Cofnodion Mis Hydref 2017 October Minutes
Presennol: Cynghorwyr: Celfyn Williams (Cadeirydd) Elwyn Jones ,Delyth Williams, Bethan Jones, Guto Davies, Meurig Davies, ac Emrys Owen.
Aelodau or Cyhoedd: Eifion M Jones, Hafwen Davies a Philip J Coombes.
Dwysan Roberts (Cyfieithydd) ac Emrys Williams (Clerc)
1. Ymddiheuriadau: Cynghorwyr: Gareth Jones, Berwyn Evans, Glyn Roberts, Cynghorydd Sir Sue Lloyd-Williams.
2. Cyfle i ddangos diddordeb ar unrhyw fater ar yr Agenda:
Cynghorydd Delyth Williams, Eitem 7.9.
3. Cadarnhau Cofnodion Pwyllgor Blaenorol Y Cyngor 13/09/2017
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod y Cyngor a gynhaliwyd 13/09/2017 yn gofnod cywir.
4. Materion yn codi or Cofnodion:
4.1 Cafwyd adroddiad gan y Cynghorydd Elwyn Jones ar y sefyllfa ddiweddara parthed arwydd Bronallt / Caer Gofaint Groes. Bydd cynrychiolydd o CBS Conwy yn cyfarfod trigolion or ddwy stad.
4.2 Cyfeiriodd y Cynghorydd Guto Davies at eitem11.4; ychwanegu aelodau Clwb Ffermyr Ieuanc Nantglyn at yr enwau a longyfarchwyd yng nghyfarfod 13/09/17.
5. Adroddiad y Cynghorydd Sir:
Derbyniwyd adroddiad o ddyddiadur y Cynghorydd Sir am y cyfnod Medi 12fed hyd at Hydref 11eg.
Gohirior Rheolau Sefydlog
6. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor:
Cafwyd datganiad gan Hafwen Davies ynglyn a materion yn Clwt; Tociadau y gwrych a dorrwyd heb eu casglu,Cyflwr y llwybr at yr arhosfa bws, tori glaswellt, ac hefyd offer yn y cae chwarae.
PENDERFYNWYD: Cysylltu gyda CBSConwy a gofyn iddynt ymestyn gwasanaeth torri glaswellt I gynnwys ochr yffordd fawr or blwch teleffon hyd at yr arhosfa bws.
Cael cyfarfod safle ynglyn ar arhosfa bws hefyd gweler 9.2
Adfer y Rheolau Sefydlog
7. Cyllid. Balans Banc 02/10/2017
Cyfrif y Dreth £15,517-79
Cyfrif H G Owen £17,987-66 Cyfanswm. £33,505-45
7.1 2/09/17 CBS Conwy CBCB Rhaglen Chwaraeon Haf £600-00
7.2 13/09/17 Heather & Eifion Jones, Cystadleuaeth Blodyn Haul Talaf,Ysgol Bro Aled 2017. £15-20
7.3 18/09/17 Parish Online, Tanysgrifiad blynyddol 01/10/17-01/10/18 £33.60
7.4 27/09/17 Your Tourism Community Ltd.Annual Hosting website link £120.00
7.5 30/09/17 Arfon Wynne, Gwaith Cyffredinol.
£112.99. Mynwent x 2, £276.00.
7.6 11/10/17 Cyflog Clerc 01/07/17 i 30/09/17 (£442.00 x3) £1,326.00
7.7 11/10/17. Costaur Clerc 01/07/17 i 30/09/17
Post £36.29 + Papur + Inc £78.79. £115.00
7.8 09/10/17 Cyfieithu Cyfarfod 13/09/17 £78.20
7.9 15/09/17. Debyd Uniongyrchol, TT&B Williams Rhent Swyddfa Bost £151.66 Cyfanswm Taliadau £ 2,439.66
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo fod y ffigyrau uchod yn gywir. Cymeradwyo talu oll or taliadau uchod
Dim derbyniadau
Taliadau 01/04/2017 - 20/09/2017 £16,546.58
( Adran 137 £2,936.67 )
Derbyniadau. 01/04/2017 20/09/2017 £ 15,862.33
Taliadau: Adolygiad cyllideb ar gyfer Hydref / Tachwedd / Ragfyr TT&B Williams £455.00, Arfon Wynne £1500.00 BT £80.00 Brit Gas £80.00 Your Tourism £120.00 CBS Conwy, Rhaglen Chwaraeon Haf £600.00 CBS Conwy Scips £740.00? Cyfieithu £180.00 Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau £600.00 Cyflog + Costau clerc £1441. Cyfanswm £5,796-00
Amcangyfrif Derbyniadau misoedd uchod
Ad-daliad llwybrau £3,367.00 HMB Enterprise Fflint £ 210.00 RW Roberts Ymgymerwr,£200.00. CBS Conwy, Ad -daliad Treth Swyddfa Post £232.93 Cyfanswm £ 4,009.93
8. Rhybudd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio
Ni dderbyniwy unrhyw geisiadau
9. Gohebiaeth
9.1 13/09/17 Aled Roberts, Llangernyw, Amcangyfrif gwaith ym Mynwent Y Plwyf £300.00
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i gysylltu i sicrhau mwy ofanylion, pridd ayb.
