Cofnodion Mis Mai 2017 May Minutes
Presennol Cynghorwyr : Celfyn Williams (Cadeirydd) Elwyn Jones (Is-Gadeirydd) Gareth Jones, Glyn Roberts, Meurig Davies, Guto Davies, Trefor Roberts a Berwyn Evans.
Aelodau or Cyhoedd: Sue Lloyd-Williams Cynghorydd Sir, E M Jones, Dafydd Ifans ac Emrys Owen. Dwysan Roberts (Cyfieithydd) ac Emrys Williams (Clerc)
1. Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb:
2. Datgan Cysylltiad: Cod Ymddygiad Llywodraeth Leol,
3. Cadarnhau Cofnodion Pwyllgor Blaenorol Y Cyngor
PENDERFYNWYD: Cymeradwyo a llofnodi fod cofnodion cyfarfod y Cyngor a gynhaliwyd 08/03/2017 yn gofnod cywir
4. Materion yn codi or Cofnodion.
4.1 Rhybudd Treth Annomestig ar gyfer Canol Y Llan, Llansannan
PENDERFYNWYD: Talur anfoneb am y swm dyledus ar y 01/04/17 :- £74.93. Penderfynwyd hefyd talu y ddau swm yn ddyledus ar y ddau ddyddiad canlynol:- 01/05/17 = £79.00 a 01/06/17 = £79.00,
Cyfanswm o £232.93. Rhif siec: 200305. Dyddiedig 10/05/17.
5. Adroddiad misol Y Cynghorydd Sir
O ganlyniad i ddyddiadur pur agored oherwydd cyfnod yPurdah, ni gyflwynwyd adroddiad gan Y Cynghorydd Sir am y mis a aeth heibio.
6. Cyfle ir Cyhoedd annerch Y Cyngor
7. Cyllid . Balans Banc. 03/05/2017
Cyfrif Y Dreth £21,909.70
Cyfrif H G Owen £18,486.05 Cyfanswm £40,395.75
7. Taliadau
7.1. Un Llais Cymru, Tal Aelodaeth . 2017/18 Rhif siec.200301 Diddymwyd £168.00
7.2 13/04/17. Un Llais Cymru./One Voice Wales, 1 Place on Module 4 Understanding the Law training at Abergele town Council 28/03/17 Rhif siec: 200302 Diddymwyd £35.00
7.3 15/04/17,TT&B Williams, Rhent Swyddfa Bost Standing Order £151.66
7.4 04/05/17 Cyfieithu Cymunedol 12/04/17
Rhif siec 200303 £91.96
7.5 30/04/17 Arfon Wynne; Mynwent:£284.47,Llwybrau £421.12. Gwrychoedd £66.96 £772.55 Siec Rhif. 200304.
7.6 10/05/17 CBS Conwy.Treth Annomestig Canol Y Llan Gweler 4.1 uchod.Rhif siec 200306.£232.93
7.7 10/05/17 ZURICH MUNICIPAL, Yswiriant. 01/06/17 hyd 31/05/18 Rhif siec200306. £897.22
7.8 12/04/17 HMB Enterprise Ltd, Swyddfa Bost Flint Rhent PO Llansannan £ 210.00
Cyfnod 01/01/17 i 31/03/17
7.9 18/04/17 CBS Conwy CBC 2017/2018 Precept £6667.00
7.10 20/04/17 Ad-daliad TAW, Cyllid a Thollau EM £ 1,708.12
Cyfnod 01/04/2016 i 31/03/2017
8. Rhybydd o Geisiadau am Ganiatad Cynllunio
8.1 Cais 0/43913. Ymgeisydd Mr Eilyr Taylor. Dwyrain 293454. Gogledd 365428. Cynllun: Annedd newydd arfaethedig a gwaith cysylltiedig Safle Gogor Ganol, Ffordd Gogor,Llansannan. LL16 5HS Sylwadau 12/05/17
8.2 Cais/Application, 0/43776, Datblygiad arfaethedig: Bwriad i symud yr adeilad allanol presennol a chodi anecs deulawr I flaen/ochr yr eiddo/Proposed Development, Lleoliad: Foel Uchaf,Foel Road,Groes,Llansannan,Conwy. LL16 5SL Ymgeisydd Mrs Kerry Smith.
