Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cofnodion Mis Ebrill 2017 April Minutes

Presennol: Cynghorwyr: Celfyn Williams (Cadeirydd) Sharon Evans, Elwyn Jones, Gareth Jones, Meurig Davies,Trefor Roberts, Dafydd Ifans a Berwyn Evans
Aelodau o’r Cyhoedd: Mr Philip Coombes, Mr Emrys Owen a Mr Eifion M Jones. Dwysan Roberts (Cyfieithydd) ac Emrys Williams (Clerc)
1. Ymddiheuriadau: Cynghorydd Sir, Sue Lloyd Williams. Cynghorwyr: Meinir Jones, Glyn O Roberts a Guto Davies.
2.Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda:
Cynghorwyr: Berwyn Evans, Trefor Roberts a Sharon Evans; Rhybydd o Geisiadau Cynllunio 8.4
Cynghorwyr: Berwyn Evans a TreforRoberts; Gohebiaeth, 9.7
3.Cadarnhau Cofnodion Pwyllgor Blaenorol Y Cyngor 08/03/2017
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod y Cyngor a gynhaliwyd 08/03/201 yn gofnod cywir.
4. Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
Dim yn codi o’r cofnodion.
5. Adroddiad y Cynghorydd Sir:
Derbyniwyd adroddiad o ddyddiadur llawn y Cynghorydd Sir o’r 2ail o Fawrth hyd y 12fed o Ebrill.
Yn ogystal :
Etholiadau’r Cyngor Sir, Tref a Chymunedau – 4ydd o Fai 2017 – Mae’n bleser o’r mwyaf geni eich hysbysu fy mod wedi fy ethol am Dymor arall fel eich Cynghorydd Sirol – diolch yn FAWR iawn i bawb am bob cefnogaeth a chydweithrediad dros y naw mlynedd ddiwethaf – rydwi’n wir werthfawrogi’r cyfan.
Mi edrychai ‘mlaen i gyd-weithio a chi yn y dyfodol.
Coed Maes Aled – cynhaliwyd cyfarfod buddiol dros ben gyda Swyddogion o Gartrefi Conwy – fe fu Celfyn, Emrys a minne yn bresennol. Mewn egwyddor fe benderfynnwyd gyrru ‘mlaen a gwaith oamgylch Maes Aled – yn aros i dderbyn cadarnhad o ran yr ochr gyfreithiol cyn cychwyn
6. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor:
Ni gyflwynwyd unrhyw sylwadau gan aelodau’r cyhoedd oedd yn bresennol.
7. Cyllid Balans Banc . 04/04/17
Cyfrif y Dreth £15,700.05
Cyfrif H G Owen £18,485.50 Cyfanswm £34,185.55
7.1 10/03/17 CBS Conwy. Hawliad Trethi
Sub Post Office and Café £785.93,
PENDERFYNWYD: Atal y taliad uchod, gweler 9 Gohebiaeth 9.3.
7.2 15/03/17 SO. TT&B Williams Rhent Swyddfa Bost £151.66
7.3 05/04 /17 Cyfieithu Cymunedol/Community Translation. Cyfarfod 08/03/17 £91.96
7.4 12/04/17 Cyflog Clerc 01/01/17 i 31/03/17 £1,326.00
7.5 12/04/17 Costau Clerc 01/01/17 i 31/03/17 £95.95
Anfoneb dderbyniwyd 12/04/17.
7.6 31/03/17 Arfon Wynne, Torri’r Fynwent £138.00.Torri gwrychoedd £87.89
Strimio Grofydd £63.60.£251.84 + TAW £50.37. £302.21
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a thalu oll o’r taliadau uchod.

