Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cofnodion Mis Gorffennaf 2016 July minutes


Presennol: Cynghorwyr: Celfyn Williams (Cadeirydd) Trefor Roberts, Glyn O Roberts, Dafydd Ifans, Elwyn Jones, Gareth Jones, Guto Davies a Berwyn Evans.
Aelodau o’r Cyhoedd: Cynghorydd Sir, Sue Lloyd-Williams, Eifion Jones, Emrys Owen a Mr Phil Commbes.
1.Ymddiheuriadau. Cynghorwyr, Edna Jones, Sharon Evans a Nia Williams.
2. Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda.
Ni ddangoswyd diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda.
3. Cadarnhau Cofnodion Pwyllgor Blaenorol Y Cyngor, 08/06/16
Cymeradwywyd y cofnodion yn gywir ac fe’u harwyddwyd gan Y Cadeirydd.
4. Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion.
1) Cyflwynodd y Clerc adroddiad ar y cyfarfod (12/07/16) a fu gyda cyfran o drigolion Maes Aled a swyddogion Cartrefi Conwy a CBS Conwy.
2) Cafwyd ar ddeallt gan Y Cynghorydd Sir fod cyfarfod i ddod gyda Dwr Cymru ym mater y darn tir sydd yn ymylu ar y cae chware plant ym Maes Aled.
3) Diolchwyd i’r Cynghorydd Gareth Jones am drefnu cael cyflewnad o blanhigion i bentref Y Groes.
5. Adroddiad misol Y Cynghorydd Sir.
Cyflwynodd Y Cyng Sir sylwadau ar ei hadroddiad misol a diolchwyd iddi gan Y Cadeirydd.
6. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor.
1) Cyflwynodd Y Cadeirydd eglurhad i Mr P Coombes ar berchnogaeth Y Toiledau Cyhoeddus yn Llansannan.
2) Mr Emrys Owen: Ymholiad ynglyn ac unrhyw ddatblygiad ar y ceir yn parcio ar y palmentydd yn Llansannan. Cadarnhaodd y Clerc na fu dim ymateb pellach ar y mater gan yr Heddlu.
Cymeradwywyd roddi gwahoddiad i’r heddlu i gyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor.

7. Cyllid. Balans Banc 01/07/2016. Cyfrif Y Dreth, £7,175.54 Cyfrif HG Owen £18,459.38 Cyfanswm £25,634.92
07/06/16. Hamilton Security Systems LTD.Routine service CCTV system. £48.00
16/06/16. Hamilton Security Systems, Adnewyddu DVR ar y system CCTV. £427.20
10/06/16. Cyfieithu Cymunedol, Cyfarfod 08/06/16 £71.29
14/06/16, DD Brit Gas Business. £118.24
15/06/16, TT&B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost. £151.66
13/07/16, Cyflog y Clerc, 01/04/16 i 30/06/16 (£442 x 3) £1326.00
13/07/16, Costau’r Clerc, 01/04/16 i 30/06/16 £97.00
Stampiau, £25.80 + Inc, Papur ayb, £71.25.
Taliadau i law erbyn noson Y Cyfarfod.
13/07/16, Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y gymuned. £1,615.22
13/07/16. Y Cyng Gareth Jones, Cyflenwad o blanhigion £19.82
Cymeradwywyd oll o’r taliadau uchod.
21/06/16, CBS Conwy, Ad-daliad Llwybrau £48.82
8. Ceisiadau Cynllunio.
1) Cais Rhif DC/0/42843. Dyddiad, 07/06/2016. Ymgeisydd: Mr Kenneth Evans. Cynllun: Trawsnewid y llawr cyntaf segur yn fflat hunangynhwysol. Safle: Y Ddarllenfa, Llansannan, Conwy, LL16 5HN Sylwadau: 28/06/16.
Ni leiswyd unrhyw wrthwynebiad i’r cais uchod.
2) Cais Rhif DC/0/42931. Dyddiad, 06/07/2016. Ymgeisydd: Ms Kerry Pepperell. Cynllun: Gosod menage 40 x 20 metr gyda thywod silica graddfa marchogaeth ac arwyneb cymysgedd rwber,gan gynnwys ffensys gyda 3 rheilen a giat mynediad. Plannu llwyni er mwyn ei guddio o’r ffordd a thirlunio’r olygfa. Sylwadau 27/07/2016.
Ni leiswyd unrhyw wrthwynebiad i’r cais uchod