Mae y cais uchaf wedi ei dynnu yn ol
8.3 Cais,0/43953.Ymgeisydd Messrs T Lloyd Griffith & Partners.Dwyrain 296336 Gogledd 366365. Cynllun:Adeiliadu annedd menter wledig (Amaethyddol) Safle Coed Orros, Llansannan,Conwy LL16 5NL Sylwadau 29/05/2017.
8.4 Cais 0/43955. Ymgeisydd Aeron Pritchard. Dwyrain 295372.Gogledd 363921. Cynllun:Trawsnewid ac ymestyn ty fferm / ysgubor segur i greu annedd sengl. Safle
Crinlle, Bwfi Road, Llansannan Conwy. LL16 5NB Sylwadau 29/05/2017.
PENDERFYNWYD. Nad oedd gan y Cyngor unrhyw wrthwynebiad nac ychwaith unrhyw sylwadau ir tri (3) cais uchod. (8.1, 8.3 ac 8.4)
9. Gohebiaeth.
9.1 14/02/17. CBS Conwy CBC: Arolwg Etholiad 2017 o Gonwy .
Bydd Comisiwn Ffiniau a Democratiaeth Leol Cymru yn cynnal arolwg or 22 awdurdod lleol yn 2017. Bydd arolwg Conwy yn dechrau ar 2 Mehefin 2017. Cyn ir arolwg ddechrau, hoffair Comisiwn Ffiniau wahodd Cadeirydd neu gynrychiolwyr och Cyngor Tref neu Gymuned i gyflwyniad am 6.00 pm ar 1 Mehefin 2017 yn Siambr y Cyngor, Swyddfeydd Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy, Bodlondeb, Conwy. Bydd y cyflwyniad yn esbonior broses arolygu ac yn ateb unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gan eich Cyngor.
9.1 Byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech roi syniad i ni a fydd unrhyw un och Cyngor yn bresennol ai peidio, drwy anfon e-bost at Click to email
9.2 (9.4 12/04/17 Cafwyd adroddiad gan y Cyng, Berwyn Evans o rai or pynciau drafodwyd yn y pwyllgor) Leader Scheme Conwy ac Appraisal Scheme
Trafodwyd gwneud cais am arian sydd ar gael tuag at y ddau gynllun uchod.Addawodd Y Cynghorydd Berwyn Evans ymchwilio.
9.3 20/04/17. Llythyr oddi wrth Anthony Barrett, Archwilydd Cyffredinol Cynorthwyol. Parthed-Ffioedd archwilio a materion eraill syn ymwneud ag archwiliad 2015-16
9.4 12/04/17 Gwybodaeth gan CBS Conwy
Annwyl Glercod,
Rwan ein bod nin gwybod pa wardiau fydd yn cael etholiad, efallai yr hoffech chi ddechrau meddwl a pharatoi ar gyfer cyfethol pobl i lenwi unrhyw sedd wag sydd gennych chi.
Atodaf ganllaw y bu i ni ei baratoi beth amser yn Ôl i helpu clercod yn ystod yr etholiad.
Dyma bethau pwysig i'w cofio:
Bydd y rheiny syn cael eu hethol heb gystadleuaeth yn cymryd eu seddi bedwar diwrnod ar Ôl yr etholiad, h.y. 8 Mai 2017. Mae hyn yn berthnasol ir rheiny nad ydynt yn gynghorwyr ar hyn o bryd.
Mae pob cyngor cymuned yn ffurfio cworwm ond mae modd cyfethol aelodau i lenwi seddi gweigion.
Maen rhaid i berson syn cael ei gyfethol fod yn gymwys ac nid yn anghymwys fel person syn sefyll mewn etholiad.
MAEN RHAID hysbysebur cyfetholiad ar ffurf hysbysiad cyhoeddus mae hysbysiad enghreifftiol ar gael yn y canllaw.