Derbyniadau Nid oedd unrhyw dderbyniadau.
8. Rhybudd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio
8.1 07/03/17 Cyfeirnod 0/43767. Ymgeisydd Mr Gareth Jones, Dwyrain: 295004 Gogledd 363581. Cynllun: Codi Adeilad Amaethyddol (Cymeradwyaeth Amaethyddol Blaenorol) Safle Cae Goronwy, Llansannan, Conwy LL16 5NB. Sylwdau: 28/03/17.
8.2 08/03/17 Cyfeirnod 0/43776. Ymgeisydd : Mrs Kerry Smith. Dwyrain : 298874 Gogledd: 363295. Cynllun: Bwriad i symud yr adeilad allanol presennol a chodi anecs deulawr i flaen/ochr yr eiddo.Safle: Foel Uchaf,Foel Road,Groes,Llansannan Conwy LL15 5SL Sylwadau: 29/03/2017.
8.3 15/03/17 Cyfeirnod: 0/43804. Ymgeisydd: Mr Dewi Roberts. Dwyrain 293946. Gogledd 365395. Cynllun/: Estyniad ystafell ardd ac ystafell fwyta i annedd. Safle: Pencraig Fawr,Pen Craig Fawr Road, Llansannan, LL16 5HE Sylwadau 05/04/17.
8.4 28/03/17. Cyfeirnod:0/43840.Ymgeisydd:Capel Coffa Henry Rees. Dwyrain 293359. Gogledd 365713. Cynllun: Estyniad unllawr ar dalcen deheuol yr eiddo ac i gefn yr eiddo sy’n wynebu tua’r gorllewin. Safle: Heulfryn, Ffordd Gogor, Llansannan, ConwY. Ll16 5HR Sylwadau 18/04/2017.
PENDERFYNWYD. Nad oedd gan y Cyngor unrhyw wrthwynebiad nac ychwaith unrhyw sylwadau i’r pedwar (4) cais uchod.
9. Gohebiaeth
9.1 14/02/17. CBS Conwy: Arolwg Etholiad 2017 o Gonwy PENDERFYNWYD: I’w gynnwys ar agenda 10/05/17.To be included on 10/05/17 agenda.
9.2 20/03/17, Gwynne Jones, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr-Cartrefi Conwy.Ymateb i 10.5-08/03/17.
PENDERFYNWYD: Estyn gwahoddiad i gyfarfod 14/06/17
9.3 21/03/17. CBS Conwy. Ben Dutton. Re: Small
Business Rates Relief / Charitable and Discretionary Rate Relief.
Ateb i 9.5 (Gohebiaeth) 08/03/17
Cafwyd gwybodaeth gan y Clerc fod ffurflen “CAIS AM OSTYNIAD ELUSENOL A DEWISOL AR Y DRETH” wedi cael ei derbyn i’w llenwi.
9.4 23/03/17. Llais Cymru,
Cafwyd adroddiad gan y Cyng, Berwyn Evans o rai o’r pynciau drafodwyd yn y pwyllgor.
PENDERFYNWYD: Cynnwys ar Agenda 10/05/17:”Leader Scheme Conwy” ac “Appraisal Scheme”
9.5 23/03/17. CBS Conwy CBC, Parthed: Aled Isa Reservoir and Cornwal Road. Gweler 10.6 a 10.7 Cofnodion 08/03/17.
