Taith Gerdded Hanesyddol Llansannan Historical Walk
Y man cychwyn oedd Eglwys Sant Sannan gyda cyfle i glywed peth o hanes yr adeilad. Yna at Gofgolofn y Ferch Fach a cael esboniad o gefndir y cerflyn a manylion am y cerflynydd, Sir William Gascombe John. Y lle nesaf ar y daith oedd y Gofgolofn y Rhyfeloedd Byd, ac yma ato beth o hanes y rhai a gollwyd yn y brwydrau yn cynnwys George Orme Smart o Coverpoint (Royal Flying Corps 60th Squadron) a saethwyd o'r awyr gan Manfred Albrecht Freiherr Von Richthofen sef "Y Red Baron" Ceir mwy o wybodaeth am y tri lleoliad diddorol yma ar y safle we History points .org website link The start of the walk was a visit to St Sannan church where there was an opportunity to hear about the history of this ancient church. Then on to the Statue of the Little Girl where an explanation was received about the background of the statue and it's sculptor, Sir William Gascombe John. The next point of interest was the 1914-1918 War Memorial outside the Darllenfa (reading room) for some information on some of the ones that lost their lives in battle, including George Orme Smart of Coverpoint (Royal Flying Corps 60th Squadron) who was shot down by Manfred Albrecht Freiherr Von Richthofen better known as the Red Baron" More information on these three sites of interest is available on the web site of History Points.org website link
Yn barod i gychwyn cerdded
Y llun trwy ganiatad Alwyn Williams
Ready to start the walk.
Photo by permission of Alwyn Williams.
Oddi ar y lon ac yn cerdded trwy goed ar dir Hendre Llan ac yn anelu am Rhyd Eidion Gannol
Off the road walking through woodland on Hendre Llan land and aiming for Rhyd Eidion Gannol
Wedi cerdded trwy Beidiog Ucha, cyrraedd Blaen y Werglodd ac aros am ychydig o orffwys a mwynhau ychydig o luniaeth ac edrych ar yr olygfa.
After walking through Beidiog Uchaf, arriving at Blaen y Werglodd and taking an opportunity for a rest and some light refreshments whilst looking at the scenery.
Y lle nesaf o ddiddordeb oedd mainc y pererin sydd wedi ei leoli uwchben fferm Cleiriach. Cyfle i gael llun yma! Mae'r man yma ychydig tros hanner ffordd o'r daith sy'n 10milltir o hyd
Y llun trwy ganiatad Alwyn Williams
The next point of interest was the pilgrim's bench situated above the farm of Cleirach. An opportunity to have a photo taken! This feature is situated slightly over half way of the journey which is 10 miles in length
Photo by permission of Alwyn Williams.
Yn anelu am Hendre Aled ar hyd lon gyda carpedi o Friallu ar yr ochrau
Heading for Hendre Aled along a lane whose edges were carpeted by Primroses
Taith Gerdded Hanesyddol Llansannan Historical Walk Statistics: 0 click throughs, 721 views since start of 2025
Taith Gerdded Hanesyddol Llansannan Historical Walk
Daeth 28 o gerddwyr at ei gilydd i Lansannan ar Ddydd Llun Gwyl y Banc y 4ydd o Fai 2015. 'Roedd y tywydd yn ardderchog o heulog a chyfle gwych i weld yr ardal yn ei harddwch.
Dangosir y daith mewn llinnell dywyll ar y map yma ac y mae o gwmpas 10 milltir o hyd.
28 walkers came to Llansannan on Monday, the May Bank Holiday thee 4th May. The weather was perfect with plenty of sunshine and an opportunity for enjoying the wonderful scenery around the area.
The route is shown by the dark line on this map and is approximately 10 miles in length.