Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan Community Council Bro Aled

Mwy o luniau / More pictures Swper y Pensiynwyr 2015 Pensioners Supper


Yn sgwrsio a chymdithasu.
Chatting and socializing.


Eifiona yn rhoi'r goleuadau ar y goeden Nadolig.
Eifiona fixing the lights on the Christmas tree.


Plant yr Ysgol Feithrin, Olwen a rhieni eraill. Gwnaed casgliad gan y plant yn ystod y canu a derbyniwyd £150.00 gan bensiynwyr hael Llansannan tuag at goffrau'r Ysgol Feithrin
Nursery School children with Olwen and other parents
A collection was made by children during the singing and £150.00 was received from the generous pensioners of Llansannan towards the Nursery School funds.


Bu'r tair yma'n brysur yn ystod y noson hefyd. O'r chwith i'r dde, Marian, Jane a Gwenda
These three were also busy during the evening. From left to right, Marian, Jane and Gwenda.


Cheryl a Marian yn rhoi bwyd ar y platiau.
Cheryl and Marian serving food on the plates.

Mwy o luniau / More pictures Swper y Pensiynwyr 2015 Pensioners Supper Statistics: 0 click throughs, 80 views since start of 2025

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Pob sedd wedi ei llenwi
Every seat filled

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