifion Morris Jones by co-option, to be duly proposed and second.
2. Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad Llywodraeth Leol/Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct.
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion pwyllgor Y Cyngor 12/10/2022 / Confirm minutes of 12/10/2022 Council meeting.
4. Materion yn codi or cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sirol / County Councillors monthly report.
Gohirio Rheolau Sefydlog / Suspend Standing Orders.
6. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor / Publics opportunity to present statements.
Rheolau Sefydlog Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Standing Orders.
21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd. 21.3 Rhoir ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud I roddi eu datgaiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu gan y Clerc yn gynharach (48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod) a gaiff eu trafod. / Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand (No less than 48hrs before the meeting) Adfer Rheolau Sefydlog / Reinstate Standing Orders.
7. Cyllid/Finance. Balans Banc/Statements of Bank Accounts, 31/10/2022.
Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts £8,130.62
Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts £13,958.00 Cyfanswm / Total £22,088.62
Taliadau / Payments 7(1) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts) to 19/09/22 £10.00
7(2) Costau Bank Charges (Cyfri HG Owen Accounts) to 19/09/22 £8.00
7(3) SO. T T & B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost / Post Office Rent £238.33
7(4) Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the community. 200600 £840.96
7(5) CBS Conwy CBC. Rhaglen Chwaraeon Haf/Summer Sports Programme (Gorff-Medi 2022) 200595 £800.00
7(6) HMRC. Cyfnod diweddu / Period ending 05/10/22 200597 £149.20
7(7) Parish Online, 200596 £54.00
Taliadau iw Cymeradwyo / Payments to be confirmed.
7(8) Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the community 7(9) C B S Conwy C B C. Costau Etholiadau Lleol 2022 Local Election Costs. Llansannan £135.00 Bylchau £135.00 £270.00
Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno / Unpresented cheques. 200598 £1,442.00 200599 £23.80
Derbyniadau / Receipts:
9.22/7(27) 31/10/2022 R W Roberts, Ymgymerwyr Angladdol / Funeral Directors £400.00
Taliadau / Payments, 01/04/22 31/10/22 £19,285.59
Derbyniadau / Receipts, 01/04/22- 31/10/22 £16,199.52
Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno / Unpresented cheques. 200598 £1,442.00 200599 £23.80 200587 £500.00 200588 £60.00
Swm Priodol o dan Adran 137/Appropriate Sum under S137, 2022/23 - £8.82 per elector. (07/01/2020 = 721+318=1039=£9,163.98) (01/12/2021 = Llansannan 694. Bylchau320=1,014 x £8.82 = £8,943.48)
8. Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio / Notice of application for Planning Permission.
8.1 04/11/22. Cyfeirnod / Reference: 0/50163,Ymgeisydd/Applicant: Mr Williams.Dwyrain/ Easting: 299431 Gogledd / Northing:366387 Cynllun: Dymchwel bwthyn gwag a chodi annedd newydd araethedig i weithwyr amaethyddol. Proposal: Demolition of derelict Cottage and proposed replacement agricultural workers dwelling. Safle / Location:Fron Felen Fawr, Waen Tywysog Road, Henllan, Llansannan LL16 5BU Sylwadau / Representations: 25/11/2022
9. Gohebiaeth / Correspondence
9.1 CBC Conwy, B Shiland. Following ongoing inspections of all playgrounds in Conwy, the slide in Maes Grugor Playground has been isolated due to health and safety concerns. We are in the process of reviewing the capital programme for 2022/23 to determine if we have funds available for replacement.
9.2 C B C Conwy: The Radar speed signs (known as VAS) are normally funded by the Local Town /
community council as we do not have the necessary budget for such signs.
This includes the costs of the sign and also its installation. The cost of maintaining the sign will fall on the County Council. However, maintenance will be limited to inspections and minor repairs. It will not include replacing a sign. The cost of a new sign will fall to the Community Council if it chooses to replace it. The minor repair period by the Council (Conwy) will only extend to the manufacturer's stipulated lifespan period. Any minor repairs after this period will then have to be paid for by the Town/Community Council, but the inspection work will continue to be the responsibility of the Council (Conwy)
The Town/Community Council would need to agree on the location (with advice from the Traffic and Street Lighting Unit) and also agree the costs before proceeding further.
