Cofnodion Mis Ebrill 2021 April Minutes
AM 7-30yh
Presennol: Cynghorwyr: Meurig Davies (Cadeirydd) Delyth Williams (Is-Gadeirydd) Trefor Roberts, Philip Wright, Celfyn Williams, Emrys Owen, Berwyn Evans.
Aelodau or Cyhoedd: Cynghorydd Sir, Sue Lloyd-Williams, E M Jones, Sandra Williams (Cyfieithydd) Emrys Williams (Clerc)
1.Ymddiheuriadau. Cynghorwyr: Guto Davies, Glyn O Roberts, Elwyn Jones, Bethan Jones.
2.Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda
Cyng Delyth Williams 7 Cyllid / Taliadau 7.5 TT & B Williams. Rhent Swyddfa Post.
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion cyfarfod Y Cyngor gynhaliwyd 10/03/2021
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod 10/03/2021 yn gofnod cywir.
4. Materion yn codi or cofnodion.
4.1 (4.3 25/02/21) Arwyddion 30mya Pen Gleden i Lansannan, Cyng Sir yn ail gysylltu gyda CBS Conwy.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sir. Derbyniwyd adroddiad y Cynghorydd Sirol am y misoedd Mawrth / Ebrill
Gohirior Rheolau Sefydlog.
6. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor. Adfer y Rheolau Sefydlog.
7. Cyllid. Balans Banc 31/03/2021
Cyfrif y Dreth
Cyfrif H G Owen £14,036.93.
Cyfanswm £31,419.07
7.1 15/01 Hamilton Security Systems Ltd. Routine service of CCTV system Siec Rhif 200521 £66.00
7.2 01/02 Debyd Uniongyrchol British Gas Business, Trydan / Swyddfa Post .£71.77
7.3 03/03 Debyd Uniongyrchol British Gas Business,Trydan Swyddfa Post. 08/01/21-06/02/21
. £76.75
7.4 11/03 CBS Conwy CBC: Hawliad Trethi Busnes, Swyddfa Post
7.5 15/03 SO.TT&B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost / Post Office Rent £151.66
7.6 16/03 Un Llais Cymru . Aelodaeth 2021/22. 200522 £204.00
7.7 31/03 Arfon Wynne. Mynwent x 1£162.00 Llwybrau £92.40 Amrywiol £145.55 200523
7.8 14/04 Emrys Williams, Cyflog Clerc, 01/01/21 31/03/21 £479.60 x 3 200524 £1,438.80
7.9 14/04 Emrys Williams Costaur Clerc. 01/10/20 31/03/2021 200525 £111.88
7.10 14/04 H M Revenue &Customs 01/01/2021 31/03/2021 200526 £152.40 Cyfanswm £2,673.21
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo fod y ffigyrau uchod yn gywir, cymeradwywyd talu oll or taliadau.
Tud 01
Taliadau,01/04/20 31/03/21
..£29,459.98 Derbyniadau, 01/04/20 31/03/21
. £37,993.93
Swm Priodol o dan Adran 137 2020/21 - £8.32 per elector.( 721+318=1039=£8,644.48)
Taliadau S137 01/04/20 31/03/21 £2,550.00
8. Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio
8.1 19/03/2021. Cyfeirnod 0/48307 Ymgeisydd Mr Idris Evans. Dwyrain: 293480 Gogledd:365289
Cynllun: Estyniadau a newidiadau arfaethedig i annedd bresennol, codi adeilad garej yn ei le a gwaith cysylltiedig.
Safle: Ty Coch, Acrau, Llansannan LL16 5HS Sylwadau 09/04/2021
PENDERFYNWYD: Nad oedd gan CC Llansannan unrhyw wrthwynebiad nag unrhyw sylwadau ynglyn a chais rhif 0/48307
9.1 12/03 M Dafforne, Clwb Llansannan Bowling Club.
9.2 0/04 Audit Wales: Archwiliad Cymru, Archwiliad Cyfrifon Newidiadau i drefniadau archwilio ar gyfer cynghorau tref a chymuned ledled Cymru.
9.3 01/04 Uwch Swyddog Iechyd yr Amgylchedd .
I would acknowledge receipt of your e-mail in response please be advised all requests for dog bins are dealt with by our ERF Department as such I have forwarded your e-mail to them for a response. I trust they will contact you direct in the near future
9.4 07/04 Cynorthwydd Cludiant, CBS Conwy: Bws Plant Ysgol Llansannan.
9.5 21/03 Hamilton Securities, Dyfyniad o £375.00 am DVR newydd ir Swyddfa Bost yn Llansannan.
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyor dyfyniad o £375.00 .
10. Unrhyw fater arall.
10.1 Mynegwyd gryn bryder ynglyn a chyflwr anhrefnus annedd ar Ffordd Gogor, Llansannan. Cafwyd ar ddeallt fod y gwrych drain cyfagos ir ffordd yn cael ei dori ond nad oes unrhyw reolaeth ar ychder y tyfiant sydd or herwydd yn amharu ar olygfa tai cyfagos. Mae pryder hefyd fod llygod mawr ar lain o dir gwyllt yng nghefn yr annedd.