Aled Isa: Gwybodaeth yn datgan fod Dwr Cymru (DCWW) wedi gwneud gwaith atal erydiad yn ddiweddar a bod 2 medr o ochr y ffordd i ymyl y cob sydd yn ateb y gofynion.Gan fod y Cob / Llyn yn gyfrifoldeb DCWW dylir cysylltu’n uniongyrchol a Click to email am ragor o wybodaeth.
Fford Cornwal: Derbyniwyd cadarnhad fod gwaith wedi ei restru i ddatrus y broblem.
9.6 27/03/17. Cartrefi Conwy: Re: Removal of Roadside Trees in Llansannan.
Ymateb gan Julie Brotherton,Swyddog Prydlesoedd a Chyswllt Tir, Cartrefi Conwy yn cynnig cyfarfod ar y safle i drafod y sefyllfa.
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i drefnu cyfarfod i’r Cynghorwyr ac aelodau o’r cyhoedd.
9.7 30/03/17. Eisteddfod Bro Aled Llansannan, Apel am gyfraniad tuag at gostau gweinyddol Eisteddfod 24/06/17. Derbyniwyd mantolen ariannol i ganlyn y llythyr gan Jane Jones,Trysorydd.
PENDERFYNWYD: Cyfranu £500.00
9.8 31/03/17. CBS Conwy. Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, Environmental Protection Act 1990.
PENDERFYNWYD: Estyn gwahoddiad i Bethan Lloyd, Principal Environmental Health Officer i gyfarfod mis Mai.
9.9 12/04/17. E-bost: Sian Williams, Pennaeth y Gwasanaethau Democrataidd Y Gyfraith a Llywodraethu CBS Conwy.
Rŵan ein bod ni’n gwybod pa wardiau fydd yn cael etholiad, efallai yr hoffech chi ddechrau meddwl a pharatoi ar gyfer cyfethol pobl i lenwi unrhyw sedd wag sydd gennych chi.
Atodaf ganllaw y bu i ni ei baratoi beth amser yn Ôl i helpu clercod yn ystod yr etholiad.
Dyma bethau pwysig i'w cofio:
• Bydd y rheiny sy’n cael eu hethol heb gystadleuaeth yn cymryd eu seddi bedwar diwrnod ar Ôl yr etholiad, h.y. 8 Mai 2017. Mae hyn yn berthnasol i’r rheiny nad ydynt yn gynghorwyr ar hyn o bryd.
• Mae pob cyngor cymuned yn ffurfio cworwm ond mae modd cyfethol aelodau i lenwi seddi gweigion.
• Mae’n rhaid i berson sy’n cael ei gyfethol fod yn ‘gymwys’ ac nid yn ‘anghymwys’ fel person sy’n sefyll mewn etholiad.
• MAE’N RHAID hysbysebu’r cyfetholiad ar ffurf hysbysiad cyhoeddus – mae hysbysiad enghreifftiol ar gael yn y canllaw.
• Bydd gan gynghorau cymuned brosesau gwahanol ar waith ar gyfer cyfethol, ond hoffaf eich annog i ystyried yr ‘arfer orau’ a nodir yn y canllaw ynghlwm. Yn anad dim, mae’n rhaid trin yr holl ymgeiswyr yr un fath ac mae’n rhaid i’r broses o wneud penderfyniad fod yn agored a rhesymol.

