Cofnodion Cyfarfod Blynyddol Cyffredinol 2017 Annual General Meeting Minutes
Croesawyd pawb ir Cyfarfod gan Y Clerc Emrys Williams
Presennol: Cynghorwyr, Celfyn Williams, Elwyn Jones, Gareth Jones, Glyn Roberts, Meurig Davies, Guto Davies, Trefor Roberts a Berwyn Evans.
Aelodau or Cyhoedd: Sue Lloyd-Williams, Cynghorydd Sir, E M Jones, Dafydd Ifans, Emrys Owen a Phil Coombes. Dwysan Roberts (Cyfieithydd) a Emrys Williams (Clerc)
2.Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda
Cynghorwyr: Celfyn Williams, Elwyn Jones a Gareth Jones: 8 Cyllid / Taliadau: Taliad Blynyddol i Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau
3 Penodi Cadeirydd ar gyfer 2017/2018 Penodwyd Y Cynghorydd Celfyn Williams
Penodi Is-Gadeirydd ar gyfer 2017/2018. Penodwyd Y Cynghorydd Elwyn Jones.
4. Penodi aelodau pwyllgorau o fewn Y Plwyf ar gyfer 2017/2018
i.Un Llais Cymru: Celfyn Williams a Berwyn Evans.
ii.Mynwent Y Plwyf: Trefor Roberts, Berwyn Evans, Guto Davies a Meurig Davies
iii.Cymdeithas Chwareuon Bro Aled: Trefor Roberts, Celfyn Williams. Meurig Davies a Guto Davies.
iv.Llwybrau Cyhoeddus Y Plwyf: Celfyn Williams a Glyn O Roberts.
v. Llywodraethwyr Ysgol Bro Aled: Guto Davies
vi. Taflen Gwybodaeth Y Plwyf: Oll or Cynghorwyr.
vii. Rheolaeth Canolfan Addysg Bro Aled: Guto Davies a Berwyn Evans.
viii. Cyllid: Berwyn Evans, Celfyn Williams, Gareth Jones, hefyd penderfynwyd enwebu yn dilyn cyfethol Cynghorwyr ychwanegol.
5. Penodi Archwiliwr mewnol ar gyfer archwiliad Cyllid Y Cyngor am y flwyddyn 2016/17.
Enwebwyd Eifion M Jones.
6. Cadarnhau Cofnodion Pwyllgor Blynyddol Y Cyngor; 11/05/2016. Cymeradwywyd y cofnodion yn gywir ac feu harwyddwyd gan Y Cadeirydd.
7. Materion yn codi or cofnodion.
8. Cyllid. Balans Banc, 01/04/2017.
Cyfrif Y Dreth £14,126.44
Cyfrif H G Owen. £18,486.05 Cyfanswm £32,612.49
Cymeradwywyd y taliadau canlynol am y flwyddyn 2017/2018.
Taliad Blynyddol i Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau: £1,800-00 (£600.00 x 3)
Direct Debits
British Gas Business
Standing Order
TT & B Williams. Rhent Swyddfa Bost. (£151.66 x 12) £1819.92
9.Unrhyw fater arall ,
I gynwys y canlynol yn reolau Mewnol Y Cyngor / To include the following in the Councils Standing Orders.
09/11/2016, Unrhyw fater arall, 10.1, Drafft Rheoliadau Rheoliadau (ac eithro trothwyon Caffel yr UE a ddangosir yn Rheoliadau 11)
PENDERFYNWYD, Derbyn y Canllawiau uchod.
09/11/2016, 10.2,
PENDERFYNWYD: Derbyn Rheoliadau Mewnol Y Cyngor fel ac y meant gan ychwanegu fel Rhif 11 Y DRAFFT RHEOLIADAU ARIANNOL uchod.
Cyflwynodd Y Cynghorydd Sir Sue Lloyd-Williams air o ddiolch i bawb sydd yn ymwneud ar Cyngor Cymuned.Cyfeiriodd yn bennaf at y cynghorwyr presennol ar cynghorwyr a safodd i lawr cyn yr etholiad diweddar,oll ohonynt wedi cyflawni gwaith clodwiw gan plwysleisio fod y cyfan yn waith gwirfoddol.
Cafwyd hefyd air o ddiolch gan Celfyn Williams am y gefnogaeth a dderbyniodd yn ei swydd gydol y flwyddyn ac am yr anrhydedd o gael ei ail ethol fel Cadeirydd. Cyfeiriodd at y gwaith maer Cyngor yn ei gyflawni ac am y gefnogaeth ariannol a roddir i nifer o wahanol fudiadau yn y plwyf. Hefyd,am y cydweithrediad hapus sydd yn bodoli rhwng Y Cyngor a Chyngor Bwrdeistrf Sirol Conwy.
Estynodd Y Cadeirydd y cyfle i unrhyw un yn bresennol annerch y Cyfarfod
Cafwyd araith lled ddiflas a sarhaus gan Mr Philip Coombes aelod or cyhoedd a oedd yn bresennol. Ail adroddodd sylwadau a chyhuddiadau ffyrnig a di-sail a leisiwyd droeon ganddo yn y gorffennol sef bod sefyllfa gywilyddus yn bodoli yn Llansannan gan nad oes yr un or cynghorwyr presennol wedi cael eu hethol ir Cyngor Cymuned o ganlyniad i etholiad.Aeth ymlaen i wneud sylwadau tra faleisus ynglyn ac ail-benodiad Sue Lloyd-Williams fel Cynghorydd Sir dros ardal Llansannan a Llannefydd.
