Presennol: Cyng: Meurig Davies (Cadeirydd) Delyth Williams, Philip Wright, Berwyn Evans, Trefor Roberts
Aelodau or Cyhoedd: Cynghorydd Sirol Trystan Lewis, Emrys Williams (Clerc)
1. Ymddiheuriadau: Cynghorwyr: Elwyn Jones, Bethan Jones.
2. Datgan cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad Llywodraeth Leol. Cynghorwyr: Delyth Williams, Cyllid, 7.6 Meurig Davies, Philip Wright, Trefor Roberts, Ceisiadau Grantiau 10.2
3. Cadarnhau cofnodion. Cyfarfod Y Cyngor gynhaliwyd 11/05/2022 PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod 11/05/2022 yn gofnod cywir. 4. Materion yn codi or cofnodion. 4.1 Arhosfa Bws Singrug: Sylwir fod y gwaith wedi eu gwblhau. 4.2 Llain tir wrth fynedfa Maes Aled,Llansannan. Cynghorydd Sir yn mynd i wneud ymholiad ynglyn a pherchnogiaeth y tir.
5. Adroddiad misol y Cynghorydd Sir. Estynodd y Cadeirydd longyfarchiadaur Cyngor ir Cadeirydd Sirol Trystan Lewis ar ei lwyddiant yn yr etholiad a gynhaliwyd yn ddiweddar. Cyflwynodd Trystan Lewis adroddiad yn cynnwys y gwahanol bwyllgorau y mae wedi cael ei ethol i eisedd ar yng Nhyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy ac hefyd fanylion am y gwahanol gyfryngau y bydd modd cysylltu gydag ef yn y dyfodol. Gohirior Rheolau Sefydlog. 6. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor. Ni dderbyniwyd sylwadau. Adfer y Rheolau Sefydlog.
7. Cyllid. Balans Banc, 31/05/2022. Cyfrif y Dreth,..£16,181.85.
Cyfrif H G Owen
£13,998.00. Cyfanswm, £30,179.85 Taliadau. 7.1 03/05 Aelodaeth Un Llais Cymru 2022 2023. 200570 £212.00
7.2 05/05 Debyd Uniongyrchol British Gas Business, Trydan Swyddfa Post £76.97
7.3 06/05 Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned 200571 £251.16
7.4 11/05 Costau Banc (Cyfri H G Owen Accounts) to 19/03/22 .£8.00 7.5 11/05 Costau Banc (Cyfrif y Dreth) i 19/04/22 £12.00
7.6 16/05 TT&B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost £238.33
7.7 17/05 H M R C. Cyfnod diweddu 05/04/22 200573 £149.20
7.8 27/05 Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned 200575 £197.88
Taliadau a Gymeradwywyd.
7.9 13/05 Cyfieithu Cymunedol,/ Community Translation, Cyfarfod, Ebrill 13eg £66.88
7.10 16/05 Meinir H Jones, Groes. Blodau, Compost ayb £104.24
7.11 27/05 R I Edwards. Tynnu 2 Bus Stop. + 1 Bus Stop newydd, Groesffordd Pwll Mawr £1,482.00
7.12 31/05 Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the Community. £339.88
7.13 31/05 Arfon Wynne, Gwaith yn y Gymuned / Work in the Community. £399.60
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo fod y ffigyrau uchod yn gywir, cymeradwywyd talu oll or taliadau.
Derbyniadau / Receipts: 7.14 27/05 R W Roberts, Ymgymerwyr £200.00
Taliadau 01/04/22 31/05/22
Derbyniadau, 01/04/22 30/05/22
Sieciau heb eu cyflwyno / 200565 £500.00 Aelwyd Llansannan.
Swm Priodol o dan Adran 137, 2022/23 - £8.82 i bob etholwr (721+318=1039=£9,163.98) 8.Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio. 8.1 27/05/2022 Cyfeirnod: 0/49697 Ymgeisydd/Applicant: Will Pitts Dwyrain: 296984 Gogledd: 362386 Cynllun:Estyniad deulawr ir ochr ac estyniad un llawr ir cefn. Safle:Plas Plas Panton,Bylchau, Llansannan, LL16 5LT Sylwadau 17/06/2022
8.2 01/06/2022 Cyfeirnod:0/ 49715 Ymgeisydd: Will Pitts Dwyrain: 296984 Gogledd: 362386 Cynllun: Tystysgrif cyfreithlondeb ar gyfer gosod cartref symudol iw ddefnyddion ychwanegol at y brif annedd. Safle: Plas Plas Panton,Bylchau, Llansannan, LL16 5LT Sylwadau 22/06/2022 Penderfynwyd: Clerc i gysylltu gydar Adran Cynllunio i ymofyn os ywr cartref symudol i fod ar y safle yn barhaol. (ebost 16/06/22) .