Bydd gan gynghorau cymuned brosesau gwahanol ar waith ar gyfer cyfethol, ond hoffaf eich annog i ystyried yr arfer orau a nodir yn y canllaw ynghlwm. Yn anad dim, maen rhaid trin yr holl ymgeiswyr yr un fath ac maen rhaid ir broses o wneud penderfyniad fod yn agored a rhesymol.
Gobeithiaf y bydd yr wybodaeth hon o gymorth i chi ond, os oes gennych chi unrhyw gwestiwn pellach, mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi.
Siân Williams
Pennaeth y Gwasanaethau Democrataidd
Y Gyfraith a Llywodraethu
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol CONWY
E-bost/E-Mail: Click to email
FfÔn 01492 576062
9.5 Lianne Martin, Uwch Swyddog Iechyd Yr Amgylchedd, CBS Conwy. Derbyn gwahoddiad I annerch Y Cyngor yng nghyfarfod 12fed Gorffennaf.
9.6 28/04/17. Cyngor Sir Ddinbych. Gwybodaeth ynglyn ac apel at Yr Arolygiaeth Gynllunio parthed twrbiniau gwynt ar safle Llyn Bran, Bylchau, Dinbych.
10. Unrhyw fater arall
10.1 Asesiad Risg Y Fynwent Newydd
Cafwyd Asesiad cynhwysfawr gan Y Cynghorwyr Trefor Roberts, Guto Davies a Berwyn Evans (Is-Bwyllgor Y Fynwent) ar Gyfarfod gynhaliwyd Nos Fawrth 9fed o Fai 2017.
10.2 Cafwyd adroddiad gan Y Cynghorydd Gareth Jones ynglyn ar gwasanaeth dosbarthur post yn Y Groes. Mae dryswch yn bodoli oherwydd diffyg arwyddion ar stadau Bronallt a Caer Gofaint.
PENDERFYNWYD: Clerc i gysylltu gydar Gawasanaeth Post Brenhinol.Hefyd gyda CBS Conwy geisio cael arwyddion ychwanegol.
10.3 Cae Chwarae Plant Groes: Gofynwyd ir Clerc gysylltu gyda CBS Conwy ynglyn a chasglur borfa gan y gwasanaeth cynnal a chadw.
10.4 Gofynwyd ir Cynghorydd Gareth Jones fod yn gyfrifol amgael cyflenwad o blanhigion ir bocsys blodau yn y Groes.
10.5 Parcio Maes Aled: Gwybodaeth nad oes dim dan ystyrieth gan CBS Conwy ar hyn o bryd parthed chwalur ddau ddarn triongl gwyrdd er mwyn hwyluso parcio ar y stad.
10.6 Gwasanaeth casglu spwriel: Derbyniwyd gwybodaeth gan Y Cynghorydd Meurig Davies fod rhai wheelie-binsdu yn cael eu gadel heb eu gwagu ambell dro gan y casglwyr ysbwriel.
( Mae angen cysylltu gyda ERF Service Requests & Enquiries ar > Click to email < pan fydd hyn yn digwydd )
10.7 Coed Maes Aled Llansannan, Parthed Cytundeb rhwng Cartrefi Conwy Cyfyngedig a Cyngor Cymuned Llansannan
PENDERFYNWYD: Derbyn yDrafft a gyflwynwyd gan Cartrefi Conwy a gyrrun mlaen i arwyddor dogfennau cyfreithiol perthnasol.
11. Cadarnhau dyddiad a lleoliad cyfarfod nesaf Y Cyngor.
Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau, Nos Fercher Mehefin 14eg am 7.30yh.
Cofnodion iw Cadarnhau yng Nghyfarfod Mehefin 14eg 2017
Present: Councillors: Celfyn Williams (Chairman) Elwyn Jones (Vice-Chair) Gareth Jones, Glyn Roberts, Meurig Davies, Guto Davies, Trefor Roberts a Berwyn Evans.
