Miri Nadolig Ysgol Feithrin Llansannan Nursery School Christmas Fair
Cafwyd p'nawn llwyddiannus iawn Dydd Sadwrn y 7fed o Ragfyr pan gynhaliwyd Miri Nadolig Ysgol Feithrin Llansannan yn y Ganolfan. Daeth Trystan o raglen deledu Cyw sydd ar S4C i ddiddori'r plant a hefyd Gwion o'r rhaglen Rownd a Rownd. Yn hwyrach cafwyd ymweliad gan Sion Corn a bu'n brysur iawn yn dosbarthu anrhegion i'r plant. 'Roedd coffrau'r mudiad wedi chwyddo fawr erbyn diwedd y p'nawn A successful afternoon was had on Saturday the 7th December when the Llansannan Nursery School held a fund raising Christmas Fair at the Ganolfan. Celebrities from S4C's children's programmes Cyw (Trystan) and Rownd a Rownd (Gwion) were present to entertain the children. Later Santa Cluse paid a visit and was busy distributing presents to the children. The organisation's coffers had expanded considerably by the close of the event
Rhai o wobrau'r raffl
Some of the raffle prizes
Mam a merch ar y stondin gacennau yn gynnar yn y p'nawn
Mother and daughter manning the cake stall early in the afternoon
Trystan yn canu i'r plant
Trystan singing for the children
Mwy o ddiddori efo Trystan
More entertaining with Trystan
Sion Corn wedi cyrraedd
Santa Clause has arrived
Miri Nadolig Ysgol Feithrin Llansannan Nursery School Christmas Fair Statistics: 0 click throughs, 449 views since start of 2025