9. Gohebiaeth 10. Ceisiadau am Grantiau. 10.1 Bethan Williams Bylchau. Ail-osod Defibrillator yn Clwt. Amcan bris: £250.00 - £300.00 PENDERFYNWYD: Cyfrannu tuag at y gost drydanol o ail-osod y Defibrillator. 10.2 Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Bro Aled. Taliad Yswiriant £1,105.05 PENDERFYNWYD: cyfrannu y gost llawn o £1,105.05 11.Unrhyw fater arall. 11.1 Taliadau Swyddfa Post Llansannan. PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i anfon bill llawn i AL Shamas. 12. Unrhyw fater ddygwyd i sylwr clerc. 12.1 (Cyfarfod 11/05/2022) Gwaith Atal Llifogydd Llansannan. Mynegwyd pryder gan y Cyng Delyth Williams ynglyn a problemau trafnidiaeth a all ddatblygu pan fydd Ffordd Gogor yn cael ei chau yn nes ymlaen yn y flwyddyn. Penderfynwyd; Clerc i gysylltu gyda ERF a MWT Public Liaison, I wneud cais ar gyfer System un ffordd ar gyfer Allt Aled Hill a ffordd Rhyd Eidion Fawr. Ymateb 09/06/22
I have discussed the potential issues from your email below with CCBC Highways / StreetWorks Department. They are the department that administers the process to get a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO). Their view is that the TTRO for the road closures has gone through a regulated procedure which includes publicising the closure and the diversion route which includes the opportunity to object or comment. It is a legal procedure and the TTRO has been issued. What they are wary of is that if we introduce other measures this goes against the order and also could actually attract more traffic to use these rat runs. Having said that they have said that we should monitor the situation once the closures are in place and if there are issues or safety concerns we can discuss this again. 12.2 Mynwent Y Plwyf: Datganwyd pryder ynglyn a chyflwr y wal mewn rhai mannau. Penderfynwyd cael arolwg safle yn dilyn y Cyfarfod. Canlyniad i hyn oedd ########################## 13.Materion yr Archwilydd Mewnol ac Allanol. 13.1 Cyflwynwyd Y Datganiadau uchod ir Cyngor a gwelwyd adroddiad a sylwadaur Archwilydd Mewnol.
PENDERFYNWYD: Derbyn Yr Adroddiad ar Datganiad Cyfrifyddu ar Datganiad Llywodraethu yn ddogfen gywir ai chyflwyno maes o law ir Archwilydd allanol.
Arwyddwyd y Ffurflen Flynyddol ar gyfer y flwyddyn a Ddaeth i ben ar 31 Mawrth 2022 gan Y Cadeirydd Y Cyng Meurig Davies ac Emrys Williams, Clerc / SAC.
14 Materion CBS Conwy. 15. Materion Llywodraeth Cymru a San Steffan. 16, Cadarnhau dyddiad Cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor Cymuned.
Present: Cllrs: Meurig Davies (Chairman) Delyth Williams, Philip Wright, Berwyn Evans, Trefor Roberts.
Members of the Public: County Councillor Trystan Lewis, Emrys Williams, (Clerk)
1. Apologies: Cllrs Elwyn Jones, Bethan Jones.
2. Declarations of Interest Code of Local Government Conduct. Cllr Delyth Williams, Finance, 7.2 Meurig Davies, Philip Wright, Trefor Roberts, Ceisiadau Grantiau, Applications for Grants. 10.2 3. Confirm minutes of 11/05/2022 RESOLVED: Minutes on the 11/05/2022 meeting be approved and signed as a correct record. 4. Matters arising from the minutes. 4.1 Singrug Bus Shelter: Noted that the work has been completed. 4.2 Two plots either side to the entrance to Maes Aled, Llansannan. County Cllr to enquire re-ownership.
5. County Councillors monthly report: The Chairman extended the Councils congratulations to the County Councillor Trystan Lewis on his success winning the recently held council election. Trystan Lewis presented a report which included various committees hes been elected to serve on in Conwy CBC and the different media hell be available to contact on presently. RESOLVED: Suspend Standing Orders.
6. Publics opportunity to present statements. No representations were presented. Reinstate Standing Orders. 7. Finance. Statements of Bank Accounts: 31/05/2022
Community Council Accounts, £16,181.85.