9. Gohebiaeth.
1) 07/06/16, Shelter Cymru. Cymeradwywyd estyn gwahoddiad i gynrychiolydd o’r mudiad i Gyfarfod Mis Medi. Awgrymodd Y Cyng Dafydd Ifans fod y cyfarfod yn cael ei hysbysebu
2) 07/06/16, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Cymru. Cymeradwywyd estyn gwahoddiad i gynrychiolydd o’r mudiad i gyfarfod cyn diwedd y flwyddyn bresennol.
3) 12/06/16, e-bost: R Smyth, Gwarden Eglwys St Sannan. Cymeradwywyd cyfrannu y swm o £100.00 (Can punt)
4) 28/06/16, e-bost: Lianne Martin, Uwch Swyddog Iechyd Yr Amgylchedd, CBS Conwy. Oherwydd eglurhad gan CBS Conwy ynglyn a amodau rhwymedig i allu gweithriedu’n bendant ar fater y cathod gwyllt ym Mhentref Y Groes cymeradwywyd fod y Clerc yn cysylltu gyda’r mudiadau “RSPCA a’r Cats Protection”yn ol awgrymiad gan Lianne Martin.
10. Unrhyw fater arall.
1) Cadarnhau a chymeradwyo y datganiadau cyfrifyddu a’r Datganiad Llywodraethu Blynyddol.
Cymeradwywyd oll o’r datganiadau cyfrifydd ac oll o’r Datganiadau Llywodraethu Blynyddol.
2) Cofgolofn “Y Ferch Bach” Addawodd y Cyng Elwyn Jones a Berwyn Evans ymchwilio i’r defnydd gorau i’w ddefnyddio i adnewyddu’r difrod.
3) Swyddfa Bost: Cymeradwywyd diddymu’r gytuneb gyda “BT” yn ymwneud ag offer sydd ei angen i weithredu’r system “ Hub / CCTV / Router “
4) Cymeradwywyd fod y Clerc yn cynllunio llythyr i’w anfon i deiliadau rhif 1-15 “Bronallt” Y Groes yn dilyn cwyn swyddogol i’r Cyngor Cymuned ynglyn a pharcio diystyriol ar yr ystad.
5) Arwyddion cyflymdra Y Groes. Cymeradwywyd i’r Clerc gysylltu gyda CBS Conwy i gael eglurhad ynglyn a’r dryswch sydd yn bodoli yn ymwneud a’r arwyddion ffordd 30 a 50 milltir yr awr ar y briffordd trwy Y Groes.
6) Cyfeiriodd y Cyng Dafydd Ifans tuag at lwyddiant y tim pel-droed cenedlaethol yn ddiweddar sydd wedi arwain at bobl o bob oed yn y gymdeithas yn gydgymysgu wrth ymgymyll i wylio’r gemau.’Roedd o’r farn fod hyn yn dangos agwedd gadarnhaol iawn ymysg trigolion yr ardal sydd yn hollol wahanol i ymdrechion gwrthwynebol parhaus gan eraill.
11. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad Cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor. Nos Fercher, Medi 14eg yn Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau, Y Groes, am 7-30yh.

Terfynwyd y cyfarfod am 8-45 yh. Diolchodd Y Cadeirydd i bawb am eu presennoldeb ac i Dafydd Chilton Y Cyfieithydd