Estimated costs are:
Sign (each) approximately £ 3,000
The cost of installing the sign (each) is approximately £ 800
Electrical connection costs in the region of £ 1,000 (depending on distance to nearest electrical connection)
I hope that the above is explanatory in regard to the signage and please feel free to contact the traffic team (Cc) if you wish to pursue the request further so that a suitable location can be agreed.
Regards. Dylan Wynn Jones BEng(hons), I Eng, MCIHT
Rheolwr Rhwydwaith a Thraffig / Traffic and Network Manager
Yr Amgylchedd, Ffyrdd a Chyfleusterau / Environment, Roads & Facilities
10. Ceisiadau am grant / Grant Applications. Cais am gefnogaeth ariannol o £500.00 gan Is-bwyllgor y Cyngor sydd yn trefnu Swper Flynyddol Pensiynwyr Llansannanan ar Nos Wener 2ail o Ragfyr / Request for financial aid of £500.00 from the Councils Sub-committee who are arranging the Llansannan Pensioners Annual Supper on the 2nd of December.
11.Unrhyw fater arall / Any other matter.
11.1 Trafodaeth ar lunio Cytuneb ir clerk / Discussion on drawing out a contract for the clerk
11.2 Adolygu cyflog y clerc / Review clerks salary.
11.3 Cadarnhau trefniadau ar gyfer Gwasanaeth Sul Y Caedoediad Tachwedd 13eg.
11.4 Praesept 2023/24
12. Unrhyw fater ddygwyd i sylwr clerc/ Any issues presented to the clerk.
12.1 Cynghorydd Delyth Williams, Cyflwr y ffyrdd bach gafodd eu defnyddio fel Diversions tra buodd Ffordd Gogor ar gau. / Condition of minor roads used as Diversions during period Ffordd Gogor was closed.
13. Materion yr Archwilydd Mewnol ac Allanol / Internal and External Audit.
14 Materion CBS Conwy CBC Matters.
14.1 Sedd wag Ward Bylchau / Vacant seat for Bylchau Ward.
14.2 Dyddiadau Scips Cymunedol / Community Skips dates: Groes, 07/02/2023. Clwt 08/02/2023. Llansannan, 09/02/2023. Bryn Rhyd yr Arian 14/02/2023.
14.3 21ain o Hydref 2022 Annwyl Haf, Parthed: Meysydd chwarae plwyf Llansannan a maes parcio Cae Bach
Cafwyd cyfarfod ym Modlondeb ar y 6ed o Dachwedd 2019 gyda Swyddogion or Cyngor Sir ac aelodau o Gyngor Cymuned Llansannan er trafod yr uchod. Pwrpas y drafodaeth oedd darganfod os oedd y Cyngor Cymuned yn fodlon bod yn berchen, a rheoli, y meysydd chwarae ar maes parcio yn ei hardal.
Yn ychwanegol, cafwyd cyflwyniad byr ar waith lliniaru llifogydd yn y pentref, a oedd iw wneud yn y dyfodol os byddair arian ar gael i wneud hyn.
Felly, pwrpas y llythyr yma yw darganfod os oes posib symud ymlaen a hyn a cael y caeau chwarae dan berchnogaeth y Cyngor Cymuned. Mae y rhain yn Llansannan, Clwt ar Groes.
Yn ychwanegol, oes posib trosglwyddo Cae Chwarae Maes Gogor Llansannan (yn cynnwys adeilad y pafiliwn) i berchnogaeth Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan?
Re: Playing fields in the parish of Llansannan and the car park in Cae Bach
A meeting was held at Bodlondeb on the 6th November 2019 with Officers of the County Council and members of Llansannan Community Council regarding the above. The purpose of this meeting was to establish if the Community Council was prepared to take ownership and manage these playing fields and the car park in their area.
In addition, those present had a presentation on the proposed flood aleviation scheme planned for the village once funding was secured.
Therfore, the purpose of this letter is to enquire as to the possibility of moving forward with this mater of the Community Council taking over ownership of the areas discussed. (Playing fields in Maes Aled Llansannan, Clwt and Groes and the car park in Cae Bach, Llansannan)
Additionally, is it possible to tranfer the Maes Gogor sports field, Llansannan (including the pavilion building) to the Community Council?
15. Materion Llywodraeth Cymru a San Steffan / Welsh Goverment and UK Parliament matters.
16. Cadarnhau dyddiad Cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor Cymuned / To confirm date of next council meeting 14/12/2022
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