9.2 18/09/17 ERF CBS Conwy, Offer chwarae yn Y Clwt, Maes Aled a Groes
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i drefnu cyfarfod ar y safleuoedd gyda CBSConwy
9.3 19/09/17 William A Roberts CBS Conwy, Arwyddion, Bronallt a Caer Gofaint Y Groes.
Gweler 4.1
9.4 25/09/17 Martin Roberts CBS Conwy, Arwyddion yn Y Groes
9.5 25/09/17 ERF CBS Conwy, Cynllun Partneriaeh Bag Halen
PENDERFYNWYD: Ymuno ar cynllun; Clerc i gysylltu gyda CBS Conwy ynglyn ar posibilrwydd o gael defnyddior unedau yn Ysgol Tanyfron i storior bagiau halen.
9.6 25/09/17 Tim Ballam,CBS Conwy, Adroddiad Clwb Gweithgareddau Gwledig Haf 2017
9.7 03/10/17 Nia Owen, Pwyllgor Lles yr Henoed, Plwyf y Bylchau. Llythyr yn diolch am y cyfraniad
o £500-00 gan y Cyngor ir Clwb
10. Unrhyw fater arall
10.1 Scips Glan Gaeaf ?
PENDERFYNWYD: Gofyn am scips ir safleuoedd arferol. Awgrymwyd wythnos Hydref 30 i Tachwedd 3ydd.
10.2 Sul y Caedoediad. Tachwedd 12fed.
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i wneud y trefniadau.
10.3 Cyfraniad blynyddol i Gymdeithas Cymuned ac Ieuenctid Bro Aled, (Cyfraniad 2016, £275-00)
PENDERFYNWYD: Gwneud cyfraniad o £300-00 (Tri chant)
11. Unrhyw fater a ddygwyd i sylwr Clerc cyn y cyfarfod
11.1 Parcio Bronallt a Caer Gofaint, Groes.
Cafwyd cwyn fod parcio diystyriol yn bodoli ar y ddwy stad uchod
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i anfon llythyr ir trigolion ac hefyd i berchnogion ceir o flaen Llain Hiraethog Llansannnan.
11.2 PENDERFYNWYD: Derbyn patrymlun Ffurflen Gais am Gymorth Ariannol Ymddiriedolaeth
H G Owen ar gyfer ceisiadau am gymorth ariannol a dderbynir gan y Cyngor yn y dyfodol.
12. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor: Tachwedd 8fed yn Llansannan
Present: Councillors: Celfyn Williams (Chairman) Elwyn Jones ,Delyth Williams, Bethan Jones, Guto Davies, Meurig Davies, and Emrys Owen.
Members of the Public: Eifion M Jones, Hafwen Davies a Philip J Coombes.
Dwysan Roberts (Translator ) ac Emrys Williams (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs: Gareth Jones, Berwyn Evans, Glyn O Roberts and county Cllr Sue Lloyd-Williams
2. Declarations of Interest, Code of Local Government Conduct: Cllr Delyth Williams, Item 7.9.
3. Approval of the Councils previous meetings minutes: 13/09/17.
RESOLVED: To approve and sign the minutes of the Councils meeting held on 13/09/17
4. Matters arising from the minutes
4.1 Cllr Elwyn Jones reported on developments regarding sinage at Bronallt/Caer Gofain Groes.
A representative from Conwy CBC will be meeting residents from the two estates.
4.2. Cllr Guto Davies referred to item 11.4. Add members of Natglyn YFC to the names that were
congratulated at the 13/09/17 meeting.
5 County Councillors monthly report.
The County Cllrs diary from Sept 12th until Octobr 11th was presented by the Chairman.
Suspend the Standing Orders
6. Publics opportunity to present
Mrs Hafwen Davies presented issues that she thought should be addressed from Clwt. Hedge cuttings not cleared.Condition of the footpath to the bus shelter and the lack of playground equipment.