11. Unrhyw fater ddygwyd i sylwr clerc.
12. Materion yr Archwilydd Mewnol ac Allanol.
13. Cadarnhau dyddiad cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor 12/05/2021
Drafft o gofnodion iw hadolygu au cymeradwyo yng nghyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor ar 12fed o Mai 2021
Tud 02
AT 7.30pm.
Present : Cllrs: Meurig Davies (Chair) Delyth Williams (Vice-Chair) Trefor Roberts, Philip Wright, Celfyn Williams, Emrys Owen, Berwyn Evans.
Members of the Public: County Cllr, Sue Lloyd-Williams, E M Jones, Sandra Williams (Translator) Emrys Williams (Clerk)
1.Apologies: Cllrs: Guto Davies, Glyn O Roberts, Elwyn Jones, Bethan Jones
2. Declarations of Interest, Code of Local Government Conduct: Cllr Delyth Williams Item 7 Finance/Payments 7.5
3. Approval of the Councils previous meetings minutes held on the 10/03/2021
RESOLVED: Minutes on the 10/03/2021 meeting be approved and signed as a correct record.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
4.1 (4.3 25/02/21) 30mph from Pen Gleden to Llansannan. County Cllr will correspond with Conwy CBC again.
5. County Councillors monthly report: Sue Lloyd-Williams presented a report for March / April 2021
Suspend Standing Orders.
6. Publics opportunity to present statements. Reinstate Standing Orders.
7. Finance. Statements of Bank Accounts, 31/03/2021
Community Council Accounts. £17,382.14
HG Owen Accounts £14,036.93
Total £31,419.07
7.1 15/01 Hamilton Security Systems Ltd. Routine service of CCTV system. Cheque no 200521 .£66.00
7.2 01/02 Direct Debit. British Gas Business, Electricity Post Office. £71.77
7.3 03/03 Direct Debit. British Gas Business, Electricity Post Office. 08/01/21 £76.75
7.4 11/03 Conwy CBC. Business Rates Demand, Post Office, Llansannan £0.0
7.5 15/03 SO.TT&B Williams, Post Office Rent
7.6 16/03 Un Llais Cymru / One Voice Wales. Membership 2021/22. Cheque no 200522 .£204.00
7.7 31/03 Arfon Wynne. Cemetery x 1 £162.00 Footpaths £92.40 Miscallaneous £145.55. 200523
7.8 14/04 Emrys Williams, Clerks salary 01/01/21 31/03/21 £479.60 x 3. Cheque no 200524
7.9 14/04 Emrys Williams, Clerks expenses. 01/10/20 31/03/2021. Cheque no 200525 .£111.88
7.10 16.02 H M Revenue & Customs 01/01/2021 31/03/2021. Cheque no 200526 £152.40 Total £3,048.21
RESOLVED: That all payments are correct and that all payments be paid.
Receipts. £0.00
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Payments,01/04/2020 31/03/2021
£29,459.98. Receipts, 01/04/20 31/03/2021 £37,993.93.
Appropriate Sum under S137 2020/21 £8.32 per elector.(721+318=1039)=£8,644.48 (£2,500.00)
S137 Payments, 01/04/20 31/03/21 £2,550.00
8.Notice of application for Planning Permission.
8.1 19/03/2021. Reference:0/48307 Applicant Mr Idris Evans. Easting:293480 / Northing:365289
Proposal: Proposed extensions and alterations to the existing dwelling, erection of a replacement garage building & associated works.
Location: Ty Coch, Acrau, Llansannan LL16 5HS Representations 09/04/2021
RESOLVED: No comments nor objections were voiced against application 0/48307
9.1 12/03 M Dafforne, Llansannan Bowling Club.
9.2 Audit Wales: Changes for Audit arrangements for community and town councils across Wales.
9.3 01/04 Senior Environmental Health Officer. CBS Conwy.
I would acknowledge receipt of your e-mail in response please be advised all requests for dog bins are dealt with by our ERF Department as such I have forwarded your e-mail to them for a response. I trust they will contact you direct in the near future
9.4 07/04 Transport Assistant, CBS Conwy: Llansannan School Bus.
9.5 21/03 Hamilton Securities, Quote of £375.00 for new DVR for Llansannan. Post Office
RESOLVED: To accept the quote of £375.00
10.Any other business.
10.1 Concern has been forwarded regarding the untidy state of a dwelling at Ffordd Gogor, Llansannan. Though the sides of a thorn hedge belonging to the dwelling is trimmed the hight of is not, impairing on the view from nearby houses. Theres also concern about the overgrown garden of the dwelling where there is possibly a rat infestation.
11. Any issues presented to the clerk.
12. Internal and External Audit Matters.
13. Confirm date of next Council meeting 12/05/2021 at 7.30pm
Draft of minutes to be reviewed at next meeting, 12th May 2021
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