Gobeithiaf y bydd yr wybodaeth hon o gymorth i chi ond, os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiwn pellach, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi.

Siân Williams

Pennaeth y Gwasanaethau Democrataidd
Y Gyfraith a Llywodraethu
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol CONWY
E-bost/: Click to email
FfÔn 01492 576062

Cyflwynodd Y Cadeirydd air o ddiolchiadau i bawb sydd wedi rhoddi eu henwau ymlaen ac wedi eu hethol ar Y Cyngor newydd. Hefyd diolchodd i’r Cynghorwyr sydd wedi penderfynu sefyll i lawr ar ol blynyddoedd o wasanaeth.Datganodd siomiant na fydd merched ar Y Cyngor ar ddechrau’r tymor newydd. Yng Nghyfarfod mis Mai bydd y Cynghorwyr Celfyn Williams, Gareth Jones a Elwyn Jones yn cynrychioli Ward Y Bylchau a’r Cynghorwyr Guto Davies, Meurig Davies, Berwyn Evans, Glyn O Roberts a Trefor Roberts yn cynrychioli Ward Llansannan
Gofynodd i bawb ystyried enwau erbyn y Cyfarfod nesaf ar gyfer dechrau’r broses o gyfethol.

Gofynodd Y Cynghorydd Dafydd Ifans am ganiatad i wneud datganiad i’r pwyllgor. Hefyd gofynodd fod y datganiad yn cael ei gofnodi.
Diolch am yr cyfle i ddweud gair bach. Rwyf wedi penderfynu peidio sefyll oherwydd fod problemau iechyd yn achosi imi fethu ambell gyfarfod. Rwyf yn gobeithio y bydd hyn yn creu cyfle i rhai fwy ifanc ymuno ar Cyngor.
Wrth sefyll i lawr, mae yn rhaid imi ddweud fy mod i yn siomedig iawn sut mae ymddygiad un unigolyn o’r gymuned, sydd yn bresennol yn bron iawn bod cyfarfod, wedi cael effaith mor negyddol ar y Cyngor a’r aelodau.
Mae aelodau y Cyngor yn rhoi ei hamser yn rhad ac am ddim i les yr ardal. Fel y gwyddom mae yna nifer o unigolion eraill hefyd yn gweithio yn galed iawn er lles y gymuned.
Yn anffodus mae’r unigolyn rwyf yn cyfeirio ato yn treulio ei holl amser yn lladd ar fudiadau ac unigolion ar draws yr ardal ac yn creu helynt ac yn aml yn gwastraffu arian i fudiadau yn cynnwys y Cyngor yma. Nid yw yn ystyried am eiliad y boen ar problemau mae yn ei creu i unigolion a’i teulu.
Credaf fod hyn yn rhwystro nifer o bobol i siarad yn rhydd, rhag ofn iddo ei ddehongli yn anghywir. Hoffwn apelio iddo gwestiynu ei ymddygiad a gweld sut y gall defnyddio ei egni a’i sgiliau i fod o les i’r gymuned ac unigolion mewn angen oddi mewn yr ardal.
Rwyf yn gofyn fod beth ydwyf wedi ei ddweud yn cael ei gofnodi yn fanwl fel na bod unrhyw gyhuddiadau anghywir yn cael ei gwneud am beth ddwedais.
9.10 Coed Maes Aled: Yn dilyn cyfarfod rhwng Swyddogion Cartrefi Conwy gyda’r Cadeirydd Sir, Y Cadeirydd a’r Clerc fe dderbyniwd ‘Draft’o drwydded gyfriethol yn ymwneud a choed Maes Aled gan Cartrefi Conwy Cyfyngedig. Bydd y drwydded rhwng Cartrei Conwy a Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan.
Bydd y drwydded yn galluogi’r Cyngor gymeryd drosodd y gwaith o gynnal a chadw’r darn tir dan sylw.Plwysleiswyd mai’r Cyngor Cymuned fydd yn gyfrifol am y costau cynnal a chadw.Awgrymwyd torri’r tyfiant hyd at 3medr o ffens terfyn y tai Rhif 9-20 ac hefyd clirio o dan weddill y coed ar y safle
PENDERFYNWYD: Datblygu’r drwydded.
Yn ogystal: PENDERFYNWYD: Fod y Clerc yn trefnu cyfarfod gyda swyddogion o Catrefi Conwy,Dwr Cymru ac adran Y Briffyrdd CBS Conwy i drafod yr ansicrwydd sydd yn bodoli ynglyn a chyfrifoldebau yn ymwneud a’r darn tir rhwng y cae chwarae a’r ffordd fawr.
10. Unrhyw fater arall.
10.1 PENDERFYNWYD: Cefnogi cystadleuaeth’Blodyn Haul Talaf’ i ddisgyblion Ysgol Bro Aled.
10.2 Asesiad Risg Y Fynwent Newydd:
PENDERFYNWYD: Gofyn i aelodau pwyllgor Mynwent Y Plwyf,sef Y Cynghorwyr Trefor Roberts, Berwyn Evans a Guto Davies i wneud asesiad .
10.3 Ymholiad gan Y Cynghorydd Meurig Davies ynglyn a’r ddau ddarn triongl gwyrdd yn Maes Aled. Dim ymateb hyd yn hyn gan CBS Conwy.
11. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor.
Cyfarfod Blynyddol Y Cyngor Nos Fercher 10fed Mai yng Nghanolfan Addysg Bro Aled am 7-30 yh


