Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Cofnodion Mis Mawrth 2017 March Minutes


Presennol:: Cynghorwyr: Celfyn Williams (Cadeirydd) , Meinir Jones, Edna Jones, Sharon Evans, Glyn O Roberts, Dafydd Ifans, Elwyn Jones a Trefor Roberts.
Aelodau o’r Cyhoedd: Cynghorydd Sir, Sue Lloyd-Williams, Emrys Owen, Eifion M Jones a Philip Coombes. Dwysan Roberts (Cyfieithydd) ac Emrys Williams ( Clerc)
1. Ymddiheuriadau: Cynghorwyr: Nia Williams, Gareth Jones, Meurig Davies, Berwyn Evans a Guto Davies.
2. Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda: Cynghorwyr: Celfyn Williams, Elwyn Jones a Meinir Jones: 7. Cyllid, Taliadau Rhif 4 Cymeradwyo taliad Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Groes.
3. Cadarnhau Cofnodion Pwyllgor Blaenorol Y Cyngor 08/02/17
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod y Cyngor a gynhaliwyd 08/02/17 yn gofnod cywir.
4. Materion yn codi o’r Cofnodion:
9.1 Cyfarfod 08/02/17, Cadarnhaodd y clerc ei fod wedi anfon copi o gofnodion y cyfarfod i bennaeth Ysgol Bro Aled ond hyd hyn ddim wedi derbyn ymateb i’r posibilrwydd o gael lloches ar gyfer rhiant wrth iddynt aros am eu plant.
Cyflwynodd y Cadeirydd y syniad o ymestyn y rheiliau wrth y giat bach i fynu’r llwybr a lleoli’r lloches ar y tir gwastad o fewn perimedr Y Ganolfan.
5. Adroddiad y Cynghorydd Sir:
Cyflwynodd Y Cynghorydd Sir adroddiad cynhwysfawr o’r cyfarfodydd a fynychodd o Chwefror 1af hyd at noson y Cyfarfod.
Yn ogystal:
Coed Maes Aled –wrthi’n trefnu cyfarfod gyda Swyddogion o Gartrefi Conwy a’r Cyngor er mwyn dod i gytundeb posib’-fel a drafodwyd yng nghyfarfod Mis Chwefror. Unwaith y bydd gennym ddyddiad fe gawn drefnu a symyd ymlaen
Gwaith torri coed wrth yr afon: Cartrefi Conwy wedi addo tynnu’r twmpath pridd a thacluso
Gwaith yn Y Groes – torri coed / gwrych odisa’r Capel – wedi atgoffa’r Adram Briffyrdd am y gwaith sydd ei angen.
Etholiadau’r Cyngor Sir,Tref a Chymunedau – 4ydd o Fai 2017 – Cyfnod Purdah yn cychwyn ar y 17eg o Fawrth.
Cynhadledd Plaid Cymru – Casnewydd – Fe gefais y fraint a’r anrhydedd o annerch y Gynhadledd ar fore Sadwrn 4ydd o Fawrth gan son am fy ngwaith fel Cynghorydd a cheisio annog rhagor o ferched i gysidro gyrfa mewn Gwleidyddiaeth.
Datganodd y Cynghorydd Sir y bydd yn sefyll yn enw’r Blaid yn yr etholiad Fis Mai gan obeithio y bydd yn cael y cyfle i barhau i gydweithio gyda’r Cyngor Cymuned.
Cyflwynodd Y Cadeirydd air o ddiolch i Sue Lloyd -Williams
6. Cyfle i’r Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor:
Mynegodd Mr P Coombes ei bryder ynglyn a thori’r coed yn mhen ucha’r pentref.
Mynegodd Mr Emrys Owen ei bryder ynglyn a’r ffaith nad oes ffens bellach rhwng y darn tir uchod a’r briffordd a bod y safle yn berygl i blant.