Members of the Public Sue Lloyd-Williams, County Councillor, E M Jones, Dafydd Ifans and Emrys Owen. Dwysan Roberts (Translator) a Emrys Williams (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence:
2. Declarationns of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct,
3. Approval of the Councils previous meetings minutes
RESOLVED: To approve and sign the minutes of the Councils meeting held on 12/04/17
4. Matters arising from the minutes.
4.1 Business Rates Reminder Re Canol Y Llan, Llansannan
RESOLVED: To pay the sum due on the 01/04/17:-£74.93. RESOLVED: To also pay payment due on both following dates:- 01/05/17 = £79.00 and 01/06/17 = £79.00.
Total payment of £232.93, Cheque no: 200305. Dated 10/05/17
5. County Councillors monthly report
Because of a light diary due to the Purdahperiod the County Councillor did not present a report for the past month.
6. Publics opportunity to present statements
7.Finance Statements of Bank Accounts. 03/05/2017
Community Council Account. £21,909.70
HG Owen Account £18,486.05 Total £ 40,395.75
7.1 02/02/17. One Voice Wales,1 Year membership
2017/18 Cheque no.200301 Cancelled £168.00
7.2 13/04/17. One Voice Wales, 1 Place on Module 4 Understanding the Law training at Abergele town Council 28/03/17 Cheque no 200302. Cancelled £35.00
7.3 15/04/17,TT&B Williams, Post Office Rent . Standing Order £151.66
7.5 30/04/17 Arfon Wynne, Cemetery:£284.47, Footpaths £421.12. Hedges £66.96
Total £772.55 Chequ No.200304.
7.6 10/05/17 Conwy CBC Business Rates Canol Y Llan Refer to 4.1 above Cheque no 200306. £232.93
7.7 10/05/17 ZURICH MUNICIPAL, Insurance 01/06/17 to 31/05/18, Cheque no 200306. £897.22
7.8 12/04/17 HMB Enterprise Ltd, Flint Post Office, Rent PO Llansannan,01/01/ to 31/03/17 £210.00
7.9 18/04/17 CBS Conwy CBC 2017/2018 Precept £6667.00
7.10 20/04/17 HM Revenue &Customs VAT Repament Period 01/04/16 to 31/03/17 £1,708.12
8. Notice of applications for Planning Permission
8.1 Application. 0/43913. Applicant: Mr Eilyr Taylor. Easting 293454. Northing 365428. Proposal: Proposed new dwelling and associated works. Location: Gogor Ganol, Ffordd Gogor,Llansannan. LL16 5HS Representations: 12/05/17
8.2 Application, 0/43776, Proposed Development, Proposed removal of existing outbuilding and erection of two storey annexe to front/side of property, Site Foel Uchaf,Foel Road,Groes,Llansannan,Conwy. LL16 5SL Applicant: Mrs Kerry Smith.
The above application has been withdrawn.
8.3 Application,0/43953.Applicant MessrsT Lloyd Griffith & Partners Easting 296336 Northing 366365. Proposal: Construction of rural enterprise dwelling (Agricultural) Location Coed Orros, Llansannan,Conwy LL16 5NL Representations 29/05/2017.
8.4 Application:0/43955. Applicant: Aeron Pritchard. Easting 295372.Northing 363921. Proposal: Conversion and extension of redundant farmhouse/barn into single dwelling.
Location: Crinlle, Bwfi Road, Llansannan Conwy. LL16 5NB Representations 29/05/2017.
RESOLVED: No comments nor objections were voiced against the above 3 (Three ) applications
(8.1, 8.3, and 8.4)
9. Correspondence
9.1 14/02/17 Conwy Electoral Review 2017
The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales will be undertaking a review of all 22 Local Authorities in 2017. The review of Conwy will begin on 2 June 2017. Before the commencement of the review, the Boundary Commission would like to invite the Chair or representatives of your Town or Community Council to a presentation at 6.00 p.m. on 1 June 2017 in the Council Chamber, Conwy County Borough Council Offices, Bodlondeb, Conwy. The presentation will explain the review process and answer any questions that your Council may have.