Present Councillors: Celfyn Williams (Chairman), Sharon Evans, Elwyn Jones, Gareth Jones, Meurig Davies, Trefor Roberts, Dafydd Ifans a Beryn Evans.
Members of the Public : Mr Philip Coombes. Mr Emrys Owen a Mr Eifion M Jones. Dwysan Roberts (Translator) ac Emrys Williams ( Clerk)
1.Apologies for absence: County Cllr, Sue Lloyd-Williams, and Cllrs: Meinir Jones, Glyn O Roberts and Guto Davies.
2. Declarationns of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct
Cllrs:Berwyn Evans,Trefor Roberts and Sharon Evans: 8. Notice of Application for Planning Permission 8.4
Cllrs: Berwyn Evans and Trefor Roberts : 9. Correspondence, 9.7
3. Approval of the Council’s previous meeting’s minutes, 08/03/17
RESOLVED: To approve and sign the minutes of the Council’s meeting held on 08/03/2017
4. Matters arising from the minutes
No matters arose from the minutes.
5. County Councillor’s monthly report.
The Chairman relayed to the meeting the County Councillor’s comprehensive report on meetings she had attended from the 2nd of March to the 12th of April.
In addition :
County Council, Town and Community Council Elections.-4th of May 2017- I can confirm to you with great pleasure that I have been elected for another term as your County Councillor-thank you for your support and cooperation during the last nine years-I truly appreciate everything.
Coed Maes Aled a very beneficial meeting was held with representatives of Cartrefi Conwy with Celfyn, Emrys and myself present. It was decided in principal to proceed with the work around Maes Aled. At present confirmation on legal aspects in relation to the proposed work are in the offing.
6. Public’s opportunity to present statements.
No statements were presented.
7. Finance. Statements of Bank Accounts. 04/04/17
Community Council Accounts £15,700.05
H G Owen Accounts £18,485.50 Total. £34,185.55
7.1 10/03/17 Conwy CBC. Business Rates Demand Sub Post Office and Café £785.93,
RESOLVED: To retain above payment, refer to 9. Correspondence 9.3.
7.2 15/03/17 SO. TT&B Williams Post Office rent £ 151.66
7.3 05/04 /17 Community Translation. 08/03/17 Meeting £ 91.96
7.4 12/04/17 Clerk’s Salary 01/01/17 i 31/03/17 £1,326.00
7.5 12/04/17 Clerk’s Expenses 01/01/17 i 31/03/17 £ 95.95
Invoices received 12/04/17.
7.6 31/03/17 Arfon Wynne, Mowing of cemetery £138.00.Hedge cutting £87.89
Striming, Grofydd £63.60.£251.84 + VAT £50.37. £302.21
RESOLVED: All payments were approved by the Council
RECEIPTS: No Payments were received
8. Notice of applications for Planning Permission
8.1 07/03/17 Reference: 0/43767. Applicant: Mr Gareth Jones, Easting: 295004 Northing 363581. Proposal : Erection of agricultural building (Agricultural Prior Approval) Location: Cae Goronwy, Llansannan, Conwy LL16 5NB. Representations: 28/03/17.
8.2 08/03/17 Reference 0/43776. Applicant: Mrs Kerry Smith. Easting: 298874 Northing: 363295. Proposal: Proposed removal of existing outbuilding and erection of two storey annexe to front/side of property.Safle/Location: Foel Uchaf,Foel Road,Groes,Llansannan Conwy LL15 5SL Representations: 29/03/2017.
8.3 15/03/17 Reference: 0/43804. Applicant: Mr Dewi Roberts. Easting 293946. Northing 365395. Proposal: Dining and garden room extension to dwelling. Location: Pencraig Fawr,Pen Craig Fawr Road, Llansannan, LL16 5HE Representations:05/04/17.