7. Cyllid. Balans Banc 28/02/17
Cyfrif y Dreth £16,706.07
Cyfrif H G Owen £18,484.46 Cyfanswm £35,190.53
Taliadau .
1) 15/02/17. TT&B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost £151.66
2) 23/02/17.’Y Gadlas’ Hysbyseb x 2 Cynigion Gwath yn y Gymuned £16.00
3) 27/02/17. Cyfieithu Cymunedol, Cyfarfod 08/02/17 £15.00
4) 08/03/17 Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau. Cymeradwyo trydydd daliad blwyddyn ariannol 2016/17 £600.00
10/03/17. CBS Conwy, Hawliad Trethi Busnes £00.00
** 03/03/17. DD British Gas (Trydan) 11/11/16 i 10/02/17. £132.07
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a thalu oll o’r taliadau uchod.

Derbyniadau Nid oedd unrhyw dderbyniadau.

8. Rhybudd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio
09/02/2017. Cyfeirnod:0/43683. Ymgeisydd/ Applicant:SP Energy Networks. Dwyrain: 293020 Gogledd: 372497 Cynllun: Ailadeiladu’r llinell 11kv presennol uwch ben: Safle:Tir a Llansannan i Dynbich Sylwadau: 02/03/17
9. Gohebiaeth
9.1 14/02/17: CBS Conwy CBC: Arolwg Etholiad 2017 o Gonwy .
9.2 28/02/17 Comisiwn Ffiniau Cymru
9.3 02/03/17 Cwmni Yswiriant Zurich Insurance .Parthed yswiriant Y Fynwent Newydd
9.4 06/03/17 e-bost x 2 Cllr Sue Lloyd-Williams, Gweler Adroddiad Y Cynghorydd Sir.
9.5 02/17 e-bost CBS Conwy,Gwasanaethau Refeniw a Budd-daliadau, Uned Trethi Busnes. PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i gysylltu a’r adran uchod er mwyn cael cadarnhad ar y llythyr ynglyn a Rhyddhad ar drethi Busnesau Bach ynghyswllt y Swyddfa Bost.
9.6 07/03/17 e-bost, J Espley, Gwasanaethau Amgylcheddol Cyngor Sir Ddinbych: Gohebiaeth yn egluro’r cytuneb fudd yn galleogi trigolion o du allan i ffiniau Sir Ddinbych fynychu canolfanau ailgylch’r Sir.sef £7.00 am bob ymweliad.
Mynegwyd siomiant ynglyn a’r penderfyniad uchod. Barn Y Cynghorydd Elwyn Jones oedd y byddai’r penderfyniad yn arwain i fwy o ‘fly-tipping’yng nghefn gwlad, a mynegodd Y Cynghorydd Dafydd Ifans fod diffyg cydweithio rhwng y ddau Awrdurdod Lleol ar y mater.
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i ohebu gyda’r Cynghorau i ddatgan pryder am y penderfyniad.
9.7 27/02/17. James Pierce, Buxted, East Sussex, Llythyr yn tynnu sylw’r Cyngor at ddathliad 450 mlynedd gorchestion William Salesbury.
PENDERFYNWYD: Rhoddi cynnwys y llythyr ar wefan Y Cyngor a throsglwyddo’r wybodaeth i’r gwahanol fudiadau yn yr ardal,ac y bydd Y Cyngor yn gefnogol i unrhyw weithgareddau a drefnir ar gyfer y dathliad.