RESOLVED: To contact Conwy CBC to request that grass-cutting services be extended to include the area extending from the telephone kiosk to the bus shelter.
To arrange a site meeting to view the bus shelter, (as well as, see 9.2)
Reistate Standing Orders
7. Finance.
Statements of Bank Accounts. 02/10/2017
Community Council Accounts £15,517-79
H G Owen Accounts £17,987-66 Total. £33,505-45
7.1 2/09/17 Conwy CBC, Summer Sports Programme. £600-00
7.2 13/09/17 Heather & Eifion Jones Tallest Sunflower competition for Ysgol Bro Aled pupils £15.20
7.3 18/09/17 Parish Online, Annual Subscription 01/10/17-01/10/18 £33.60
7.4 27/09/17 Your Tourism Community Ltd .Annual Hosting website link £120.00
7.5 30/09/17 Arfon Wynne, General work £112.99. Cemetery x 2,£276.00 INVOICE ANULED £388.99 7.6 11/10/17 Clerks salary 01/07/17 to 30/09/17 (£442.00 x3) £ 1,326.00 7.7
11/10/17.Clerks expenses 01/07/17 to 30/09/17. Post £36.29 + Paper + Ink £78.79. £115.00
7.8 09/10/17 Community Translation. 13/09/17 £78.20
7.9 15/09/17. Standing Order, TT&B Williams Post Office rent. £151.66 Payments Total £2,439.66
RESOLVED: That all the above payments are correct. All the above payments to be paid.
Receipts . No receipts. Payments. 01/04/2017 - 20/09/2017 £16,546.58
(Section 137 £2,936.67 )
Receipts, 01/04/2017 20/09/2017 £ 15862.33
Review of Budget for Oct/Nov/Dec. TT&B Williams £455, Arfon Wynne £1,500.00 BT £80.00 Brit Gas £80.00 Your Tourism £120.00 CBS Conwy, Summer Sports Programme £600.00, CBS Conwy Skips £740.00? Translation £180.00 Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau £600.00 Clerk salary + expenses £1,441.00 Total, £ 5,796-00
Estimated Receipts for above months,
Footpaths refund £3,367.00 HMB Enterprise Fflint
£210.00. RW Roberts Funeral Directors, £200.00. CBS Conwy, Post Office Rates rebate £232.93 Total, £4,009.93
8. Notice of applications for Planning Permission
No applications received.
9. Correspondence
9.1 13/09/17 Aled Roberts, Llangernyw, Estimate for work at the Cemetery £300.00
RESOLVED: Clerk to correspond for further details regarding topsoil etc.
9.2 18/09/17 ERF. Conwy CBC , Playing-field equipment for Clwt, Maes Aled and Groes
RESOLVED: Clerk to arrange site meeting at the above sites with Conwy CBC.
9.3 19/09/17 William A Roberts,Conwy CBC, Sinage at Bronallt a Caer Gofaint Y Groes.See 4.1
9.4 25/09/17 Martin Roberts, Conwy CBC. As above.
9.5 25/09/17 ERF.Conwy CBC, Salt Bag Partnership Scheme.
RESOLVED: To participate in the scheme, also that the Clerk correspond with Conwy CBC with regards to storing the salt bags in the units at Ysgol Tanyfron.
9.6 25/09/17 Tim Ballam, ConwyCBC Report on Summer Sports Programme.
9.7 03/10/17 Nia Owen, Pwyllgor Lles yr Henoed, Plwyf y Bylchau. Letter thanking the Council for the £500-00 contribution to the Club.
10. Any other business
10.1 Community Skips:
RESOLVED: To order skips to the usual sites in the community, The week October 30th to November 3rd was suggested.
10.2 Rememberance Sunday Service.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk be responsible for the arrangements.
10.3 Annual contribution to Gymdeithas Cymuned ac Ieuenctid Bro Aled (2016, £275-00)
RESOLVED: To contribute £300-00 (Three hundred pounds)
11. Matters refereed to the Clerk prior to the meeting
11.1 Street parking at Bronallt and Caer Gofaint, Groes. Complaints received regarding inconsiderate parking
RESOLVED: That the Clerk send letters to the residents and also to car owners in Llain
Hiraethog Llansannan.
11.2 RESOLVED; To adopt the template Financial Assistance Application Form for H G Owen Trust
for future requests for financial assistance presented to the Council.
12. Confirm date and venue of next Council Meeting 08/11/2017. Llansannan Education Centre 7.3.0pm
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