8.4 28/03/17. Reference:0/43840. Applicant:Capel Coffa Henry Rees.Easting 293359. Northing 365713. Proposal: Single storey extension to South facing gable and West facing rear of property. Safle/Location: Heulfryn, Ffordd Gogor, Llansannan, ConwY. Ll16 5HR Representations 18/04/2017.
RESOLVED: No comments nor objections were voiced against the above 4 (four)applications.
9. Correspondence
9.1 14/02/17. Conwy CBC: Conwy Electoral Review 2017 .
RESOLVED: To be included on 10/05/17 agenda.
9.2 20/03/17, Gwynne Jones, Managing Director-Cartrefi Conwy,Response i/to 10.5-08/03/17.
RESOLVED: To extend an invitation to address the Council at 14/06/17 meeting.
9.3 21/03/17. Conwy CBC. Ben Dutton. Revenues Assistant. Re: Small Business Rates Relief Charitable and Discretionary Rate Relief. Response to 9.5 (Correspondence) 08/03/17.
The Clerk stated that a “CHARITABLE AND DISCRETIONARY RATE RELIEF APPLICATION” form is being forwarded.
9.4 23/03/17. One Voice Wales,
Cllr Berwyn Evans referred to certain issues included on the agenda of the 05/04/17 meeting.
RESOLVED; To include on 10/05/17 meeting’s Agenda: “Leader Scheme Conwy” and“Appraisal Scheme” .
9.5 23/03/17. Conwy CBC, Re: Aled Isa Reservoir and Cornwal Road. Refer to 10.6 a 10.7. 08/03/17. Minutes.
ALED ISA RESERVOIR: The Authority has inspected the area of concern and can confirm that there is a minimum of 2m of verge from edge of carriageway to the edge of the tapered embankment. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) carried out erosion protection works to the right hand abutment at Llyn Aled Isaf last autumn.This involved laying 200 tonnes of rock boulders to protect the shore line and adjacent road. This is part of DCWW’s ongoing maintenance programme. As the Dam / Reservoir is the responsibility of DCWW,the issue has been highlighted to the Dam Inspection Team.
CORNWAL ROAD. The Authority is aware of the situation between Cornwal Isa and Cornwal Ucha and have scheduled work planned to resolve the issue in the near future.
.9.6 27/03/17. Cartrefi Conwy: Re: Removal of Roadside Trees in Llansannan.
Response from Julie Brotherton, Leasehold and Land Liasion Officer,Cartrefi Conwy, suggesting a site meeting.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to arrange a site meeting with Councillors and residents of Maes Aled.
9.7 30/03/17. Eisteddfod Bro Aled Llansannan, A letter and balance sheet/bank statements requesting financial contribution towards administrative costs of staging 2017 Eisteddfod to be held on 24/06/17.
RESOLVED: That the Council donate £500.00 (Five hundred pounds)
9.8 Conwy CBC. Regulatory and Housing Services,re- Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 / Environmental PROTECTION Act 1990.
RESOLVED; To extend an invitation to Bethan Lloyd, Principal Environmental Health Officer to address the Council’s Annual Meeting on 10/05/17.
9.9 12/04/17 E-mail Sian Williams, Head of Democratic Services, Law and Governance, Conwy CBC
Dear Clerks
Now that we know which seats are being contested and which ones aren’t you may be in a position to start preparing/thinking about co-opting people to fill any vacancies you may have.