10. Unrhyw fater arall.
10.1 Etholiad Dydd Iau 4ydd Mis Mai.2017
Bydd Etholiadau’r Cyngor (Bwrdeistref) Sirol a Chynghorau Tref a Chymuned yn cael eu cynnal ddydd Iau 4 Mai 2017.Bydd rhybudd ffurfiol o’r etholiadau’n cael eu cyhoeddi ddydd Gwener 17 Mawrth 2017 a gelwir y cyfnod rhwng y dyddiad hwn a chau’r pol ar 4 Mai y ‘cyfnod cyn-etholiad’ ( Ni ddylid defnyddio’r term ‘Purdah’)
Er mwyn cydymffurfio a chyfarwyddyd a dderbyniwyd gan adran Gwasanaethau Democrataidd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy bydd yn ofynnol i Gyngor Cymuned Llansannan leihau ei nifer o gynghorwyr o 13 (tri ar ddeg) presennol i 11 (un ar ddeg)
Nifer y cynghorwyr yn dilyn yr etholiad ar y 4ydd o Fai fydd fel y canlyn:
Llansannan (Bylchau) 3.(tri) Llansannan (Llansannan) 8 (wyth)
10.2 Derbyn cynigion am waith yn Y Gymuned: Derbyniwyd un cynnig yn unig ar gyfer y gwaith uchod.
PENDERFYNWYD: Derbyn cynnig Mr Arfon Wynne, Pentre Beidiog, Llansannan.
10.3 Cynllunio ar gyfer dichonadwyon
10.4 ATGOFFA Cyfarfod Blynyddol y Plwyf. Mae hwn i holl etholwyr y plwyf. Nid cyfarfod o'r Cyngor Cymuned yw ond Cadeirydd y Cyngor fydd yn ei drefnu ac yn ei Gadeirio os yn bresennol. Bydd yn cael ei drefnu rhwng Mawrth y 1af a Mehefin y 1af. Nid oes unrhyw gynllun ffurfiol i'r cyfarfod a ni fydd unrhyw benderfyniadau yn orfodol ar y Cyngor.
10.5 Mynegodd Y Cynghorydd Trefor Roberts fod gryn anfodlonrwydd yn y pentref ynglyn a
gwerthiant annedd ar ystad Ffordd Gogor.Datganodd fod diddordeb gan bobl o’r ardal i gael rhentu’r bynglo, ond ar ol bod ar werth ond am ychydig ddyddiau fod ’Cartrefi Conwy’ wedi gyrru’n ‘mlaen a gwerthu.
Gofynodd Y Cadeirydd i’r Cynghorydd Sir wneud ymholiadau i ‘Cartrefi Conwy’.
10.6 Llyn Aled Isa: Perygyl i drafnidiaeth oherwydd agosrwydd y llyn i’r ffordd, Clerc i gysylltu gyda’r
adran briffyrdd.
10.7 Ffordd Cornwal: Peipen ceuffos naw modfedd yn rhedeg i beipen chwe modfedd rhwng
mynedfa Cornwal Isa a Chornwal Ucha yn achosi goferiant. Clerc i gysylltu gyda’r adran briffyrdd.
10.8 Cwynion fod llawer o ffyrdd yr ardal yn fudr. Clerc i gysylltu gyda’r adran briffyrdd.
10.9 Clerc i ofyn i Arfon Wynne dorri gwrych Y Fynwent a’r darn gwrych o fynedfa Maes Creiniog i
lawr tuag at y bont.
10.10 Awgrymodd Y Cynghorydd Glyn O Roberts fod angen cofnodi’r ffaith nag ymateb i ofynion a
phryder tenantiaid a pherchnogion tai ar stad Maes Aled sydd wedi arwain i’r Cyngor Cymuned
fynnu fod y coed yng nghefn y tai yn cael sylw gan ‘Cartrefi Conwy’
11. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad Cyfarfod nesaf y Cyngor sef 12/04/2017 yng Nghanolfan Addysg
Bro Aled am 7.30 yh

Present Councillors: Celfyn Williams (Chairman), Meinir Jones, Edna Jones, Sharon Evans, Glyn O Roberts, Dafydd Ifans, Elwyn Jones and Trefor Roberts.
