Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cofnodion Mis Awst 2017 August Minutes

Presennol: Cynghorwyr: Celfyn Williams(Cadeirydd) Meurig Davies, Berwyn Evans, Gareth Jones, Delyth Williams, Glyn O Roberts, Guto Davies, Emrys Owen a Trefor Roberts.
Aelodau o’r Cyhoedd: Eifion M Jones, Philip Coombes, Dwysan Roberts (Cyfieithydd) a Emrys Williams (Clerc)
1. Ymddiheuriadau Cynghorydd Elwyn Jones
2. Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda:
Cyng, Delyth Willliams Eitem 7.2 Rhent Y Swyddfa Bost. Eitem 9.3 Clwb Pel-droed Llansannan.
Cyng, Celfyn Williams Eitem 9.1 Pwyllgor Lles yr Henoed, Plwyf Y Bylchau.
Cyng Berwyn Evans. Eitem 9.3 Clwb Pel-droed Llansannan
3. Cadarnhau Cofnodion Pwyllgor Blaenorol Y Cyngor 17/07/17:
PENDERFYNWYD- Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod y Cyngor a gynhaliwyd 17/07/17 yn gofnod cywir.
4. Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
11.8 Datganodd Y Cynghorydd Elwyn Jones nad oedd yn dymuno derbyn y swydd Is-Gadeirydd.
Cynigwyd a chefnogwyd Y Cyng Guto Davies fel Is-Gadeirydd.
PENDERFYNWYD: Penodi Y Cynghorydd Guto Davies yn Is-Gadeirydd
5. Adroddiad y Cynghorydd Sir:
(Ymddiheuriadau nad oes geni Adroddiad ar eich cyfer heno I'r cyfarfod arbennig - mi fyddai wedi trefnu ichi gael gwerth dau fis o adroddiad ym mis Medi!
Ymddiheuriadau eto ar gyfer heno.)
Gohirio’r Rheolau Sefydlog
6. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor: 21 Mynediad y Cyhoedd i gyfarfodydd .
21.3 Rhoi’r ugain munud ar wahan i gael datganiadau gan y cyhoedd a chaiff pob unigolyn dri munud i roddi eu datganiad. Dim ond eitemau sydd wedi eu derbyn gan y Clerc yn gynharach ( 48 o oriau cyn y cyfarfod ) a gaiff eu trafod
Ni dderbyniwyd unrhyw sylwadau gan aelodau o’r Cyhoedd.
Adfer y Rheolau Sefydlog .
7. Cyllid / Finance. Balans Banc / Statements of Bank Accounts. 31/07/2017
Cyfrif y Dreth / Community Council Accounts £14,035-09
Cyfrif H G Owen Accounts £18,487-66 Cyfanswm / Total.£ 32,522-75
7.1 10/07/17 Hamilton Security Systems LTD, Gwasanaeth i'r system CTCC . £54.00
7.2 17/07/17 SO TT&B Williams Rhent Swyddfa Bost £151-66
7.3 07/08/17 Cyfieithu Cymunedol 12/07/17 £91.96
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo fod y ffigyrau uchod yn gywir. Cymeradwyo talu oll o’r taliadau uchod Cyfanswm Taliadau £297.62
7. 04/07/17 Ad-daliad British Telecom £49.28
7. 04/07/17HMB Enterprise Ltd,Swyddfa Bost Flint Post Office,Rhent Post Office Llansannan £210-00 Cyfanswm Derbyniadau . £ 259.28
Taliadau 01/04/2017 - 31/07/2017 £10,861.86
Derbyniadau, 01/04/2017 - 31/07/2017 £7276.21
Adolygiad cyllideb ar gyfer,Awst/ Medi / Hydref,
TT&B Williams £455, Arfon Wynne £3,000, Hamilton Security Services £54.00. BT £80.00. Brit Gas £80.00
Cyfiethu £270.00 Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau £600.00. Cyflog + Costau clerc £1,400.00
CBS Conwy Rhaglen Chwareuon Haf £600.00 Your Parish Community LTD £120.00 Cyfanswm, £ 6,660-00