Ar y pryd yma erfyniodd Y Cynghorydd Sir ir Cadeirydd ohirior Cyfarfod.
Gofynwyd i Mr Coombes dawelu gan Y Cadeirydd ac aeth ymlaen i egluro iddo fod Y Cyngor wedi dilyn ir llythyren pob canllaw a rheol a gyflwynwyd gan Wasanaethau Etholiadol Cyngor Bwrdeistref Conwy ynglyn ar etholiadau diweddar. Pwysleisiwyd iddo hefyd fod y canllawiau priodol yn cael eu dilyn yn yr un modd pan fod angen cyfethol ar gyfer unrhyw sedd wag yn y Gymuned.
Yn dilyn rhagor o sylwadau sarhaus a gyfeirwyd at aelodau or Cyngor ar Cyhoedd a oedd yn bresennol gan Mr Coombes gofynwyd iddo ymadael ar unwaith or Cyfarfod gan Y Cadeirydd.
Gadawodd Mr Coombes y Cyfarfod ar unwaith.
Terfynwyd Y Cyfarfod Blynyddol a symudwyd ymlaen i Agenda pwyllgor Y Cyngor am Fis Mai
The Clerk Emrys Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Present. Councillors : Celfyn Williams, Elwyn Jones, Gareth Jones, Glyn Roberts, Meurig Davies, Guto Davies, Trefor Roberts and Berwyn Evans.
Members of the Public. Sue Lloyd-Williams County Councillor, E M Jones, Dafydd Ifans, Emrys Owen and Phil Coombes. Dwysan Roberts (Translator) and Emrys Williams (Clerk)
2.Opportunity for Declaration of Interest on any item listed on the Agenda. No interests were declared.
3.Appoint Chairman for 2017/2018. Cllr Celfyn Williams was re-elected.
Appoint Vice-Chairman for 2016/2017. Cllr Elwyn Jones was elected
4. Appoint members to Committees within the Parish for 2017/2018
It was decided that the following Councillors would represent the Community Council on the following Committees,
i, One Voice Wales: Celfyn Williams and Berwyn Evans,
ii, Parish Cemetery: Trefor Roberts, Berwyn Evans, Guto Davies and Meurig Davies.
iii,Bro Aled Sports Society: Trefor Roberts, Celfyn Williams. Meurig Davies and Guto Davies.
iv, Parish Public Footpaths: Celfyn Williams and Glyn O Roberts.
v, Ysgol Bro Aled Governers: Guto Davies.
vi, Parish Information Leaflet: All the Councillors
vii, Bro Aled Centre Management: Guto Davies and Berwyn Evans.
viii, Finance: Berwyn Evans, Celfyn Williams, Gareth Jones. Resolved: To elect following Co-Option process.
5. Appoint Internal Auditor for Councils Financial Report 2016/2017. Mr Eifion M Jones was appointed.
6. Approval of the Councils previous annual meeting 11/05/2016. The minutes were confirmed as being correct and were signed by the Chairman
7. Matters arising from the Minutes.
8. Finance. Bank Balance 01/04/2017, Community Council Accounts; £14,126.44
H G Owen Account £18,486.05 Total £ 32,612.49
RESOLVED: To pay the following payments.
Annual Payment to Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau: £1,800-00 (£600.00 x 3)
Direct Debits
British Gas Business
Standing Order
TT & B Williams. Post Office Rent. (£151.66 x 12) £1819.92
9.Any other Business ,
To include the following in the Councils Standing Orders.
09/11/2016 Any other matters.10.1 Adopt MODEL for consideration by the Council of Financial Regulations (other than the EU Procurement thresholds shown Regulation 11 )
RESOLVED: To adopt the above guidelines
RESOLVED: To adopt the Councils Internal Financial Regulations and to add as No 11 the above Model of Financial Regulations
County Councillor Sue Lloyd-Williams thanked everyone associated with the Community Council. She thanked the present Councillors and also the Councillors who stood down before the recent election. She emphasized the fact that all their endeavours are voluntary and indeed praiseworthy.
The Chairman Celfyn WillIams thanked everyone for the support during his tenure and also for the honour of being re-elected as chairman. He referred to the work achieved by the Community Council and also the support given to many local institutes .He also referred to the amiable cooperation between the Community Council and Conwy County Council.
The Chairman offered an opportunity to anyone else present to address the meeting.
Mr P Coombes a member of the public present at the meeting proffered an insulting and profound tirade against the Community Council as an institution as well as every member Councillor. He chose to reiterate comments made often in the past by himself that none of the present Councillors have been duly elected onto the Council, a disgraceful situation in his opinion!
He continued by voicing insulting remarks relating to the unopposed re-election of the County Councillor Sue Lloyd-Williams who was present.
At this juncture Sue Lloyd-Williams pleaded with the Chairman to stop the meeting .
Mr Coombes was instructed to refrain his outburst.
At this point in the proceedings the Chairman explained to him that the Council had followed to the letter every rule and guidance presented by Conwy Borough County Councils Democratic Services prior to the recent election. He went on to emphasize that every guidance and protocol is also adhered to when exercising the co-option process when deemed necessary by the Council.
Following further vitriolic comments directed at members of the public and councilors present by Mr Coombes the Chairman asked him to leave immediately.
Mr Coombes duly responded to the Chairmans request.
The meeting was closed and matters continued with the May monthly agenda
Cofnodion Cyfarfod Blynyddol Cyffredinol 2017 Annual General Meeting Minutes Statistics: 0 click throughs, 294 views since start of 2025