Members of the Public : County Councillor, Sue Lloyd-Williams, Emrys Owen, Eifion M Jones and Philip Coombes. Dwysan Roberts (Translator) ac Emrys Williams ( Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence: Councillors: Nia Williams, Gareth Jones, Meurig Davies, Berwyn Evans and Guto Davies.
2. Declarationns of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct, Cllrs: Celfyn Williams, Elwyn Jones a Meinir Jones Re: 7. Finance, Payments, No 7.4 Approve payment to Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Groes
3. Approval of the Council’s previous meeting’s minutes, 08/02/17
RESOLVED: To approve and sign the minutes of the Council’s meeting held on 11/01/2017
4. Matters arising from the minutes
9.1 08/02/17 Meeting; The clerk stated that a copy of the minutes have been sent to Einir Jones, Headmaster at Ysgol Bro Aled but as yet no response has been received regarding the proposed shelter for parents whilst waiting for their children outside the school gate.
The Chairman suggested that the railings could be extended from the small gated entrance to the school premises and the shelter sited on level ground within the perimeter of the school.
5. County Councillor’s monthly report.
County Councillor Sue Lloyd-Williams gave a comprehensive report on meetings she had attended from the 1st of February until the day of the present meeting.
In addition.
Maes Aled trees, A meeting is being arranged with representatives o f Cartrefi Conwy and the Community Council to confirm a possible arrangement that was discussed at February’s Council meeting.
Trees between the river and the main road. Confirmation has been given by Cartrefi Conwy that this site will be leveled and the wood shredding removed
Work at Groes – Tree and hedge cutting near Groes Chapel, Highways department have been reminded of the work that needs to be completed.
County, Town and Community Elections – 4th of May 2017,
Plaid Cymru Conference –Sue Lloyd-Williams stated she’d had the honour of addressing the Conference on Sat 4th of March when she referred to her work as a Councillor and endeavoured to encourage more women to consider a career in politics.
The County Councillor declared that she will stand as a Plaid Cymru candidate in May’s elections and will hopefully be given the opportunity to continue the present co-operation of working with the Commmunity Council.
6. Public’s opportunity to present statements
Mr Philip Coombes expressed concern regarding the tree cutting that’s taken place at the approach to the village.
Mr Emrys Owen also expressed concern regarding the tree cutting which has left the area without a fence on the main road side resulting it to be in his opinion a dangerous site to children.
7. Finance. Statements of Bank Accounts. 28/02/17
Community Council Accounts £16,706.07
H G Owen Accounts £18,484.46 Total. £35,190.53
1) 15/02/17. TT&B Williams, Post Office rent £151.66
2) 23/02/17.’Y Gadlas’ Work in the £16.00
Community advert x 2 in the ‘Gadlas’
3) 27/02/17. 08/02/17/ Community Translation, £ 15.00
4) 08/03/17 Approve third payment for 2016/2017 financial year to Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau. £600.00
10/03/17. Conwy CBC, Business Rates Demand £00.00
** 03/03/17. DD British Gas,Business Electricity bill 11/11/16 i 10/02/17. £132.07
RESOLVED: All payments were approved by the Council
RECEIPTS: No Payments were received
8. Notice of Applications for Planning Permission
09/02/2017. Reference:0/43683. Applicant:SP Energy Networks. Easting: 293020 Northing: 372497 Proposal: Rebuilding of existing overhead linesSafle:Tir a Llansannan i Dynbich Location: Land at Llansannan to Denbigh: 02/03/17 Representations: 02/03/17
No comments or objections were voiced against the application.
9. Correspondence
9.1 14/02/17: Conwy CBC: Conwy Electoral Review 2017.
9.2 28/02/17 Boundary Commission for Wales
9.3 02/03/17 Zurich Insurance . Re: Parish Cemetery Insurance.
9.4 06/03/17 e-mail x 2 Cllr Sue Lloyd-Williams, Refer to County Cllr report.