Amcangyfrif Derbyniadau misoedd uchod
Conwy CBC, Precept x 1 £6,666. Ad-daliad llwybrau £2,000 Cyfanswm, £8,666-00
8. Rhybudd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio
8.1 Cyfeirnod 0/44225.Ymgeisydd: SP Manweb PLC.
Dwyrain 301185 Gogledd 365058. Cynllun: Adeiliadu llinell 11kv presennol uwch ben Bryn Stanley Bylchau Llansannan Conwy (Phase 1) Sylwadau 17/08/2017
8.2 Cyfeirnod 0/44228.Ymgeisydd: SP Energy Networks. Dwyrain 301552 Gogledd 364682 Cynllun: Adeiliadu llinell 11kv presennol uwch ben Bryn Stanley, Bylchau, Llansannan, Conwy. Sylwadau 17/08/2017
8.3 Cyfeirnod 0/44252 Ymgeisydd: Mr Dylan Roberts, Dwyrain 293891 Gogledd 365808 Cynllun: Codi estyniad i Adeilad Storfa Amaethyddol. Safle: Plas Aled, Llwyn y Gibwst, Llansannan LL16 5HE Sylwadau: 28/08/2017
8.4 Cyfeirnod: 0/44265. Ymgeisydd: Mrs B Lloyd-Jones, Dwyrain: 291283 Gogledd: 366183 Cynllun: Tystysgrif Gyfreithlondeb ar gyfer y defnydd arfaethedig fel annedd. Safle: Tir gyferbyn a Cefn Groes Fawr, Llangernyw i Rhydeden Llansannan LL16 5L3, Sylwadau: 30/08/2017
Nid oedd gan Y Gyngor unrhyw wrthwynebiad nac ychwaith unrhyw sylwadau ynglyn a'r 4 cais uchod.
9. Gohebiaeth
9.1 10/07/17 Nia Owen,Ysgrifennydd Pwyllgor Lles yr Henoed, Plwyf Y Bylchau Cais ynghyd a mantolen 2016/17 am gymorth ariannol er mwyn hybu gwaith aelodau’r achos.
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwywyd y swm o £ 500-00 (Pum cant)
9.2 30/06/17 Deborah Job, Rheolwr Prosiect Lles Cymunedol Gwasanaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol ac Addysg.
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i fynychu Cyfarfod yn Ysgol Emrys Ap Iwan Abergele ar 28/09/2017.
9.3 12/07/17, Gwyn Ll Evans, Cadeirydd Clwb Pel-Droed Llansannan Cais ynghyd a mantolen ariannol am gymorth ariannol er mwyn ail-sefydlu’r Clwb Pel-Droed
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwywyd y swm o
£1,000-00 (Mil o bunnoedd) £500-00 o Gyfrif Y Dreth a £500-00 o Gyfrif H G Owen.
9.4 20/07/17, AFFCH. CBS Conwy. Gwybodaeth diweddaraf ynglyna’r ddau gerbyd yn maes parcio Ffordd Gogor.
9.5 31/07/17 Janet Jenkins, Parthed Defibrillator, Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau. Cais am gymorth ariannol.
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwywyd y swm o £ 300-00 (Tri chant)
9.6 Gweler Unrhyw fater arall
9.7 CBS Conwy. Parthed “ Triongl” Maes Aled Llansannan. Disgwyl cael cyfarfod safl yn y dyfodol agos.
10 Unrhyw fater arall
10.1 Cadarnhau a chymeradwyo y datganiadau cyfrifyddu a’r Datganiad Llywodraethu Blynyddol.
Cyflwynwyd Y Datganiadau uchod i’r Cyngor a darllenwyd adroddiad a sylwadau’r Archwilydd Mewnol.
PENDERFYNWYD: Derbyn Yr Adroddiad a’r Datganiad Cyfrifyddu a’r Datganiad Llywodraethu
Yn ddogfen gywir a’i chyflwyno maes o law i’r Archwiwyr Allanol
10.2 Adolygwyd eitemau sydd yn gynnwysiedig yn “Reolau Sefydlog Y Cyngor “
10.3 Adolygwyd eitemau sydd yn gynnwysiedig yn y “Reoliadau Ariannol Y Cyngor”
Budd yr eitemau uchod (10.2 a 10.3) yn cael eu cynnwys yn Agenda 13/09/2017 er mwyn eu
cadarnhau yn y Cyfarfod nesaf o’r Cyngor.