I’ve attached a guide which we prepared some time ago to help Clerks with the election process.

Important things to note:

• Those that are elected ‘uncontested’ do not take office until four days after the day of election, i.e. 8 May 2017. This is of particular relevance to those that are not currently serving councillors.
• All Community Councils are, at least, quorate and may take steps to co-opt to fill any remaining vacancies
• Any person that is co-opted must be ‘qualified’ and not ‘disqualified’ in the same way as standing for election
• The co-option MUST be advertised by way of public notice – a template public notice is included within the guide.
• Community Councils will have different processes in place regarding co-option but I would urge you to consider the ‘best practice’ within the attached guide. Above all else it is imperative that all applicants are treated alike and that the decision making process is open and reasonable.

I hope that helps but please get in touch if you have any further queries.

Siân Williams

Head of Democratic Services
Law and Governance
CONWY County Borough Council.

E-Mail: Click to email
Tel: 01492576062

The Chairman thanked everyone who have put their names forward and have been elected to the new Community Council. He also thanked the members who have decided to withdraw their services as councillors after years in office. He also expressed his disappointment to the fact that there will be no female councillors at the beginning of the new term.
At the May meeting Cllrs Celfyn Williams, Gareth Jones and Elwyn Jones will represent the Bylchau Ward.
Cllrs, Guto Davies, Meurig Davies, Berwyn Evans, Glyn O Roberts and Trefor Roberts will be representing the Llansannan Ward.
The Chairman reminded that the councillors should consider candidates for co-option by the next meet thus enabling the process to be completed as soon as possible

Councillor Dafydd Ifans requested permission to present a statement to the Committee. He also requested that the statement be included in the minutes.

Thank you for the opportunity to say a few words. I have decided not to stand this time because health problems have meant that I have missed some meetings. I hope that this will mean that an opportunity is made for some younger people to join the Council.
In standing down I need to say that I have been very disappointed how the behaviour of one individual from the Community, who has been present at most meetings, has had such a negative effect on the Council and its members.
Members of the Council give their time free for the benefit of the locality. As we know there are several other individuals working very hard for the benefit of the community.
Regrettably the individual I am referring to spends all his time complaining about organisations and individual’s across the locality and causing trouble and often a waste of money for organisations including this Council. He does not consider for a moment the hurt and problems he causes for individuals and their families.
I believe that this prevents a number of people talking freely in the fear that he will misinterpret what is said. I would like to appeal to him to question his own behaviour and see how he could use his efforts and skills for the benefit of the community and individuals in need across the locality.
I am asking that what I have said is recorded carefully in the minutes so that no false allegations can be made

9.10 Following a meeting between representatives of Cartrefi Conwy with the County Councillor, the Chairman and the Clerk,the Community Council have received a “Draft”of a Licence relating to “Coed Maes Aled” from Cartrefi Conwy Cyfyngedig.The Licence will be made between Cartrefi Conwy Cyfyngedig and Llansannan Community Council.
The Licence permits the Licensee ( Llansannan C C) to manage and tend the land in question (Coed Maes Aled. 2.2 of the draft states that
The Licensee will keep and maintain the land in accordance with arboriculturl best practice at all times and not to fell or extract timber (except for the area forming a 3 meter wide strip immediately behind the rear boundaries ao the properties 9-20Maes Aled Llansannan) without prior consent of the company.
Also: 2.6.4 To pay all outgoings in respect of the Land.

RESOLVED: To develop the Licence.
In addition:
RESOLVED: That the Clerk arrange a site meeting with representatives of Cartrefi Conwy, Welsh Water and the Highways Dept Conwy CBC in an attempt to resolve the continuing uncertainty regarding issues relating to the area of land between the playing field and the main road.
10. Any other matters.
10.1 RESOLVED, To support the annual “Tallest Sunflower competition” for the pupils of Ysgol Bro Aled.
10.2 Parish Cemetery Risk Assessment .
RESOLVED: To instruct members of the Parish Cemetery sub-committee ,Cllrs,Trefor Roberts,Berwyn Evans and Guto Davies to prepare a risk assessment .
10.3 Cllr Meurig Davies enquired if there had been any response regarding the concept of removing the two grass triangular areas at Maes Aled to alleviate some of the present parking issues on the estate.
The Clerk stated that as yet there has been no response from Conwy CBC.
11. . Confirm date and venue of next Council Meeting Wednesday
The Community Council Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on the 10th MAY 2017
At the Bro Aled Educational Centre Llansannan
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and also conveyed thanks to Dwysan Roberts for providing the translation service for the meeting.


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Cofnodion Mis Ebrill 2017 April Minutes

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Statistics: 81 click throughs, 82017 views since start of 2025