9.5 02/17 e-mail Conwy,CBC, Revenue and Benefits Services, Business Rates Unit.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk correspond with the above services for confirmation regarding Small Business Rate Relief for Canol Y Llan.
9.6 07/03/17 e-mail Jim Espley, Waste & Transport Manager, Denbighshire CC:-
The process for allowing Conwy residents to access Denbighshire waste sites has now been set up. As previously explained, as Denbighshire has no duty to accept waste from outside it’s county border we have had to set a fee of £7 per visit for non Denbighshire residents. Those wishing to use this service pre-pay for the visit by calling our customer services department on 01824 706100 who will take payment and explain the conditions. For info, the script that the customer services have is shown below.
Cllr Elwyn Jones expressed concern regarding the above decision and maintained it would inevitably lead to more fly-tipping in rural areas.
Cllr Dafydd Ifans stated that there was obviously an absence of co-operation between the two councils concerned.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk correspond with the two councils to express concern by Llansannan Community Council regarding the decision.
9.7 27/02/17. James Pierce, Buxted, East Sussex. Letter drawing the Council’s attention to the 450th anniversaries of the crowning achievements of William Salesbury.
RESOLVED: To transfer the letter’s contents to the Councils’ website, societies, chapels, church etc within the community. Also,that the Council will be supportive of any event that’s organised.
10. Any other business
10.1 Elections to the County(Borough) Council and Town and Community Councils will be held on Thursday 4th May 2017.Formal notice of the elections will be published on Friday 17th March 2017 and the period between this date and the close of poll on 4th May is called the’ pre-election period’ (The term ‘Purdah’ should not be used)
To confirm with instructions received from Conwy County Borough Council’s Democratic Services Llansannan Community Council are required to reduce its number of councilors from the present 13 (thirteen) to 11 (eleven)
The number of councilors following the election on the 4th of May will be as follows:
Llansannan (Bylchau) 3 (three) Llansannan (Llansannan) 8 (eight)
10.2 To receive tenders for work in the community. One tender was received by the closing date
RESOLVED: To accept the tender of Mr Arfon Wynne, Pentre Beidiog Llansannan
10.3 Contingency Plans
10.4 REMINDER: The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the parish electorate. It is not a parish council meeting although the parish council chairman will call the meeting and if present, will chair the event, The Annual Parish Meeting must be held between March 1st and June 1st
There is no prescribed format to this meeting and its recommendations are not binding on the council.
10.5 Cllr Trefor Roberts stated there was dissatisfaction within the community regarding the sale of a bungalow on the Ffordd Gogor estate. Several local residents were interested in renting the property but ‘Cartrefi Conwy’ the owners had sold it within a couple of days after putting it up for sale.
The Chairman asked the County Cllr to make enquiries .
10.6 Aled Isa Reservoir: Clerk to contact the Highways Dept to point out the danger to traffic due to the erosion caused by the lake.
10.7 Cornwal Road: Between entrance to Cornwal Isa and Cornwal Ucha. Clerk to contact the Highways Dept to point out that a 9 inch drainage pipe has been connected to a 6 inch pipe resulting in an overflow of water onto the road.
10.8 Complaints have been received regarding mud on many local minor roads.
10.9 Clerk instructed to ask Arfon Wynne to trim the hedge in the cemetery and also the hedge from the entrance to Maes Creiniog down towards the bridge.
9.10 Cllr Glyn O Roberts requested the following:- That it should be recorded in the minutes that it was initially as a result of the concern of tenants and residents of Maes Aled conveyed to the Community Council which has led to the request from the Council to Cartrefi Conwy for better maintenance to the site.
11. . Confirm date and venue of next Council Meeting Wednesday 12th April 2017 at Canolfan Addysg Bro Aled Llansannan at 7.30 pm

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and also conveyed thanks to Dwysan Roberts for providing the translation service for the meeting.


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Cofnodion Mis Mawrth 2017 March Minutes

Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Henllan Conwy

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