Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cerflun y Ferch Fach / Statue of the Little Girl

Hanes History

Fe ddywedir i'r syniad gwreiddiol o'r gofgolofn ddod o awgrymiad a wnaed gan Thomas Ellis, Aelod Seneddol Meirionydd ar ddiwedd y 19eg ganrif, wrth aros yn yr ardal. Cafodd ei dadorchuddio gan Ellis yn 1899. Mae tarddiad y Ferch yn niwlog gydag amryw o straeon yn dweud ei bod hi o’r pentref ac yn perthyn i deulu cefnog lleol (y Morisiaid o Llety'r Eos) Dywedir fod hanesydd lleol wedi dweud mai’r unig bwnc dadleuol a gododd oedd pa enwau a ddylid ei dewis ar y gofgolofn oherwydd cyfoeth llenyddol Llansannan. Gallai dwsin o enwau eraill fod wedi ei dewis. Mae'r gofeb yn adlewyrchu hyn.

Y Cerflunydd
William Goscombe John oedd yn gyfrifol am y gerfluniaeth. Fe'i ganwyd yng Nghaerdydd, yn fab i gerfiwr pren. Fe astudiodd gyda’i dad yng nghastell Caerdydd dan arweiniad y pensaer William Burges. Yn 1882 aeth i Lundain i weithio fel cynorthwyydd yng ngweithdy Thomos Nickoll yn Lambeth ac i astudio yn Ysgol Celfyddydau Lambeth. Aeth ymlaen i'r Ysgol Academi Frenhinol ac enillodd Fedel Aur ac Ysgoloriaeth Deithiol yn 1889. Yn 1890 ac 1891 gweithiodd dan arweiniad Rodin ym Mharis. Cafodd anrhydedd yn Salon Paris yn 1892 a Medal Aur yn 1901.Ymysg rhai o'i waith mae cerflun o Edward V11 ar farch yn Lerpwl, yr Is-iarll Wolseley yn yr "Horse Guards Parade" ar Tywysog Christian Victor yn Windsor.

Y Pum Enw
Tudur Aled (1480-1526) Bardd. William Salesbury (1520-1600) Ysgolhaig ac Ieithydd. Cyfieithodd y Llyfr Gweddi ar ran fwyaf o'r Testament Newydd i'r Gymraeg am y tro cyntaf. Y brodyr Henry Rees (1798-1869) a Gwilym Hiraethog (1802-1883) o gefndir Methodistiaid Calfinaidd. Enwyd dau o gapeli'r pentref fel anrhydedd iddynt. Iorwerth Glan Aled (1819-1867) Gweinidog Bedyddwyr a bardd

The monument is said to have originated from a suggestion made by the Liberal MP for Meirioneth in the late 19th century, Thomas Ellis, whilst he was staying in the locality. The monument was unveiled by Ellis in 1899. The origin of "The Girl" remains unclear with different stories recounting that she was from the village or that she was related to a wealthy local family (the Morris's of Llety'r Eos). A local historian has commented that the only controversy is the selection of names for the monument as Llansannan's litery fame is such that another dozen names could have been included. The monument is seen as a demonstration of this reputation.

The statue was sculpted by William Goscombe John. John was born in Cardiff, the son of a wood carver. He studied with his father at Cardiff Castle under the direction of architect William Burges. In 1882 he went to London as assistant in Thomas Nickoll's Lambeth workshop and studied at the Lambeth School of Art. He then went on to The Royal Academy Schools and won a Gold Medal and Travelling Scholarship in 1889. In 1890 and 1891 he worked under Rodin in Paris and received honourable mention at the Paris Salon, 1892 and a Gold Medal in 1901. His other
works include an equestrian figure of Edward V11 in Liverpool; Viscount Wolseley at The Horse Guards Parade and Prince Christian Victor at Windsor.

The Five Names
Tudur Aled (1480-1526) was a poet. William Salesbury, (1520-1600) was a scholar and linguist. He translated the Prayer Book and most of the New Testament into Welsh for the first time. Henry Rees (1797-1869) and Gwilym Hiraethog (1802-1883) were brothers of Calvanistic Methodist background and are honoured by two chapels bearing their names in the village. Iorwerth Glan Aled (1819-1867) was a Baptist minister and poet.

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Y Ferch Fach.JPGCerflun y Ferch Fach / Statue of the Little Girl

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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