I would be grateful if you could give an indication if anyone from your Council will be attending by e-mailing Click to email
9.2 Cllr Berwyn Evans referred to certain issues included on the agenda of the 05/04/17 meeting.
RESOLVED; To include on 10/05/17 meetings Agenda: Leader Scheme Conwy and Appraisal Scheme
A discussion ensued regarding grants available towards the two above schemes. Cllr Berwyn Evans offered to research into the possibilities.
9.3 20/04/17 Letter from Anthony Barrett, Assistant Auditor, Welsh Audit Office regarding Audit Cllr Berwyn Evans referred to certain issues included on the agenda of the 05/04/17 meeting.
Please find attached a letter from Anthony Barrett, Assistant Auditor General. We would be grateful if this could be presented to your next council meeting.
9.4 12/04/17 Conwy CBC
Dear Clerks
Now that we know which seats are being contested and which ones arent you may be in a position to start preparing/thinking about co-opting people to fill any vacancies you may have.
Ive attached a guide which we prepared some time ago to help Clerks with the election process.
Important things to note:
Those that are elected uncontested do not take office until four days after the day of election, i.e. 8 May 2017. This is of particular relevance to those that are not currently serving councillors.
All Community Councils are, at least, quorate and may take steps to co-opt to fill any remaining vacancies
Any person that is co-opted must be qualified and not disqualified in the same way as standing for election
The co-option MUST be advertised by way of public notice a template public notice is included within the guide.
Community Councils will have different processes in place regarding co-option but I would urge you to consider the best practice within the attached guide. Above all else it is imperative that all applicants are treated alike and that the decision making process is open and reasonable. I hope that helps but please get in touch if you have any further queries.
Siân Williams
Head of Democratic Services Law and Governance
CONWY County Borough Council.
E-bost/E-Mail: Click to email
Tel: 01492 576062
9.5 Lianne Martin, Senior Environmental Health Officer,Conwy CBC
I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail as shown below, forwarded to myself for attention.
In response please be advised I welcome your invitation to give an address at one your meetings, unfortunately however, I am already booked at another meeting to do such on the 10th May however if I could accept your invitation for the 12th July it would be much appreciated
9.6 28/04/17 Denbighshire County Council, Re- Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate re-Wind Farm Llyn Bran, Bylchau Denbigh
10. Any other matters
10.1 Risk Assessment Parish Cemetery.
A comprehensive report was presented following an assessment by Cllrs Trefor Roberts,Guto Davies and Berwyn Evans ( Cemetery Sub-Committee) on 09/05/2017.
10.2 Cllr Gareth Jones gave a detailed report regarding Royal Mail deliveries in the village of Groes. Currently there is confusion with distribution because of the absence of distinguishable signage between Bronallt and Caer Gofaint Estates.
RESOLVED: That the Clerk correspond with both the Royal Mail Service and Conwy possibility of signs.
10.3. Groes Childrens Playing Field.
RESOLVED: The Clerk to correspond with Conwy CBC regarding the clearance of grass-cuttings
10.4 Cllr Gareth Jones was asked to procure a consignment of plants for the planters in the village of Groes.
10.5 Parking at Maes Aled: The removal of the two triangular grass verges to facilitate parking problems on the estate is apparently not under consideration by Conwy CBC.
10.6 Refuse Collection: Cllr Meurig Davies stated that some wheelie bins are being left unemptied on occasions.
( Individuals should contact Conwy CBCs ERF Service Requests & Enquiries at Click to email < when this occurs)
10.7 Coed Maes Aled, Re:Licence between Cartrefi Conwy and Llansannan Community Council.
RESOLVED: To accept the Draft presented by Cartrefi Conwy and proceed to sign the relevant legal documents.
11. Confirm date and venue of next Council Meting
The next Community Council Meeting will be held at 7.30 pm on the 14th June 2017
At Neuadd Goffa Plwyf Y Bylchau
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and also conveyed thanks to Dwysan Roberts for providing the translation service for the meeting.
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