Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch Eglwys St Sannan / St Sannan's Harvest Festival
Mwy o luniau More pictures website link
Blodau yr Hydref
Autumn flowers
Basged o bennau haidd
A basket of barley heads
Ffrwythau coch
Red fruits
Silff ffenest
Window ledge
Y gunulleidfa yn cymdeithasu dros baned ar derfyn y gwasanaeth.
The congregation socializing over a cuppa after the service
Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch Eglwys St Sannan / St Sannan's Harvest Festival Statistics: 0 click throughs, 161 views since start of 2025
Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch Eglwys St Sannan / St Sannan's Harvest Festival
Pleser oedd gweld yr eglwys wedi ei haddurno ar gyfer Gwasanaeth Diolchgarwch. 'Roedd blodau, llysiau, frwythau a bwyd wedi ei leoli o amgylch yr adeilad.
What a pleasure to see the church decorated for the Thanksgiving Service. There are flowers, vegetables, fruit and food situated throughout the building.
Y Gwahoddiad i'r Gwasanaeth
Invitation to the Service