10.4 Cyflwynodd y Clerc sywadau a dderbyniodd gan Mrs Hafwen Davies ynglyn a ddiffyg
taclusrwydd o amgylch pentrefan Y Clwt. Cafwyd gwybodaeth fod Arfon Wynne wedi torri’r
glaswellt ar ochr y ffordd fawr.
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc gysylltu gyda CBS Conwy parthed offer i’r cae chware yn Y Clwt a Maes Aled Llansannan.
10.5 Cyfethol ar gyfer y sedd wag yn Ward Llansannan. PENDERFYNWYD: Enwebu Hafwen Davies, Clwt Grugor.
Estynodd Y Cadeirydd ddymuniadau da i Dwysan ac Osian ar achlysur eu priodas yn Mis Medi.
Llongyfarchwyd Y Cynghorydd Trefor Roberts ar dderbyn Medal Gwasanaeth Hir-dymor yn Y Sioe Frenhinol yn Llanelwedd yn ddiweddar.
Llongyfarchwyd pawb yn gysylltiedig a’r dathliadau penblwydd yn Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau a Chanolfan Addysg Bro Aled yn ystod Mis Gorffennaf.
11. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad Cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor


Present: Councillors: Celfyn Williams(Chairman) Meurig Davies, Gareth Jones, Delyth Williams, Glyn O Roberts, Guto Davies, Emrys Owen and Trefor Roberts.
Members of the Public : Eifion M Jones, Philip Coombes Dwysan Roberts (Translator) and Emrys Williams (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Elwyn Jones.
2. Declarations of Interest, Code of Local Government Conduct:
Cllr, Delyth Willliams Item 7.2 Post Office rent. Item 9.3 Clwb Pel-droed Llansannan Football Club.
Cllr Celfyn Williams Eitem 9.1 Pwyllgor Lles yr Henoed, Plwyf Y Bylchau.
Cllr Berwyn Evans. Item 9.3 Clwb Pel-droed Llansannan Football Club
3. Approval of the Councils previous meeting’s minutes: 08/06/16:
RESOLVED: To approve and sign the minutes of the Council’s meeting held on 08/06/17
4. Matters arising from the minutes
11.8 Cllr Elwyn Jones has informed the Council that he won’t be able to accept the post of Vice-Chair
Cllr Guto Davies was proposed and seconded as Vice-Chairman.
RESOLVED: To appoint Cllr Guto Davies as Vice Chairman
5. County Councillor’s monthly report.
6. Suspend the Standing Orders
Public’s opportunity to present statements
Llansannan Community Council. Standing Orders.
21 Attendance at meetings by the public. 21.3 Up to twenty minutes of any meeting can be set aside for the public to present statements, and each individual is allowed a maximum of three minutes to present his or her statement. The Council or committee will only hear statements about matters presented to the Clerk beforehand ( no less than 48 hours before the meeting ).
Reinstate the Standing Orders.
7. Finance.
Statements of Bank Accounts. 31/07/2017
Community Council Accounts £14,035-09
H G Owen Accounts £18,487-66 Total. £32,522-75
7.1 10/07/17 Hamilton Security Systems LTD, Routine Service of the CCTV system. £54.00
7.2 17/07/17 Standing Order TT&B Williams Post Office Rent £151-66
7.3 07/08/17 Community Translation.12/07/17 £91.96 Payments Total £297.62
RESOLVED: That all the above payments are correct. That all the above payments be paid.
7. 04/07/17 British Telecom refund £49.28
7. 04/07/17 HMB Enterprise, Flint Post Office,Rent Post Office Llansannan £210-00 Receipts Total. £ 259.28
Payments. 01/04/2017 - 31/07/2017 £10,861.86
Receipts, 01/04/2017 - 31/07/2017 £7,276.21
Review of Budget for August/Sept/Oct
TT&B Williams £455, Arfon Wynne £3’000, Hamilton Securities £54. BT £80.Brit Gas £80.