H G Owen Accounts
Total, £30,179.85 Payments. 7.1 03/05 One Voice Wales Membership,2022 2023. 200570 £212.00
7.2 05/05 D D. British Gas Business, Electricity Post Office .£76.97
7.3 06/05 Arfon Wynne, Work in the community 200571 £251.16
7.4 11/05 Bank Charges (H G Owen Accounts) to 19/03/22.£8.00
7.5 11/05 Bank Charges (Community Council Accounts) to 19/04/22 £12.00
7.6 16/05 TT&B Williams, Post Office Rent £238.33
7.7 17/05 H M R C. Period ending, 05/04/22 200573 £149.20
7.8 27/05 Arfon Wynne, Work in the community 200575 £197.88
Payments approved. 7.9 13/05 Cyfieithu Cymunedol, / Community Translation, April 13th meeting. £66.88 7.10 16/05 Meinir H Jones, Groes. Flowers, compost etc £104.24
7.11 27/05 R I Edwards. Removal o 2 Bus Stops. + 1 new Bus Stop, Pwll Mawr crossroad £1,482.00 7.12 31/05 Arfon Wynne. Work in the Community. £339.88
7.13 31/05 Arfon Wynne, Work in the Community. £399.60
RESOLVED: That all payments are correct and that all payments be paid.
7.14 27/05 R W Roberts, Funeral Directors
.. £200.00
Payments,01/04/22 31/05/22
.£3,347.36. Receipts, 01/04/22 30/05/22
..£8,352.52 Unpresented cheques. 200565 £500.00 Aelwyd Llansannan.
Appropriate Sum under S137, 2022/23 - £8.82 per elector.( 721+318=1039=£9,163.98)
8.Notice of application for Planning Permission. 8.1 27/05/2022 Reference:0/49697 Applicant: Will Pitts Easting:296984 Northing: 362386 Proposal: Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Location:Plas Plas Panton,Bylchau, Llansannan, LL16 5LT Representations17/06/2022
8.2 01/06/2022 Reference:0/ 49715 Applicant: Will Pitts Easting:296984 Northing: 362386 Proposal: Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed siting of a mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling. Safle / Location:Plas Plas Panton,Bylchau, Llansannan, LL16 5LT Representations, 22/06/2022 Resolved: Clerk to correspond with Planning Dept to enquire if the siting of a mobile home for use ancillary to the main dwelling is to be permanent. (email 16/06/22)
9. Correspondence. 10. Applications for Grants 10.1 Bethan Williams Bylchau. Replacement of Defibrillator in Clwt. £250.00 - £300.00 RESOLVED: To donate towards the costs of the Electrical instillations of the Defibrillator.. 10.2 Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Bro Aled. Insurance Premium, £1,105.05 RESOLVED: To donate the full amount of the Premium of £1,105.05 11 Any other matter. 11.1 Llansannan Post Office Rent: RESOLVED: To bill AL Shamas for the full arrears 12. Any issues presented to the clerk. 12.1 Llansannan Flood Alleviation Scheme: Cllr Delyth Williams voiced concern regarding traffic problems that may evolve when Ffordd Gogor will be closed later on in the year. Resolved: To correspond with ERF and MWT Public Liaison, to request a temporary one-way system for Aled Hill and Rhyd Eidion Fawr road. Response: I have discussed the potential issues from your email below with CCBC Highways/StreetWorks Department. They are the department that administers the process to get a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO). Their view is that the TTRO for the road closures has gone through a regulated procedure which includes publicising the closure and the diversion route which includes the opportunity to object or comment. It is a legal procedure and the TTRO has been issued. What they are wary of is that if we introduce other measures this goes against the order and also could actually attract more traffic to use these rat runs. Having said that they have said that we should monitor the situation once the closures are in place and if there are issues or safety concerns we can discuss this again. 12.2 Parish Cemetery: Concern has been voiced regarding the state of the wall in some areas. Resolved to have a site meeting following the meeting. ##################### 13. Internal and External Audit Matters. 13.1 The Accounting Statements, Annual Governance Statement and the Internal Auditors Report were presented to the Council.
RESOLVED: That the Accounting Statements, Annual Governance Statement and the Internal Auditors Report be presented to the External Auditor as correct documents.
The Annual Return for the year Ended 31 March 2022r was signed by Cllr Meurig Davies, Chairman and Emrys Williams Clerk / RFO
14 Conwy CBC Matters.
15. Welsh Government and UK Parliament matters.
16. Confirm date of next Council
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