Present. Councillors: Celfyn Williams (Chairman) Trefor Roberts, Glyn O Roberts, Dafydd Ifans, Elwyn Jones,Gareth Jones, Guto Davies a Berwyn Evans.
Members of the Public. County Cllr Sue Lloyd-Williams, Eifion Jones, Emrys Owen, Phil Coombes, Dafydd Chilton (Translator) and Emrys Williams (Clerk)
1. Apologies. Cllrs Edna Jones, Sharon Evans and Nia Williams.
2. Opportunity for Declaration of Interest on any item listed on the Agenda.
No interests were declared
3. Approval of the Council’s previous meeting’s minutes 08/06/2016.
The minutes were confirmed as being correct and signed by the Chairman.
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
4.1 The clerk gave a brief account of the meeting held the previous day between some of the residents of Maes Aled and representatives from Cartrefi Conwy and CBC Conwy regarding the trees on the land adjoining their properties.
4.2 County Cllr Sue Lloyd-Williams reported that a meeting with Dwr Cymru is in the offing regarding land adjacent to the children’s playing area at Maes Aled.
4.3 Thanks were conveyed to Cllr Gareth Jones for arranging a consignment of plants for the village of Groes.
5. County Councillor’s monthly report.
County Cllr Sue Lloyd-Williams gave a detailed account of her appointments over the past month. The Chairman thanked her for all of her endeavours on behalf of the community.
6. Public’s opportunity to present statements.
6.1 Following questions by Mr P Coombes the chairman gave a detailed account as to the ownership of the public toilets at the square in Llansannan.
6.2 The clerk confirmed that no further response had been received from NW Police regarding cars parking on the pavements in Llansannan.
It was resolved to invite a representative from NW Police to the next meeting to discuss the ongoing issue of parking in the village.
7. Finance. Statements of Bank Accounts, 01/07/2016.
Community Council Accounts £7,175.54
H G Owen Accounts £18,459.38
Total £25,634.92
07/06/16. Hamilton Security Systems LTD,Routine service CCTV system. £48.00
16/06/16. Hamilton Security Systems,Replace faulty DVR on the CCTV system. £365.00
10/06/16. Cyfieithu Cymunedol, Translating service for 08/06/16 meeting. £71.29
14/06/16. DD Brit Gas Business £118.24
15/06/16. TT&B Williams. Post Office Rent. £151.66
13/06/16. Clerk’s Salary 01/04/16 to 30/06/16. (£442.00 x 3) £1326.00
13/06/16 Clerk’s expenses, 01/04/16 to 30/06/16. £97.00
Stamps, £25.80. Ink, Printing paper etc, £71.25.
Payments received prior to the meeting.
13/07/16. Arfon Wynne, Work in the community £1615.22
13/07/16. Cllr Gareth Jones, Consignment of plants. £19.82
All the above payments were approved.
21/06/16. Conwy CBC, Public footpaths refund. £ 48.82
8. Planning Applications.
8.1 Application No. DC/0/42843.Date:07/06/2016. Applicant: Mr Kenneth Evans. Proposal: Conversion of the disused first floor into a self-contained flat. Location: Y Ddarllenfa, Llansannan, Conwy. LL16 5HN. Representations 28/06/16.
No comments or objections were voiced against the proposal.
8.2 Application No. DC/0/42931. Date: 06/07/16. Applicant: Ms Kerry Pepperell. Proposal: Installation of 40 x 20 metre menage with equestrian grade silica sand and rubber mix surface, to include fencing with 3 rails and entry gate. Shrubbery to be planted to conceal from roadside and landscape view.
No comments or objections were voiced against the proposal.
9. Correspondence.
9.1 07/06/16. Claire Pilsbury, Fundraising Officer, Shelter Cymru.A letter outlining the groups work was read and it was resolved to invite a representative to the Council’s next meeting. Cllr Dafydd Ifans proposed that the meeting be advertised.
9.2 07/06/16. Kimberley Edmunds,Volunteer Coordinator, Leonard Cheshire Disability Cymru Wales. A letter offering to attend to promote the group’s work at the Ethinog Home based in Colwyn Bay. It was resolved to respond with an invitation to a Council meeting in the near future.
9.3 12/06/16. E-mail: R Smyth, St Sannan Churchwarden requesting the possibility of the Community Council reinstating the grant towards the upkeep of the churchyard.
It was resolved to donate one hundred pounds. (£100-00)
9.4 e-mail: Lianne Martin, Senior Environmental Health Officer Conwy CBC. Letter explaining that Conwy CBC are unable to give advice nor any practical service regarding the ongoing problem with feral cats in Groes. It was resolved that the clerk should contact the RSPCA and “Cats Protection” for advice as suggested by the Health Officer.
10. Any other matters.
10.1 It was resolved that the Council approve the accounting statements and the Annual Governance Statement.
10.2 Cllrs Elwyn Jones and Berwyn Evans said they would advice on the best material to repair the superficial damage on the “Little Maiden” memorial in Llansannan.
10.3 Llansannan Post Office: It was resolved to terminate the contract with British Telecom regarding the Hub / CCTV / Router equipment.
10.4 It was resolved that the Clerk draft a letter to the residents Nos 1 to 15 Bronallt Y Groes to draw their attention to the inconsiderate parking on parts of the estate.
10.5 It was resolved that the Clerk contact Conwy CBC regarding the 30 and 50 mph signs on the main road through Groes
10.6 Cllr Dafydd Ifans referred to the recent success of the Welsh National Football team in the European Championships. He stated that it was very encouraging to see people of all ages in the community socialising together to watch the matches He also stated he was very much heartend and impressed with their attitude which was in complete contrast to the constant negative attitude shown by some individuals in the community,
11. Confirm the date and venue for the next meeting. Wednesday 14th September2016 at Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau, Y Groes at 7-30pm.
The meeting was closed at 8-45 pm. The Chairman thanked everyone their presence and to Dafydd Chilton the Translator.
Draft minutes subject to confirmation.

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Cofnodion Mis Gorffennaf 2016 July minutes

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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