Translation £270. Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau £600.00 Salary + Clerk’s expenses £1,400.00
Conwy CBC Summer Sports Programme £600.00 Your Parish Community LTD £120.00 TotaL, £6,660-00
Estimated Receipts for above months,
Conwy CBC, Precept x 1 £6,666.00 Footpaths refund £2,000.00 Total, £8,666-00
8.Notice of applications for Planning Permission
8.1 Reference 0/44225. Applicant: SP Manweb PLC.
Easting 301185 Northing 365058. Cynllun: Adeiliadu llinell 11kv presennol uwch ben Bryn Stanley Bylchau Llansannan Conwy (Phase 1) Representations 17/08/2017
8.2 Reference 0/44228.Ymgeisydd / Applicant: SP Energy Networks. Dwyrain / Easting 301552 Gogledd / Northing 364682 Cynllun: Adeiliadu llinell 11kv presennol uwch ben Bryn Stanley Bylchau Llansannan Conwy. Representations 17/08/2017
8.3 Reference: 0/44252 Applicant: Mr Dylan Roberts, Easting 293891 Northing 365808 Proposal: Erection of extension to Agricultural Storage Building. Location: Plas Aled, Llwyn y Gibwst,Llansannan LL16 5HE Representations: 28/08/2017
8.4 Reference: 0/44265. Applicant: Mrs B Lloyd-Jones,
Easting: 291283 Northing: 366183 Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed use as a dwelling. Location: Land Opposite Cefn Groes Fawr Llangernyw to Rhydeden Llansannan LL16 5LE,
Representations 30/08/2017
RESOLVED: No comments nor objections were voiced against the above 4 (four) applications.
9. Correspondence
9.1 10/07/17 Nia Owen, Secretary Lles yr Henoed Plwyf Y Bylchau Committee, Request (+Balance Sheet 2016/17) for financial contribution towards promoting the member’s interests.
RESOLVED: To contribute £ 500-00 (Five hundred pounds)
9.2 30/06/17 Deborah Job,Project Manager, Community Wellbeing, Social Care and Education Services, Conwy CBC.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk attend a a meeting at Ysgol Emrys Ap Iwan on 28/09/2017
9.3 12/07/17,Gwyn Ll Evans, Chairman of Llansannan Football Club, Request (+Bank Statement dated 30/06/17) for a financial contribution towards re-establishing the club.
RESOLVED: To donate £1000-00 (One Thousand pounds) £500-00 from the Community Council Account and £500-00 from the H G Owen Account.
9.4 20/07/17 ERF CBS Conwy CBC. Details re-abandoned vehicles sited at Ffordd Gogor car park.
9.5 31/07/17 Janet Jenkins, Re-Defibrillator, Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau,Groes. Request for a financial contribution towards the ongoing needs and insurance of the recently purchased Defibrillator.
RESOLVED: To contribute £300.00 (Three hundred pounds)
9.6 See any other matters.
10.1 Confirm and approve the accounting statements and the Annual Governance Statement.
The Accounting Statements, Annual Governance Statement and the Internal Auditor’s Report were presented to the Council.
RESOLVED: That the Accounting Statements, Annual Governance Statement and the Internal Auditor’s Report be presented to the External Auditor as correct documents
10.2 Items included in the Council’s Standing Orders were reviewed
10.3 Items included in the Council’s Financial Regulations were reviewed.
The above items (10.2 and 10.3) will be presented on the 13/09/2017 Agenda for confirmation.
10.4 The Clerk relayed sentiments expressed by Mrs Hafwen Davies regarding the general untidiness
around the hamlet of Clwt Bylchau. Since receiving the complaint the Clerk has instructed Arfon Wynne to address the matter.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk contact the relevant department in CBC Council to the possibility of
additional playground equipment for Maes Aled Llansannan and Clwt Bylchau playgrounds
10.5 Co-option regarding the vacant seat in Llansannan Ward,
RESOLVED: Hafwen Davies Clwt Grugor was nominated.
10.6 Any issue presented to the clerk prior to the meeting.
The Chairman congratulated Dwysan and Osian on their forthcoming marriage.
He also congratulated Cllr Trefor Roberts who was presented with the Long Service Medal at
the Royal Welsh Show at Builth Wells during July. The Chairman and Cllr Berwyn Evans refereed to the exceptional success of the 40th and 50th
Celebrations of Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau and Canolfan Addysg Bro Aled also held in July.
11 Confirm date and venue of next Council Meeting 13/09/2017


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Cofnodion Mis Awst 2017 August Minutes

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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